

A curated collection of online maps serving various purposes such as navigation, geography, and data visualization

There is more than google: A collection of great online maps πŸŒπŸ—ΊπŸŒŽ


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Awesome Maps / General Purpose

Mapcarta Explore open knowledge from OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, and more General purpose map with various possibilities
HERE WeGo Maps, navigation and routes
OpenStreetMap The free wiki world map
MapQuest Explore driving directions, maps, live traffic updates and road, nearby businesses, restaurants and hotels

Awesome Maps / Public Transport

OpenRouteService Route planner for directions, isochrones and places
Γ–PNVKarte Every train, tram, subway, ferry and bus line in the world
Mapnificent Dynamic public transport travel time maps

Awesome Maps / Street View

Mapillary Street-level imagery, powered by collaboration and computer vision
Street View 360Β° views of various places

Awesome Maps / Mercator projection

The True Size Of Compare the relative size of countries

Awesome Maps / Topography

OpenTopoMap Free topographic maps
Topographic-map Colored overlay for topographic maps
Every Mountain in the World Find mountains by elevation and prominence
HeyWhatsThat Surface of the Earth visible from where you're standing
Peak Isolation Voronoi of the 15,000 most isolated peaks
PeakVisor 3D panorama of any place

Awesome Maps / Outdoor

OpenCycleMap Global cycling map for overview and planning
CyclOSM Beautiful open cycle map
Komoot Route planner for hiking, cycling and running
Light pollution map Interactive world light pollution map
UrbexElite Map of lost places
Bike-sharing World Map A map of the world's bikeshare services

Awesome Maps / Facilities

Box Locator Find vending machines and other similar amenities around the world

Awesome Maps / Accessibility

Wheelmap Wheelchair-accessible places

Awesome Maps / Sea

OpenSeaMap Free nautical chart
Marine traffic Real time ship locations

Awesome Maps / Train

OpenRailwayMap Free map of the world's railway infrastructure Live train tracking for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Belgium
Rail Radar Real time movements of trains in the UK
Track Your Train Map Live train tracking in the US
Chronotrains How far can you travel from each station in less than 8 hours?

Awesome Maps / Airspace

FlightConnections Overview of all flight routes worldwide
SkyVector Worldwide Aeronautical Charts
Flightradar24 Real time flight tracker map
ADS-B Exchange Aircraft tracking
Sondehub Live tracking of radiosonde flights

Awesome Maps / Satellites

ISSTracker Real-time location tracking of the international space station
Satellite Map Current position and trajectory of 16,000 manmade objects orbiting the Earth
Sentinel Hub Full resolution images satellite imagery
RAMMB SLIDER Interactive satellite imagery explorer
EarthExplorer Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey

Awesome Maps / Sights

UNESCO World Heritage Map of UNESCO World Heritage sites
OpenTripMap Map service for sightseeing and travel planning
Wikimapia Editable map of marked places
AlleBurgen Castles, palaces and fortified buildings in Europe
Visit Sights Self-guided sightseeing tours by foot and individual sights all around the world
Wordl Travel Map National Parks Worldwide - Map, photos and other informations

Awesome Maps / Accommodation

Open Camping Map World map of camping sites

Awesome Maps / Media

Snapchat Recent videos on a map
Radio Garden Listen to radio stations around the world
Flickr Map Photos and videos on a map
WikiShootMe Wikipedia images and articles on a map
Newspaper Map Find and translate all newspapers in the world
OpenBookCase Search and find public bookcases

Awesome Maps / Food

Happy Cow World Map of Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants and Health Food Stores
TasteAtlas World food atlas
ViaMichelin Selected restaurants from the MICHELIN Guide
mundraub Edible plants and fruits worldwide
McBroken Is the McDonald's Ice Cream machine broken?

Awesome Maps / Fun

Pinball Map Open source crowdsourced worldwide map of public pinball machines

Awesome Maps / Weather

Windfinder Wind forecasts, wind radar, wind force and weather
Windy Wind map, weather forecast and more than 40 other layers
Windguru Wind and weather model forecast maps
Real Time City Climate High precision, high-resolution climate map for world cities
Real Time Lightning Map Lightning strikes in real time across the planet
OpenWeatherMap Interactive weather maps
openSenseMap Open environmental sensor data all over the world
ShadeMap Global map simulating mountain, building and tree shadows for any date and time

Awesome Maps / Climate Change

Electricity Maps 24/7 live visualization of electricity origins and CO2 emissions
Water level Simulate rising sea levels

Awesome Maps / Catastrophes

Earthquake Track Map of earthquakes
Forest Watch Monitoring of forest and land fires
Live Cyber Threat Map Live map of cyber attacks
NUKEMAP Simulate explosions of nuclear weapons

Awesome Maps / Historic

Old Maps Online Historical maps around the world
Mapire Portal for historical maps
Painted Planet Geolocated paintings of cityscapes and landscapes

Awesome Maps / 3D Earth

Google Earth 3D view of the Earth in space
Dark Sky Map 3D Earth with different data layers

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Nightsky

Stellarium Web Virtual online planetarium

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Moon

Moon Trek NASA exploration portal for the Moon

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Mars

Mars Trek NASA exploration portal for Mars

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Solar System

3D Solar System Simulator Orbits of planets and more than 150 comets and asteroids
Solar System Scope Solar system, night sky and outer space in real time

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Milky Way

100,000 Stars Interactive visualization of the stellar neighborhood

Awesome Maps / Extraterrestrial / Universe

The Universe in 3D Interactive 3D map of the universe

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