
A curated list of awesome things related to functional programming in Python.


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Awesome Functional Python / Official documentation

Functional Programming HOWTO "In this document, we’ll take a tour of Python’s features suitable for implementing programs in a functional style"

Awesome Functional Python / Books

Functional Programming in Python Book by David Mertz (O'Reilly)
Functional Python Programming Book by Steve Lott (Packtpub, 2015)

Awesome Functional Python / Talks

slides Functional Programming with Python ( ) - Alexey Kachayev, UA PYCon 2012
slides Purely Functional Programming in Python: Pure Fun ( ) - Christopher Armstrong, PyTenessee 2015
video Side Effects are a Public API ( ) - Christopher Armstrong, Strangeloop 2015
video Functional Programming with Python ( ) - Mike Müller, PyCon US 2013
video Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis ( ) - Reuben Cummings, PyCon US 2017
slides Immutable Programming Writing Functional Python ( , ), Calen Pennington, PyCon 2017
Slides Functional Programming inside OOP? It’s possible with Python ( ) - Carlos Villavicencio, EuroPython 2021
Slides A Hitchhiker’s Guide to functools ( ) - Scott Irwin, EuroPython 2021
Video Writing Functional Code in Python ( ) - Vic Kumar, PyCon 2022
video Functionalish programming in Python with effect ( ), Robert Collins, NZ PyCon 2015
slides Monadic Parsing in Python ( ), Alexey Kachayev, KyivPy 2014
slides Immutability and Python - Introducing Pyrsistent ( ), Tobias Gustafsson, 2014
slides Understanding Transducers ( , ), Austin Bingham, PyCon Belarus 2015
video Functional Performance with Core Data Structures ( ), Matthew Rocklin, PyData SV 2014
video Old School - Functional Data Analysis ( ), Matthew Rocklin, PyData NYC 2013
video Learning Data Science Using Functional Python ( , ), Joel Grus, PyData Seattle 2015

Awesome Functional Python / Other resources

Functional Programming with Python by Christopher Armstrong, O'Reilly
Functional Programming in 7 days by Mohammed Kashif, Udemy
Functional Programming in Python by Dan Bader, Real Python
Origins of Python's "Functional" Features , Guido Van Rossum, 2009
A practical introduction to functional programming (with examples in Python), by Mary Rose Cook (year unknown)
Immutable data structures in Python , Robert Rees, 2014
Understanding Transducers through Python , by Robert Smallshire. "In this 8 parts series we take an in-depth look at transducers. Transducers – a portmanteau of ‘transform reducers’ – are a new functional programming concept introduced into the Clojure programming language."
Thinking Functionally with Python and Django at eShares Inc. , Kyle Hanson, 2017
Simple dependent types in Python Nikita Sobolev, 2019
Python exceptions considered an anti-pattern , Nikita Sobolev, 2019
Enforcing Single Responsibility Principle in Python Nikita Sobolev, 2019
Typed functional Dependency Injection in Python Nikita Sobolev, 2020
4 Part Series on Functional Programming Techniques and Design In Python M. Kocher, 2019
Typeclasses in Python N. Sobolev, 2021
Functools — The Power of Higher-Order Functions in Python M. Heinz, 2021
Tail Recursion Elimination Guido van Rossum, 2009
Final Words on Tail Calls Guido van Rossum, 2009
The fate of reduce() in Python 3000 Guido van Rossum, 2005
Best Practices for Using Functional Programming in Python Kite Blog, 2018
Why we need a Python functional programming initiative: a manifesto (Dead initiative) - Leftfile 2023
Practical Functional Reactive Programming (PDF), John Peterson, Ken Roe, and Alan Cleary, 2014
Python Generators , Samuel Lampa, From talk at PySthlm meetup, Oct 2013

Awesome Functional Python / Libraries

toolz 4,661 4 days ago ★4619 - "A functional standard library for Python"
more-itertools 3,707 15 days ago ★3639 - "More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools" 3,352 about 2 years ago ★3348 - "Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP" (unmaintained since 2014).
funcy 3,359 about 2 months ago ★3333 - "A fancy and practical functional tools"
PyFunctional 2,395 4 months ago ★2380 - "Python library for functional programming with collections in a data pipeline style"
Pipe 1,926 3 months ago ★1898 - "A Python library to use infix notation in Python"
Pydash 1,309 3 months ago ★1291 - "The kitchen sink of Python utility libraries for doing "stuff" in a functional way. Based on the Lo-Dash Javascript library"
hask 860 about 6 years ago ★858 - "Haskell language features and standard libraries in pure Python"
OSlash 712 6 months ago ★709 - "Functors, Applicatives, And Monads in Python"
Expression 469 18 days ago ★454 - "Pragmatic functional programming for Python inspired by F#". Successor of OSlash
Effect 370 over 2 years ago ★369 - "Effect isolation in Python, to facilitate more purely functional code" 291 almost 2 years ago ★291 - "A Python port of excellent javascript library underscore.js"
fnc 251 about 1 year ago ★247 - "Functional programming in Python with generators and other utilities"
Flupy 192 23 days ago ★192 - Implements a fluent interface for operating on python iterables
PyMonad 194 5 months ago ★189 - "a small library implementing monads and related data abstractions -- functors, applicative functors, and monoids -- for use in implementing functional style programs"
pfun 149 11 months ago ★149 - "Pure functional programming in python"
Phi 134 about 6 years ago ★132 - "A library that intends to remove as much of the pain as possible from your functional programming experience in Python."
pyramda 127 about 4 years ago ★127 - "Python package supporting heavy functional programming through currying. Translation of the Ramda library from javascript to python"
unpythonic 89 8 days ago ★87 - "Supercharge your Python with parts of Lisp and Haskell."
ziopy 75 11 months ago ★75 - "ZIO for Python (with ZIO = A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala)"
pyMonet 34 over 4 years ago ★34 - "High abstract python library for functional programming. Contains algebraic data structures known from Haskell or Scala"
Compose 32 8 days ago ★32 - The classic compose, with all the Pythonic features
pyeffects 30 3 months ago ★30 - "Handle side-effects in Python like a boss. Implements functional types for Either, Option, Try, and Future."
Iter 10 about 2 months ago ★10 - map, filter etc. as methods on a sequence
returns 3,497 3 days ago ★3421 - "Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!"
result 1,529 about 2 months ago ★1458 - A simple Rust like Result type for Python 3. Fully type annotated
Option 83 9 months ago ★84 - Rust-like Option and Result types in Python
Meiga 76 24 days ago ★76 - A simple, typed and monad-based Result type for Python
Safetywrap 44 about 4 years ago ★43 - Fully typesafe, Rust-like Result and Option types for Python
Pyrsistent 2,025 5 months ago ★2005 - "Persistent/Immutable/Functional data structures for Python"
Immutables 1,125 about 1 month ago ★1116 - "An immutable mapping type for Python."
Discodb 99 over 5 years ago ★98 - "An efficient, immutable, persistent mapping object"
Funktown 74 almost 9 years ago ★74 - "Immutable Data Structures for Python"
Amino 35 over 5 years ago ★35 - "functional data structures and type classes"
Pysistence "Pysistence is a project that seeks to make functional programming in python easier"
pampy 3,514 over 2 years ago ★3511 - "Pampy: The Pattern Matching for Python you always dreamed of."
python-pattern-matching 162 over 3 years ago ★161 - "Python pattern matching like functional languages."
patmat 30 over 8 years ago ★30 - "Functional-style recursive pattern matching in Python. Crazy stuff."
apm 107 over 1 year ago ★107 - "Pattern Matching for Python 3.8+ in a simple, yet powerful, extensible manner."
Tranducers-Python 201 over 1 year ago ★202 - "Transducers are composable algorithmic transformations"
Transducers 55 over 7 years ago ★55 - "This is a port of the transducer concept from Clojure to Python, with an emphasis on providing as Pythonic as interpretation of transducers as possible, rather than reproducing Clojurisms more literally"
RxPy 4,764 about 2 months ago ★4727 - "Reactive Extensions for Python"
broqer 74 9 months ago ★74 - "Library to operate with continuous streams of data in a reactive style"
sodium-python 3 about 1 year ago ★3 - "Python implementation of Sodium - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Library"
Glom 1,891 8 months ago ★1868 - "Python's nested data operator (and CLI), for all your declarative restructuring needs."
python-lenses 308 11 months ago ★304 - "A python lens library for manipulating deeply nested immutable structures"
deal 733 6 months ago ★719 - "Design by contract for Python with many validators support."
classes 657 12 days ago ★651 - "Smart, pythonic, ad-hoc, typed polymorphism for Python."
chainable 192 23 days ago ★192 - "Method chaining built on generators"
ADT 172 over 3 years ago ★172 - Algebraic data types for Python
sumtypes 42 almost 3 years ago ★42 - "Sum Types, aka Tagged Unions, for Python"
python-mini-lambda 14 over 4 years ago ★13 - "Simple Lambda functions without lambda x: and with string conversion capability"
Orinoco 11 4 months ago ★11 - "Functional composable pipelines allowing clean separation of the business logic and its implementation"
slist 11 4 months ago ★11 - "A drop-in replacement for the python mutable list. But with much more methods for typesafe method chaining."
py-frm 1 10 months ago ★1 - "Proof-of-concept Functional-Relational Mapping (FRM) for Python"

Awesome Functional Python / Languages

Hy 5,089 13 days ago ★4822 - "A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python"
Coconut 4,066 25 days ago ★4018 - "Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming"
Basilisp 254 8 days ago ★207 - "A Clojure-compatible(-ish) Lisp dialect targeting Python 3.8+"
pixie 2,347 almost 4 years ago ★2346 - "A lightweight and native lisp built in RPython". ( )
Mochi 914 about 8 years ago ★914 - "A dynamically typed programming language for functional programming and actor-style programming."
dg (aka dogelang) 577 over 4 years ago ★576 - "A programming language that compiles to CPython bytecode, much like Scala compiles to JVM's. That essentially means that dg is an alternative syntax for Python 3."
Pycket 256 21 days ago ★256 - "A rudimentary Racket implementation using RPython"
Tydy 53 almost 6 years ago ★53 - "Tydy is a statically typed, functional-first programming language in the ML tradition. tydy is an implementation of Tydy as a Python library."
Arza 5 over 6 years ago ★5 - "Arza is a functional programming language that compiles to Python. It is a statically typed language with type inference and type classes."
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) and - a couple of famous articles by Peter Norvig

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