
Curated list of awesome remix resources


12 stars
2 watching
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last commit: about 2 years ago
Linked from 1 awesome list


awesome-remix / Official

Remix Docs Docs V1
Remix Stacks Stacks
Jokes App Tutorial Jokes App
Developer Blog Blog

awesome-remix / Starter

Blues Stack 944 20 days ago
Indie Stack 1,080 25 days ago
Grunge Stack 428 20 days ago
Speed Metal Stack 164 about 2 years ago
Remix Worker Template 281 7 months ago
Supa Fly Stack 304 5 months ago
Remix Starter Serverless 119 over 2 years ago
Azure Remix Stack 78 over 1 year ago
Melodic Death Metal 11 over 2 years ago
Chakra Remix Blues Stack 12 about 1 year ago
Techno Stack 17 over 2 years ago
K-pop Stack 242 11 days ago
RockSpec Stacks 66 8 months ago
Chop Suey Stack 68 over 1 year ago
DnB Stack 94 21 days ago
Vulcan Eurodance Stack - 1 17 about 2 years ago
Vulcan Eurodance Stack - 2 6 about 2 years ago
remix-worker-template 281 7 months ago
Remix Supa Fly Stack 304 5 months ago
Remix Power Metal Stack 11 over 2 years ago
Remix Tecnobrega Stack 8 over 2 years ago
Welcome to Bolero-Stack!
Remix Minimal Stack 2 over 2 years ago
Remix Trance Stack 255 14 days ago
Welcome to Remix! 2 10 months ago
Remix Techno Stack 3 over 2 years ago Work In Progress
Welcome to the Remix Djent Stack 2 over 2 years ago
Remix stack - mongo 9 about 2 years ago
Remix stack for heroku 5 over 2 years ago
Remix Mantine Stack 30 over 2 years ago
Remix Acidcore Stack 3 over 2 years ago
Remix Matador stack 2 over 2 years ago
Remix Matador stack 28 over 1 year ago
Remix Indie Stack Simple Notes 2 10 months ago
Remix Rockabilly Stack 8 about 1 year ago
Remix Punk Stack 8 about 2 years ago
Remix Nordic Folk Stack 2 over 2 years ago
Remix Prog Stack 6 over 1 year ago
Sovtech Amapiano Stack
Funk Stack 9 over 2 years ago
Remix House Stack 6 over 1 year ago
Remix Indie Thin Stack 7 over 2 years ago
Remix stack for 5 over 2 years ago
Hyperpop — The EdgeDB Remix Stack 81 about 2 years ago
Minimal House Remix Stack 21 about 2 years ago
Remix + Cloudflare Workers starter with Turborepo 63 over 1 year ago
Chakra Remix Blues Stack 12 about 1 year ago
Melodic Death Metal 11 over 2 years ago
New Wave Stack 15 about 2 years ago
Remix French House Stack 44 9 days ago
Alternative Stack 17 about 2 years ago
Azure Remix Stack 78 over 1 year ago
Remix Chop Suey Stack 68 over 1 year ago
Remix DnB Stack 94 21 days ago
Remix + Deno + Rust -> Webassembly - The Air Metal Stack 61 over 2 years ago
Remix RockSpec Stack 66 8 months ago
docs-starter 55 6 months ago
Remix Speed Metal Stack 164 about 2 years ago
remix-azure-template 26 over 2 years ago Remix app deployed to Azure Functions
remix-nested-layouts 5 over 3 years ago
remix-tailwind-starter 26 over 1 year ago
remix-on-netlify 4 over 3 years ago
remix-css-modules 10 almost 3 years ago
remix-auth-layouts-example 15 almost 3 years ago
remix-starter-kit 234 about 2 years ago Remix ft. Supabase(Auth, CRUD, Storage) with other essentials - TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, ESLint, etc
remix-edge-kit 11 over 2 years ago Remix ft. Prisma( and other essentials but designed for Cloudflare workers
The Bossa Nova Stack 50 over 1 year ago The Remix Stack with Clerk authentication, Supabase database, Chakra UI, testing, linting, and more
quick-stack 58 almost 2 years ago
rocket-rental 277 9 months ago Rent Rockets from rocking awesome people
Starter Vercel 51 over 3 years ago Archived
Starter Architect 24 over 3 years ago Archived
Starter Express 112 over 3 years ago Archived

awesome-remix / Testing

remix-bun-testing 104 about 2 years ago

awesome-remix / Utility

Remix Routers 152 11 months ago
remix-graphql 211 4 months ago
remix-three 88 over 2 years ago
routes-gen 283 5 months ago
remix-etag 70 over 1 year ago
Remix SEO 149 5 months ago
remix-auth 1,956 16 days ago Simple Authentication for Remix
remix-utils 2,079 13 days ago A set of utility functions and types to use with
remix-i18next 583 16 days ago The easiest way to translate your Remix apps
remix-seo 118 over 1 year ago A package for easily managing SEO meta and link tags in Remix
remix-params-helper 246 11 months ago Helpers that make it simple to use Zod with URLSearchParams, FormData, and Remix params object
remix-tailwind 82 7 months ago Use TailwindCSS with Remix without an extra build step
remix-validated-form 831 4 days ago A ValidatedForm component and helpers for easy client and server side form validation
remix-themes 120 27 days ago An abstraction for themes in your Remix app
remix-routes 412 about 2 months ago Typesafe routing for your Remix apps
remix-middleware 36 over 2 years ago An express-like middleware system for remix loaders and actions
remix-crash 47 about 2 years ago Get better insight on why your Remix app crashed during development 💥
remix-pwa 579 about 2 months ago A package to integrate PWA features into Remix
superjson-remix 83 over 1 year ago A solution for Remix that allows you to send binary data from your loader to your React client app
remix-typedjson 443 10 months ago This package is a replacement for superjson to use in your Remix app
remix-etag 70 over 1 year ago Makes adding an ETag header to a response easy
remix-domains 655 about 2 months ago Decouple your business logic from your Remix actions and loaders. With first-class type inference from end to end
Form component and utils for easy form validation in remix 831 4 days ago
Remix Flat Routes 690 5 months ago Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention
Remix Validity State 163 7 months ago Enhanced HTML Inputs for Remix

awesome-remix / CLI

A CLI tool for Remix applications 185 6 months ago

awesome-remix / Snippets

HOWTO: Debug your server-side Remix code using VSCode
sitemap.xml generator

awesome-remix / Examples

Basic 29,399 12 days ago
Blog 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Example App 49 over 2 years ago
Bullmq Task Queue 29,399 12 days ago
Catch Boundary 29,399 12 days ago
Chakra UI 29,399 12 days ago
Client Only Components 29,399 12 days ago
Client Side Validation 29,399 12 days ago
Collected Notes 29,399 12 days ago
Combobox Resource Route 29,399 12 days ago
Dark Mode 29,399 12 days ago
Dataloader 29,399 12 days ago
Emotion 29,399 12 days ago
File And Cloudinary Upload 29,399 12 days ago
Firebase Auth Firestore 29,399 12 days ago
Form To Notion DB 29,399 12 days ago
Framer Motion 29,399 12 days ago
Framer Route Animation 29,399 12 days ago
GDPR Cookie Consent 29,399 12 days ago
Google Analytics 29,399 12 days ago
Graphql API 29,399 12 days ago
Image Resize 29,399 12 days ago
Infinite Scrolling 29,399 12 days ago
IO TS Formdata Decoding 29,399 12 days ago
IO Redis 29,399 12 days ago
Jokes 29,399 12 days ago
Mantine 29,399 12 days ago
MSW 29,399 12 days ago
Multiple Forms 29,399 12 days ago
Multiple Params 29,399 12 days ago
Newsletter Signup 29,399 12 days ago
Nprogress 29,399 12 days ago
On Demand Hydration 29,399 12 days ago
Outlet Form Rerender 29,399 12 days ago
Pathless Routes 29,399 12 days ago
PM App 29,399 12 days ago
Quirrel 29,399 12 days ago
React Spring 29,399 12 days ago
Redis Upstash Session 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Auth Auth0 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Auth From 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Auth GitHub 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Auth Supabase GitHub 29,399 12 days ago
Remix Auth Supabase 29,399 12 days ago
Route Modal 29,399 12 days ago
Route Gen 29,399 12 days ago
Rust 29,399 12 days ago
Sanity 29,399 12 days ago
SASS 29,399 12 days ago
Search Input 29,399 12 days ago
Search Flash 29,399 12 days ago
Sharing Loader Data 29,399 12 days ago 29,399 12 days ago
Stitches 29,399 12 days ago
Strapi 29,399 12 days ago
Strapi Integration 29,399 12 days ago
Styled Components 29,399 12 days ago
Styletron 29,399 12 days ago
Supabase Subscription 29,399 12 days ago
Tailwindcss 29,399 12 days ago
Template 29,399 12 days ago
Tiptap Collab Editing 29,399 12 days ago
Toast Message 29,399 12 days ago
Turborepo Vercel 29,399 12 days ago
Twind 29,399 12 days ago
Usematches Loader Data 29,399 12 days ago
Remix.Gun Boilerplate
Remix TodoMVC 187 over 1 year ago
Remix Fakebooks App 85 over 1 year ago
React Router + Remix 58 over 1 year ago
Remix Validity State 163 7 months ago
remix-aws-cdk-example 61 over 2 years ago
Hacker News Clone Remix/React 488 3 months ago
remix-electron 292 about 1 month ago
remix-ecommerce 503 12 months ago WIP
About Simple google docs thing in Remix using 20 over 2 years ago
remix-postcss 19 over 2 years ago
Ryan's Planner 96 over 1 year ago
hova-labs-remix 0 over 3 years ago
snkrs 36 10 months ago 60 over 2 years ago
camchenry-remix 3 3 months ago
sergiodxa/personal-site 96 about 2 years ago
sergiodxa/collected-remix 12 over 1 year ago
Interactive Remix Routing 87 12 months ago
Remix Ink 8 over 2 years ago
jotyy/remix-portfolio 8 over 1 year ago
Server-side Auth with Remix, Prisma, and the Web Platform 19 over 2 years ago

awesome-remix / Videos

Introducing Remix v1 💿
CDN Caching, Static Site Generation, and Server Side Rendering
Document Titles in Remix
Live with Kent: Building Authentication with Postgres, Prisma, and Remix
Progressive Enhancement with Remix
How to Add Nested/Persistent Layouts in Remix
Introduction to HTTP Caching
Deploy Remix to Netlify Serverless Functions in less than 3 minutes
Remix Utah Meetup 2021-12-02
Remix Tutorial with Kent
Interview to Michael Jackson at devtools-fm
Remix Tutorial | Trying out the newest React Framework!
Remix Run Speedrun - Pokemon
Remix is a NEW JavaScript framework you MUST try
Playlist: Build A Fullstack App with Remix, Prisma & MongoDB

awesome-remix / Blog Posts

React Server Components and Remix
On Rails
First impressions with Remix
Loader vs Route Cache Headers in Remix
The useMatches hook in Remix
Validating Remix forms with Constraints API
Test Remix loaders and actions
Use Fathom with Remix
Use NProgress in a Remix app
How Remix makes CSS clashes predictable
Super Simple Start to Remix
Use ETags in Remix
Stable Forms in Remix
Generating Social Images with Remix
Building a Simple Search UI with Remix
Sending data from layout to leaf routes in Remix
Using Service Workers with Remix
Localizing Remix apps with i18next
Adding CSRF protection to Remix
Load only the data you need in Remix
Server-Side authentication with Auth0 in Remix
Using TailwindCSS with Remix
Jest Matchers for Remix responses
Using Form Objects inside Remix actions
Route protection in Remix with Policies
Redirect to the original URL inside a Remix action
Why Remix is worth your attention
Remix for Next.js Developers
Series: Build A Fullstack App with Remix, Prisma & MongoDB

awesome-remix / Lecture

Remix Onewheel Course Lecture Breakdown 30 over 2 years ago

awesome-remix / Workshop

Advanced Remix Workshop 403 over 1 year ago
Remix Workshop 137 over 1 year ago
Advanced Remix Workshop - FrontendMasters 185 over 1 year ago Remix enables you to build fantastic user experiences for the web and feel happy with the code that got you there. In this workshop, we'll look at some more advanced use cases when building Remix applications
Remix Fundamentals 251 9 months ago Remix enables you to build fantastic user experiences for the web and feel happy with the code that got you there. Get a jumpstart on Remix with this workshop

awesome-remix / Conference

Remix Conf 2022 Conference 2022
Remix Conf 2023 Conference 2023

awesome-remix / Other Wallpapers 13 over 2 years ago
This is the Remix Discord Bot. It's hosted on fly 40 almost 2 years ago

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