Awesome Conferences / What makes a conference awesome? |
code of conduct | | | A that is . For more on why, see |
Accessibility | | | for disabled persons: wheelchair access, or captioning, etc |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / Abstractions |
Last Year | | | : , the for next year (and other, smaller conferences) |
@abstractionscon | | | : |
@RemyPorter | | | : |
Recap | | | : |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / AndroidMakers | | | | : |
@AndroidMakersFR | | | : |
@jobot0 | | | : |
Youtube Channel | | | : |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / Area41 | | | | |
@a41con | | | |
Youtube Channel | | | |
@peterhuerlimann | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / Dent:Space | | | | |
@dent | | | |
@Annaleen | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / DevTernity | | | | |
@devternity | | | |
YouTube | | | | |
Jovche | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / JSDC | | | | |
@jsdc_tw | | | | | 18 | over 10 years ago | , |
@PeterDaveHello | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / Chain React | | | | |
React Native Newsletter | | | Yes |
@ChainReactConf | | | |
Infinite Red YouTube | | | |
Chain React 2018 Day 1 Recap | | | , |
@_SeanGroff | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Conferences / GITEX | | | | |
@GITEXTechWeek | | | |
GitexTechWeek YouTube | | | |
Gitex 2017 news roundup | | | |
@o_bahareth | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List |
Foss4g | | | // |
Future Insights | | | // |
JS CodeRetreat | | | // |
JSFest | | | // |
Medellin JS | | | // |
OpenVis Conf | | | // |
Papers We Love | 88,844 | 5 months ago | // |
Science Hack Day | | | // |
Symfony Live | | | // |
React.js Conf | | | // |
Web Rebels Conf | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List / North American |
!!Con | | | // |
Active Indgredients | | | |
AlterConf | | | // |
CakeFest | | | // |
CascadiaJS | | | // |
Chain React | | | // |
Clojure/conj | | | // |
CppCon | | | // |
CSSConf Oakland | | | // |
CSSConf US | | | // |
CSSDevConf | | | // |
DanceJS | | | // |
DEFCON | | | // |
DinosaurJS | | | // |
DjangoCon US | | | // |
Dockerconf | | | // |
Edge Conf | | | // |
EmberConf | | | // |
Facebook f8 | | | |
Forward JS | | | // |
Geospatial Canada | | | // |
Google I/O | | | // |
HTML5DevConf | | | // |
JavaOne | | | // |
JSConf (All) | | | // |
JSConf US | | | // |
KCDC | | | // |
LamdaConf | | | // |
LibrePlanet | | | // |
MidwestJS | | | // |
NCDevCon | | | // |
NebraskaJS | | | // |
ng-conf | | | // |
nodeconf | | | // |
Node Summit | | | // |
Nodevember | | | // |
npmCamp | | | // |
O'Reilly Fluent | | | // |
O'Reilly Strata | | | // |
OaklandJS | | | // |
OpenWest | | | // |
OSCON | | | // |
Philly ETE | | | |
PyCon | | | // |
React Rally | | | // |
RealtimeConf | | | // |
RubyConf | | | // |
SassConf | | | // |
Self Conference | | | // |
Space City JS | | | // |
Strange Loop Conf | | | // |
Transhack | | | // |
TXJS | | | // |
UtahJS | | | // |
XOXO | | | // |
BrooklynJS | | | // |
EmpireJS | | | // |
EmpireNode | | | // |
manhattan.js | | | // |
QueensJS | | | // |
WriteSpeakCode Workshop | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List / South American |
Brazil JS Conf | | | // |
Conference CSS Brazil | | | // |
CSSConf Argentina | | | // |
Front in Aracaju | | | // |
Front in BH | | | // |
Front in Maceio | | | // |
Front in POA | | | // |
Front in Recife | | | // |
Front in Sampa | | | // |
JSConf Argentina | | | // |
JSConf BR | | | // |
JSConf Colombia | | | // |
JSConf Uruguay | | | // |
PyCon Argentina | | | // |
PyCon Brasil | | | // |
RSJS | | | // |
RubyConf Argentina | | | // |
RubyConf Brasil | | | // |
RubyConf Colombia | | | // |
StarTechConf Chile | | | // |
Tableless Conference | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List / European |
AndroidMakers | | | // |
AmsterdamJS Conference | | | // |
Arrrrcamp | | | // |
Basta! | | | // |
Beyond Tellerrand | | | // |
British Node Conf | | | // |
CCC (Chaos Communication Camp) | | | // |
coldfrontconf | | | // | | | | // |
ConFrontJS | | | // |
copenhagenjs | | | // |
Cornerstone | | | // |
Craft Conf | | | // |
CSSconf Budapest | | | // |
CSSconf EU | | | // |
CSSconf Nordic | | | // |
csv,conf | | | // |
Decentralize Camp | | | // |
DEVit | | | // |
Devoxx | | | // |
DevTernity | | | // |
dotCSS | | | // |
dotGo | | | // |
dotJS | | | // |
dotScale | | | // |
dotSwift | | | // |
dotSecurity | | | // |
Ember Fest | | | // |
Ethereum Devcon2 | | | |
eurucamp | | | // |
EuRuKo | | | // |
FOSDEM | | | // |
Front-Trends | | | // |
FSCONS | | | // |
FullStack Fest | | | // |
GreachConf | | | // |
JavaZone | | | // |
JAX London | | | // |
JFokus | | | // |
JRubyConf.EU | | | // |
JS Italian Conf | | | // |
JSConf BP | | | |
JSConf EU | | | |
JSConf Iceland | | | // |
jsist | | | // |
JS Unconf | | | // |
HumanTalks | | | // |
LXJS | | | // |
MoscowJS | | | // |
Munich JavaScript UF | | | // |
ng-europe | | | // |
ng-nl | | | // |
oscal | | | // |
NodeConf Europe | | | // |
Paris-Web | | | // |
PolyConf | | | // |
React Amsterdam | | | // |
ReactEurope | | | // |
RealtimeConf EU | | | // |
Redecentralize | | | // |
Reject.JS | | | // |
RigaDevDays | | | // |
Rubyslava | | | // |
ScotlandJS | | | // |
SFK | | | // |
Squatconf | | | |
WebExpo | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List / Asian |
CSSConf Asia | | | // |
Jing JS (京JS) | | | // |
JSConf Asia | | | // |
JSFoo India | | | // |
JSChannel India | | | // |
NodeConf India | | | // |
PyCon India | | | // |
Null Con India | | | // |
FOSSASIA | | | // |
PyCon Taiwan | | | // |
FUDCON India | | | // |
RubyConf India | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Old Conferences List / Australian |
CampJS | | | // |
CSSConf Australia | | | // |
JSConfAU | | | // |
Awesome Conferences / Past Conferences / Awwwwards Conference | | | | |
@awwwards | | | , |
Awesome Conferences / Past Conferences / BackboneConf | | | | |
@backboneconf | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Past Conferences / CSS Conf |
CSSConf | | | |
US: Boston | | | , EU, AU, Asia, Oakland, Budapest, Nordic, Argentina |
@cssconf | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Past Conferences / GopherConIndia |
GopherConIndia | | | |
@GopherConIndia | | | |
GCI17 | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Resources / Help with Speaking |
awesome-speaking | 1,600 | over 1 year ago | |
gitpitch | 5,491 | about 4 years ago | Markdown Presentations For Everyone on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. |
Public speaking tips | | | from |
Awesome Conferences / Resources / Call for Speakers |
Call to Speakers | | | | | | | |
Papercall | | | |
Technically Speaking | | | |
IT CFP List | 373 | about 4 years ago | List of IT conferences Call For Papers, changes are also published via Twitter |
Awesome Conferences / Resources / For Organizers |
How we grew Boston CSS to a Meetup that we love | | | |
Guide to Meetups | | | |
Awesome Conferences / Resources / Other Lists |
AndroidStudyGroup | 1,408 | 4 months ago | |
awesome-django#conferences | | | . The conferences section from a curated list of awesome Django apps, projects and resources |
awesome-software-craftsmanship conferences | 731 | about 2 years ago | |
Big Conference List | | | from @joshsimmons |
Cocoa Conferences | 1,112 | 4 months ago | List of cocoa conferences for iOS & OSX developers |
watson/conferences | 414 | about 5 years ago | List of awesome conferences from @watson |
Interdisciplinary Open Source Community Conferences | | | by |
Conferences list | | | by on Twitter |
php conferences in fall 2015 | | | |
planetruby/awesome-events | 258 | about 2 years ago | . A collection of awesome Ruby events (meetups, conferences, camps, etc.) from around the world | | | | . Events of interest for tactical hacker, theory, avant-art scenes in space-time |
mobilehackersio/pwa-confs | 6 | over 5 years ago | . A list of conferences talking about PWA |
Awesome Conferences / Maintainers |
@Richardlitt | | | |