Awesome Micro-Frontends / Slack Workspaces |
Micro-frontends | | | |
Single-Spa | | | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Websites | | | | |
Micro Frontends by Elisabeth Engel | | | |
Project Mosaic | | | A set of services, libraries together with a specification by Zalando |
Bit | 17,938 | 4 months ago | A tool for developing and composing / integrating independently versioned components |
Ara Framework | | | |
Garfish | 2,592 | 4 months ago | A powerful micro front-end framework |
icestark, a micro frontends solution for large application | 2,048 | 8 months ago | |
Isomorphic Layout Composer | 720 | 3 months ago | Complete solution for Micro Frontends composition into SPA with SSR support |
Misk Web: a Micro-Frontends React + Redux + Typescript Framework | | | |
NUT | 110 | 4 months ago | |
OpenComponents, a framework for developing and distributing html components | 1,433 | 5 months ago | |
PuzzleJs | 650 | 4 months ago | |
Single-Spa | | | |
qiankun, probably the most complete micro-frontends solution you ever met | | | |
One-app by American Express | 295 | 11 months ago | |
Scalecube-js: Toolkit for working in micro-services/micro-frontends architecture | 67 | 8 months ago | |
Berial - Simple micro-front end framework | 520 | almost 3 years ago | |
Podium | | | Easy server side composition of microfrontends |
Nuz is an open-source project, the runtime package manager for web platform. | 79 | almost 4 years ago | Archived |
Luigi - technology agnostic, open-source micro-frontend framework | | | |
VoltranJS | 411 | 3 months ago | |
Mashroom Server | | | |
Piral | | | |
Angular_MicroApps_Different_Technologies | 56 | over 2 years ago | |
A tiny, fast, zero-dependency event emitter | 522 | almost 6 years ago | |
Exercises for course "Integrating microservices on the frontend" | 3 | over 8 years ago | |
Extending the microservice paradigms to web development | 4,589 | 7 months ago | |
Micromono | 643 | almost 8 years ago | |
Microservices in the frontend with BFFs providing their own bundles and API. | 3 | over 7 years ago | |
Proxy middleware for express that enables composition of microservices. | | | |
Service Oriented Front-end | 139 | about 3 years ago | |
Simulate a micro frontend project using Node.js, React and NGinx Reverse Proxy in Alpine Docker images | 183 | about 2 years ago | |
Micro-Frontends architecture | 79 | almost 4 years ago | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Books |
Micro Frontends in Action | | | |
Building Micro-Frontends | | | |
Micro Frontend & Micro Services - Build applications with Micro FE & Services | | | By Muralikrishna T |
The Art of Micro Frontends | | | By Florian Rappl |
Practical Module Federation | | | By Zack Jackson & Jack Herrington |
Enterprise Angular - DDD, Nx Monorepos and Micro Frontends | | | By Manfred Steyer |
Micro Frontends Architecture: Introduction, Design, Techniques & Technology | | | By Ajay Kumar |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Posts |
Everything You Need to Know About Micro Frontends | | | |
The Future of Micro-Frontends | | | |
Building Micro-Frontends With Single-spa, React, and Vue | | | |
6 Patterns for Microfrontends | | | |
Micro Frontends by Cam Jackson | | | |
Micro frontends - a microservice approach to front-end web development | | | |
Cookie Cutter Scaling | | | |
Microservice Websites | | | |
What is a micro frontend | | | |
ThoughtWorks Technology Radar | | | |
Dynamic vs. static ui composition | | | |
Micro-libraries: The Future of front-end development | | | |
The monolithic frontend in the microservices architecture | | | |
A Software Architect's Approach towards MicroFrontends | | | |
An approach to building Scalable Web Apps | | | |
A Take on Micro-Frontends | | | |
Building Microfrontends - Series | | | |
Including Front-End Web Components Into Microservices | | | |
Microservice Grid and Micro Frontends | | | |
Microservice Websites | | | |
Microservices to Micro-Frontends by Sandeep Jain | | | |
Front-end microservices with Web Components | | | |
Supporting Micro-frontends with ASP.NET Core MVC | | | |
Building micro frontends — angular elements | | | |
Micro Front-Ends: Webpack Manifest | | | |
My experience using micro frontends by David Den Toom | | | |
Page Building using Micro-Frontends and Server-Side Include | | | |
Strangling a Monolith to Micro-frontends with Laravel, Vue.js, and Hypernova | | | |
Serverless Micro-frontends using Vue.js, AWS Lambda, and Hypernova | | | |
Using Micro-Frontends in WordPress with Gutenberg Blocks | | | |
Taming the Frontend Monolith | | | |
Micro-frontend Architecture: Replacing a Monolith from the Inside Out | | | |
Breaking down the last Monolith - Micro Frontends | | | |
Micro Frontends in Action | | | |
How to build your first Micro Frontend with SSR in minutes | | | |
You probably don't need a micro-frontend | | | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Videos |
Micro-Frontends Antipatterns | | | Talk by Luca Mezzalira in CityJS conference 2022 |
The Microfrontend Revolution: Using Webpack 5 Module Federation | | | A talk by Manfred Steyer in JS Poland 2022 |
Micro-Frontends with Module Federation: Beyond the Basics | | | Talk by Manfred Steyer in Micro Frontends Conference in JSFoo 2022 |
Micro Frontend - Web Rebels, Oslo 2018 | | | |
Break Up With Your Frontend Monolith - JS Kongress 2017 | | | |
YouTube Playlist - Micro Frontend Talks | | | |
Microservice Websites by Gustaf Nilsson Kotte | | | |
Breaking The Monolith | | | |
Microservice UI Composition | | | |
Introduction to Piral | | | |
Micro Frontend Architecture - Building an Extensible UI Platform | | | A talk by Erik Grijzen on how New Relic implemented Micro Frontends |
Microfrontends and single spa | | | Playlist by Joel Denning |
Micro-Frontends: Whay, why and how? | | | A Video by Jack Herrington |
Web Components for Micro Frontends | | | Jack Herrington using Web Components for Micro Frontends |
Micro Frontends using single-spa | | | Jack Herrington using single-spa |
Micro Frontends using Open Components | | | Jack Herrington on using Open Components |
DIY Micro FE Framework | | | Jack Herrington on building a Micro-FE Framework |
Micro-FEs in Zoid | | | Jack Herrington on using Zoid |
Edge Side Includes for Micro-FEs | | | Jack Herrington on using ESI |
The one right way to do microfrontends - two opinions | | | A Talk by Mario Fernandez for Thoughtworks Presents |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Slides |
Micro Frontend - Web Rebels, Oslo 2018 | | | |
Migrating from Monolith to Microfrontends | | | |
Microservice Websites (microXchg 2017) | | | |
Microservice Websites Presentation | | | |
Avoid the Monolith by Michael Geers | | | |
Micro Frontends by Michael Geers | | | |
Micro Frontends - The Nitty Gritty Details or Frontend, Backend, 🌈 Happyend | | | |
Micro Frontends by Assaf Gannon | | | |
Micro Frontends by Srikanth Jallapuram | | | |
Micro Frontends: Building a modern webapp with multiple teams by Michael Geers | | | |
Introduction to micro frontends by Kuba Holak | | | |
Microfrontends architecture by Lucca Mezzalira | | | |
Lets talk about Micro Frontends | | | |
Building micro-frontends by Luca Mezzalira | | | |
Micro Frontend Architecture - Building an Extensible UI Platform | | | A talk by Erik Grijzen on how New Relic implemented Micro Frontends |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Experience Reports |
Upwork: Modernizing Upwork with Micro Frontends | | | |
allegro: Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture | | | |
Hello Fresh: Front-end Microservices | | | |
OpenTable: Microservices in the Frontend World | | | |
OpenTable: Dismantling the monolith | | | |
5 years of OpenComponents | | | |
AutoScout24: UI Composition | | | |
Klarna Checkout | | | |
Spotify: Technology Stack | | | |
Let's build a Webshop out of Micro Frontends | | | |
Using Micro-Frontends to Permanently Solve the Legacy JavaScript Problem | | | |
Micro Frontends with Gustaf Nilsson Kotte | | | |
Experiences Using Micro Frontends at IKEA | | | |
#microfrontend hashtag on Twitter | | | |
#microfrontends hashtag on Twitter | | | |
Amanda Muñoz (@amandamunoz) | | | |
Assaf Gannon (@assafga1) | | | |
Cam Jackson (@thecamjackson) | | | |
David Leitner (@duffleit) | | | |
Elisabeth Engel (@_lizzelo_) | | | |
Elmar 🐼 🇪🇺 (@elmarburke) | | | |
Emanuel Indermühle (@inthemill) | | | |
Felipe Guizar Diaz (@felipeguizard) | | | |
Florian Rappl (@FlorianRappl) | | | |
Gil Fink (@gilfink) | | | |
Gustaf Nilsson Kotte (@gustaf_nk) | | | |
Hans-Christian Otto (@muhdiekuh) | | | |
Ivan Jovanovic (@ivanjov96) | | | |
Joel Denning (@Joelbdenning) | | | |
Kuba Holak (@kubaholak) | | | |
Luca Mezzalira (@lucamezzalira) | | | |
Lucas Dohmen (@moonbeamlabs) | | | |
Manfred Steyer (@ManfredSteyer) | | | |
Michael Geers (@naltatis) | | | |
Micro Frontend News on Twitter | | | |
Matteo Figus (@matteofigus) | | | |
Nils Röhrig (@drunknzombiecow) | | | |
Rui Marques (@ruimarques84) | | | |
Rustam Aliyev (@rstml) | | | |
Will Mendes (@willmendesneto) | | | |
Yaprak Ayazoğlu (@yaprakaya) | | | |
Zack Jackson (@ScriptedAlchemy) | | | |
Rahul Gaur (@iamaregee) | | | |
Lam Hieu (@lh0x00) | | | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Courses and Tutorials |
Micro Frontends Architecture | | | |
Building micro-frontends | | | |
Micro-frontends Decisions Framework | | | |
Microfrontends with React: A Complete Developer's Guide | | | |
Learn all about Micro-Frontends | | | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Sample Projects |
Module Federation | 5,690 | 4 months ago | |
React Single SPA | | | |
Vue Single SPA | | | |
Piral | | | |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Podcasts |
Micro-Frontends with Luca Mezzalira on Software Engineering Daily | | | |
Michael Geers on Micro Frontends | | | Episode 422 in SE-Radio |
What even is a micro frontend? | | | Michael Geers in JS Party |
So You wanna use Monorepos and Micro Frontends | | | Manfred Steyer in Real Talk JavaScript |
What's so cool about Micro frontends | | | Thoughtworks Technology Podcasts |
Micro-Front Ends with Natlia Venditto | | | Web Rush Podcast Episode 113 about Micro Front-ends |
Awesome Micro-Frontends / Who Uses / Sendo |
Sendo | | | |
Sendo Farm | | | |