Awesome Online Machine Learning / Courses and books |
Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python | 68 | over 1 year ago | |
IE 498: Online Learning and Decision Making | | | |
Introduction to Online Learning | | | |
Machine Learning the Feature | | | — Gives some insights into the inner workings of Vowpal Wabbit, especially the |
Machine learning for data streams with practical examples in MOA | | | |
Online Methods in Machine Learning (MIT) | | | |
Streaming 101: The world beyond batch | | | |
Prediction, Learning, and Games | | | |
Introduction to Online Convex Optimization | | | |
Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization: A unified framework for sequential decisions | | | — The entire book builds upon Online Learning paradigm in applied learning/optimization problems, being the reference |
Big Data course at the CILVR lab at NYU | | | — Focus on linear models and bandits. Some courses are given by John Langford, the creator of Vowpal Wabbit |
Machine Learning for Personalization | | | — Course from Columbia by Tony Jebara, covers bandits |
An Introduction to Online Learning | | | |
Streaming Data Analytics | | | Course from Politecnico di Milano |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Blog posts |
Fennel AI blog posts about online recsys | | | |
Anomaly Detection with Bytewax & Redpanda (Bytewax, 2022) | | | |
The online machine learning predict/fit switcheroo (Max Halford, 2022) | | | |
Real-time machine learning: challenges and solutions (Chip Huyen, 2022) | | | |
Anomalies detection using River (Matias Aravena Gamboa, 2021) | | | |
Introdução (não-extensiva) a Online Machine Learning (Saulo Mastelini, 2021) | | | |
Machine learning is going real-time (Chip Huyen, 2020) | | | |
The correct way to evaluate online machine learning models (Max Halford, 2020) | | | |
What is online machine learning? (Max Pagels, 2018) | | | |
What Is It and Who Needs It (Data Science Central, 2015) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Software / Modelling |
River | 5,121 | 4 months ago | — A Python library for general purpose online machine learning |
dask | | | |
Jubatus | | | |
Flink ML | | | Apache Flink machine learning library |
LIBFFM | | | — A Library for Field-aware Factorization Machines |
LIBLINEAR | | | — A Library for Large Linear Classification |
LIBOL | | | — A collection of online linear models trained with first and second order gradient descent methods. Not maintained |
MOA | | | |
scikit-learn | | | — of scikit-learn's estimators can handle incremental updates, although this is usually intended for mini-batch learning. See also the page |
Spark Streaming | | | — Doesn't do online learning per say, but instead mini-batches the data into fixed intervals of time |
SofiaML | | | |
StreamDM | 492 | almost 2 years ago | — A machine learning library on top of Spark Streaming |
Tornado | 128 | over 1 year ago | |
VFML | | | |
Vowpal Wabbit | 8,495 | 6 months ago | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Software / Deployment |
KappaML | | | |
django-river-ml | 11 | over 1 year ago | — a Django plugin for deploying River models |
chantilly | 97 | almost 3 years ago | — a prototype meant to be compatible with River (previously Creme) |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Linear models |
Field-aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction (2016) | | | |
Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook (2014) | | | |
Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches (2013) | | | |
Normalized online learning (2013) | | | |
Towards Optimal One Pass Large Scale Learning with Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent (2011) | | | |
Dual Averaging Methods for Regularized Stochastic Learning andOnline Optimization (2010) | | | |
Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (2009) | | | |
Stochastic Gradient Descent Training forL1-regularized Log-linear Models with Cumulative Penalty (2009) | | | |
Confidence-Weighted Linear Classification (2008) | | | |
Exact Convex Confidence-Weighted Learning (2008) | | | |
Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithms (2006) | | | |
Logarithmic Regret Algorithms forOnline Convex Optimization (2007) | | | |
A Second-Order Perceptron Algorithm (2005) | | | |
Online Learning with Kernels (2004) | | | |
Solving Large Scale Linear Prediction Problems Using Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithms (2004) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Support vector machines |
Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM (2007) | | | |
A New Approximate Maximal Margin Classification Algorithm (2001) | | | |
The Relaxed Online Maximum Margin Algorithm (2000) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Neural networks |
Three scenarios for continual learning (2019) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Decision trees |
AMF: Aggregated Mondrian Forests for Online Learning (2019) | | | |
Mondrian Forests: Efficient Online Random Forests (2014) | | | |
Mining High-Speed Data Streams (2000) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Unsupervised learning |
Online Clustering: Algorithms, Evaluation, Metrics, Applications and Benchmarking (2022) | | | |
Online hierarchical clustering approximations (2019) | | | |
DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations (2014) | | | |
Online Learning with Random Representations (2014) | | | |
Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Infinite Vocabulary (2013) | | | |
Web-Scale K-Means Clustering (2010) | | | |
Online Dictionary Learning For Sparse Coding (2009) | | | |
Density-Based Clustering over an Evolving Data Stream with Noise (2006) | | | |
Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering (2004) | | | |
Online and Batch Learning of Pseudo-Metrics (2004) | | | |
BIRCH: an efficient data clustering method for very large databases (1996) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Time series |
Online Learning for Time Series Prediction (2013) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Drift detection |
A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation (2014) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Anomaly detection |
Leveraging the Christoffel-Darboux Kernel for Online Outlier Detection (2022) | | | |
Interpretable Anomaly Detection with Mondrian Pólya Forests on Data Streams (2020) | | | |
Fast Anomaly Detection for Streaming Data (2011) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Metric learning |
Online Metric Learning and Fast Similarity Search (2009) | | | |
Information-Theoretic Metric Learning (2007) | | | |
Online and Batch Learning of Pseudo-Metrics (2004) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Graph theory |
DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations (2014) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Ensemble models |
Optimal and Adaptive Algorithms for Online Boosting (2015) | | | — An implementation is available |
Online Bagging and Boosting (2001) | | | |
A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of On-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting (1997) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Expert learning |
On the optimality of the Hedge algorithm in the stochastic regime | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Active learning |
A survey on online active learning (2023) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Miscellaneous |
Multi-Output Chain Models and their Application in Data Streams (2019) | | | |
A Complete Recipe for Stochastic Gradient MCMC (2015) | | | |
Online EM Algorithm for Latent Data Models (2007) | | | — Source code is available |
StreamAI: Dealing with Challenges of Continual Learning Systems for Serving AI in Production (2023) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Surveys |
Machine learning for streaming data: state of the art, challenges, and opportunities (2019) | | | |
Online Learning: A Comprehensive Survey (2018) | | | |
Online Machine Learning in Big Data Streams (2018) | | | |
Incremental learning algorithms and applications (2016) | | | |
Batch-Incremental versus Instance-Incremental Learning in Dynamic and Evolving Data | | | |
Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for Convex Optimization: A Survey (2011) | | | |
Online Learning and Stochastic Approximations (1998) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / General-purpose algorithms |
Maintaining Sliding Window Skylines on Data Streams (2006) | | | |
The Sliding DFT (2003) | | | — An online variant of the Fourier Transform, a concise explanation is available |
Sketching Algorithms for Big Data | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Hyperparameter tuning |
ChaCha for Online AutoML (2021) | | | |
Awesome Online Machine Learning / Papers / Evaluation |
Delayed labelling evaluation for data streams (2019) | | | |
Efficient Online Evaluation of Big Data Stream Classifiers (2015) | | | |
Issues in Evaluation of Stream Learning Algorithms (2009) | | | |