
A curated list of awesome decentralized finance projects


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290 forks
last commit: over 1 year ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Decentralized Exchange Protocols

Bisq ( , ) - Protocol for peer-to-peer exchange of bitcoin
0x ( , ) - Protocol for decentralized exchange of Ethereum assets using relayers, now on version 2
Bancor Protocol ( , ) - Protocol for converting one token to another using "smart tokens"
DutchX ( , ) - Decentralized trading protocol for ERC-20s that uses the Dutch auction model to achieve fair prices
Hydro Protocol ( , , original white paper removed from website but is archived ) - A fork of 0x from DDEX with new order schema, a new matching engine, a different liquidity sharing model, and no ZRX token
Kyber ( , ) - On-chain protocol for decentralized token swaps and for easy application integration
Loopring ( , ) - Protocol for building decentralized exchanges
Ren ( , ) - Decentralized dark pool protocol for atomic swaps of digital assets formerly known as Republic
Swap / AirSwap's Protocol ( , ) - Protocol for peer-to-peer trading of ERC-20 tokens
Uniswap ( , ) - "Public good"-oriented interface for ERC-20 token exchange with zero rent-extraction
StellarX (closed source) - A UI for the native Stellar DEX built by (closed source) - A UI for the native Stellar DEX built by (not related to the company Interstellar)
Stellarport (closed source) - A UI for the Stellar DEX
Stellarterm ( ) - An open-source UI for the Stellar Dex

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins

IOU / Centralized

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / IOU / Centralized

Bitcoin / Omni

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / IOU / Centralized / Bitcoin / Omni

(closed source, ) - Controversial USD-backed token connected to Bitfinex

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / IOU / Centralized / Ethereum

CENTRE USDC ( , ) - ERC-20 stablecoin originally issued by and now embraced by
Gemini Dollar ( , ) - ERC-20 stablecoin issued by Gemini
Paxos ( , ) - ERC-20 stablecoin issued by Paxos Trust Company
TrueUSD ( ) - ERC-20 stablecoin with KYC/AML issued by TrustToken
DGX Token from Digix ( , ) - Token which represents 1 gram of gold on Ethereum

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / IOU / Centralized / Stellar

AnchorUSD (closed source) - KYC/AML compliant stellar-based token that promises deposits are held 1:1 in audited, US-based bank accounts
Stronghold (closed source, ) - Stellar-based token that provides a KYC/AML compliant USD stablecoin
White Standard ( , ) - Stellar-based tokens that provide stablecoins for a variety of currencies

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / Collateralized

Celo ( ) - Over-collateralized stablecoin targeting the unbanked using its own distributed ledger

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / Collateralized / Ethereum

Dai Stablecoin from Maker ( , ) - Stablecoin based on smart contracts for creating collateralized debt positions
Synthetix ( , , ) - Decentralized stablecoin modeled on centralized closed loop payment networks formerly known as Havven
WBTC ( , ) - ERC-20 token backed 1:1 by Bitcoin

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Stablecoins / Algorithmic / Ethereum

Ampleforth ( , , ) - Monetary policy-based stablecoin protocol formerly known as Fragments
Carbon ( ) - Stablecoin that will be composed of a basket of whitelisted tokens that is "functionally fiat-backed with the potential to whitelist an algorithmic stablecoin"
Terra ( , ) - Protocol that ensures price-stability by algorithmically expanding and contracting supply

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Lending Protocols


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Lending Protocols / Ethereum

( , ) - Protocol for algorithmic money markets
Dharma ( ) - Protocol for building lending products using tokenized debt
Ethlend ( , ) - Marketplace for peer-to-peer lending
Lendroid ( , ) - Protocol for decentralized lending, margin trading, and short selling
Marble ( ) - "Flash lending" protocol for borrowing "Ether and ERC20 tokens to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities on Ethereum"
Ripio ( , ) - P2P global credit network protocol based on cosigned smart contracts

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Derivative Protocols/Prediction Markets


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Derivative Protocols/Prediction Markets / Ethereum

( , ) - Prediction market protocol to enable anyone to "create and speculate on derivatives at a low cost for the first time"
bZx ( , ) - 0x-integrated protocol for decentralized, peer-to-peer margin funding and trading
CDx ( , ) - Protocol for tokenized credit default swaps
Daxia ( , ) - Tokenized derivatives protocol
dYdX ( , ) - Margin-trading and options protocols
Gnosis ( , ) - Decentralized prediction market protocol
Market ( , ) - Protocol for structuring peer-to-peer agreements that settle in the future based on the price of a reference asset
UMA ( , ) - Protocol that allows any two counterparties to design and create their own financial contracts that are secured with economic incentives alone, making them self-enforcing and "universally accessible"
Veil ( ) - Peer-to-peer prediction market and derivatives platform built on top of Augur, 0x, and Ethereum

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Bundling Protocols


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Bundling Protocols / Ethereum

( , ) - Protocol for creating tokens that contain a portfolio of other tokens
BSKT ( , ) - Generic smart contract that creates decentralized token portfolios
Set ( , ) - Protocol for creating, issuing, redeeming, and rebalancing fungible, collateralized baskets of tokenized assets

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Fund Protocols


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Fund Protocols / Ethereum

( , ) - Protocol for fund administration on the Ethereum blockchain
Melonport ( , ) - Protocol for digital asset management

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Tokenization Protocols


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Tokenization Protocols / Ethereum

( , ) - An open standard for issuing tokens with transfer restrictions
Harbor/R-Token ( , ) - Compliant protocol for standardizing crypto-securities issuance and trading
Polymath/ST-20 ( , original white paper removed from website but is archived ) - Platform for tokenizing securities
Abacus ( , ) - Protocol for permissioned tokens

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Tokenization Protocols

Stellar ( , ) - Stellar has first-party support for issuing arbitrary tokens

Awesome Decentralized Finance / KYC/AML/Identity


Awesome Decentralized Finance / KYC/AML/Identity / Ethereum

( , ) - Protocol for identity & credit-scoring
Project Hydro ( , ) - Decentralized ecosystem using cutting-edge cryptography to secure user accounts, identities, and transactions
SelfKey ( , ) - "Self-sovereign" identity management system that aims to integrate with various financial services
Wyre ( , ) - Compliance SDK that mints ERC-721 tokens to the addresses of verified users

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Applications/Tools


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Applications/Tools / Ethereum

DeFi Software Developer with , , , and
Bloqboard Lending platform for collateralized loans originated, settled, serviced, and managed on Ethereum and powered by Compound and Dharma
Fetch Application that is both a decentralized exchange aggregator for price discovery and trading and a dashboard for discovering and managing decentralized loans and borrowings
InstaDApp "Decentralized bank" interface built on top of MakerDAO by developers of
Multis ( ) - Interface for multisig contracts positioned as "cryptobank for companies"
Settle Web interface that combines chat with different crypto tools (including portfolio tracking and integration with DeFi protocols) and an "app store" for developers
Zerion ( ) - Interface to decentralized finance protocols positioned as "trustless banking"

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Analytics


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Analytics / Ethereum

0x protocol trade explorer and decentralised ERC-20 token price index
CuriousGiraffe Analytics for , , , and
DEX Terminal Dashboard of decentralized finance activities, from exchange volume to lending/borrowing rates
ETH in DeFi Chart of the amount of ETH locked in DeFi products (Maker, Compound, Augur, dYdX, Uniswap)
Loanscan Explorer for Ethereum loans
MakerScan Explorer for MakerDao
MKR Tools Explorer for MakerDao
Uniswap ETH Liquidity Chart of Uniswap's ETH liquidity by token
Predictions.Global Dashboard with prediction markets from Augur

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Analytics

DeFI Pulse Dashboard with info about locked amount in USD
Stablecoin Index Chart of prices biggest stablecoins
Stable Report Weekly reports about stablecoins and list of most stablecoins

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Misc


Awesome Decentralized Finance / Misc / Ethereum

( , ) - Protocol for decentralized subscription payment
AZTEC Protocol ( , ) - Privacy-enabling protocol for confidential transactions on the Ethereum network
Centrifuge ( , ) - Platform for financial supply chain, including exchange of invoices, purchase orders, etc
Groundhog "End-to-end" platform for decentralized recurring subscription payments

Awesome Decentralized Finance / Community

DeFi Telegram

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