
BCI reviews

A curated collection of peer-reviewed articles and surveys on Brain-Computer Interface technology

Curated list of Brain-Computer Interface peer-reviewd reviews and surveys


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Brain–Computer Interface Technology : A Review of the First International Meeting


Learning to control brain activity: A review of the production and control of EEG components for driving brain–computer interface (BCI) systems


A review of classification algorithms for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces
A survey of signal processing algorithms in brain-computer interfaces based on electrical brain signals
EMG and EOG artifacts in brain computer interface systems: A survey.


Brain–computer interfaces and communication in paralysis: Extinction of goal directed thinking in completely paralysed patients?


Clinical Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Current State and Future Prospects


Combining brain–computer interfaces and assistive technologies: state-of-the-art and challenges
Enhancing human-computer interaction with input from active and passive brain-computer interfaces. (In: Brain-computer interfaces.)
Towards inexpensive BCI control for wheelchair navigation in the enabled environment - A hardware survey
A survey of stimulation methods used in SSVEP-based BCIs
The Berlin Brain–Computer Interface: Non-Medical Uses of BCI Technology


Toward smarter BCIs: extending BCIs through hybridization and intelligent Control
Tools for brain-computer interaction: a general concept for a hybrid BCI
A Review of Asynchronous Electroencephalogram-based Brain Computer Interface Systems
Critical issues in state-of-the-art brain-computer interface signal processing
Optimizing the P300-based brain-computer interface: current status, limitations and future directions.
Brain-computer interfaces using electrocorticographic signals.
Challenges and opportunities for next-generation intracortically based neural prostheses
A Review of Performance Variations in SMR-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) (in BCI state of the art summary)


P300 brain computer interface: current challenges and emerging trends.
Brain–computer interfaces for multimodal interaction: a survey and principles
From spinal central pattern generators to cortical network: Integrated BCI for walking rehabilitation
A review of P300, SSVEP, and hybrid P300/SSVEP brain computer interface systems. (In: Brain-computer interface systems - recent progress and future prospects. InTech)
Review of the BCI competition IV
Brain computer interfaces, a review.
A comparison of classification techniques for a gaze-independent P300-based brain-computer interface.
Toward functioning and usable brain–computer interfaces (BCIs): A literature review
Eye-gaze independent EEG-based brain–computer interfaces for communication


A review of hybrid brain-computer interface systems
Games, gameplay, and BCI: The state of the art
Adapting the P300-based brain-computer interface for gaming: A review
Principles of hybrid brain–computer interfaces. (In: Towards practical brain computer interface)
Hybrid optical–electrical brain computer interfaces, practices and possibilities. (In: Towards practical brain-computer interfaces.)
Brain computer interfacing: a multimodal perspective
A review of kernels on covariance matrices for BCI applications
An analysis of performance evaluation for motor-imagery based BCI
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Thorough Literature Survey
EEG-Based Brain-Controlled Mobile Robots: A Survey


Visual and auditory brain-computer interfaces
Effectiveness of the P3-speller in brain-computer interfaces for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Noninvasive brain-computer interfaces for augmentative and alternative communication.
Dry EEG electrodes
Performance measurement for brain–computer or brain–machine interfaces: a tutorial
A survey of affective brain computer interfaces: principles, state-of-the-art, and challenges
Brain–Computer Interfaces Using Sensorimotor Rhythms: Current State and Future Perspectives


A review on transfer learning for brain-computer interface classification
Steady-State Somatosensory Evoked Potential for Brain-Computer Interface—Present and Future
EEG artifact removal-state-of-the-art and guidelines.
Student Teaching and Research Laboratory Focusing on Brain-computer Interface Paradigms - A Creative Environment for Computer Science Students -
Learning from more than one data source: data fusion techniques for sensorimotor rhythm-based Brain-Computer Interfaces
Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain–Computer Interfaces: Framework, Practice, Clinical Application, and Beyond
Signal Processing Approaches to Minimize or Suppress Calibration Time in Oscillatory Activity-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces
A Comparison Study of Canonical Correlation Analysis Based Methods for Detecting Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
Multi-modal and multi-brain-computer interfaces: A review
fNIRS-based brain-computer interfaces: a review


Recent advances and open challenges in hybrid brain-computer interfacing: a technological review of non-invasive human research
Scientific profile of brain–computer interfaces: Bibliometric analysis in a 10-year period
A Review of Electrodes for the Electrical Brain Signal Recording
Integrating language models into classifiers for BCI communication: a review
Review of real brain-controlled wheelchairs
Stimuli design for SSVEP-based brain computer-interface
The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Progress Beyond Communication and Control
Beyond ‘communication and control’: towards ethically complete rationales for brain-computer interface research
Multimodal BCIs: Target Detection, Multidimensional Control, and Awareness Evaluation in Patients with Disorder of Consciousness
Advances in user-training for mental-imagery-based BCI control
3D graphics, virtual reality, and motion-onset visual evoked potentials in neurogaming
Robotic and Virtual Reality BCIs Using Spatial Tactile and Auditory Oddball Paradigms


A review and experimental study on application of classifiers and evolutionary algorithms in EEG based brain-machine interface systems
Riemannian Approaches in Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Review
Riemannian geometry for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces; a primer and a review
A systematic review of hybrid brain-computer interfaces: Taxonomy and usability perspectives
Hybrid brain-computer interface techniques for improved classification accuracy and increased number of commands: A review
A review of rapid serial visual presentation-based brain-computer interfaces
Support vector machines to detect physiological patterns for EEG and EMG-based human-computer interaction: a review
Best practice for single-trial detection of event-related potentials: Application to brain-computer interfaces
Brain computer interface_ control signals review
Brain-Machine Interfaces: From Basic Science to Neuroprostheses and Neurorehabilitation
Comparison of signal decomposition methods in classification of EEG signals for motor-imagery BCI system
Brain computer interface systems using non-invasive electroencephalogram signal: A literature review


A comprehensive review of EEG-based brain-computer interface paradigms
A review of classification algorithms for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces: a 10 year update
Brain-Machine Interfaces for Controlling Lower-Limb Powered Robotic Systems
A survey on unmanned aerial vehicle remote control using brain-computer interface
Asilomar Survey: Researcher Perspectives on Ethical Principles and Guidelines for BCI Research
To train or not to train? A survey on training of feature extraction methods for SSVEP-based BCIs
Brain–Computer Interface Spellers: A Review
Brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation in stroke: A review
A review of disability EEG based wheelchair control system: Coherent taxonomy, open challenges and recommendations


Deep learning-based electroencephalography analysis: a systematic review
Single-paradigm and hybrid brain computing interfaces and their use by disabled patients
A Review of Error-Related Potential-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces for Motor Impaired People
Advances in Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles, Design, and Applications
Neurotechnologies for Human Cognitive Augmentation: Current State of the Art and Future Prospects
Brain–Computer Interface Games Based on Consumer-Grade EEG Devices: A Systematic Literature Review


BCI for stroke rehabilitation: Motor and beyond
The N400 for brain computer interfacing: complexities and opportunities
Spatial Filtering in SSVEP-based BCIs: Unified Framework and New Improvements
Brain-computer interface-based humanoid control: A review
Comprehensive review on brain-controlled mobile robots and robotic arms based on electroencephalography signals
Current Status, Challenges, and Possible Solutions of EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface: A Comprehensive Review
A comprehensive assessment of Brain Computer Interfaces: Recent trends and challenges
A survey on deep learning-based non-invasive brain signals: recent advances and new frontiers
30+ years of P300 brain–computer interfaces
Application of Transfer Learning in EEG Decoding Based on Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Review
Data Analytics in Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain–Computer Interface: A Review
Brain–Computer Interface Software: A Review and Discussion
Review on motor imagery based BCI systems for upper limb post-stroke neurorehabilitation: From designing to application
An empirical survey of electroencephalography-based brain-computer interfaces
Hybrid control approaches for hands-free high level human–computer interface-a review
A Survey on the Use of Haptic Feedback for Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neurofeedback
Sensor Modalities for Brain-Computer Interface Technology: A Comprehensive Literature Review


Direct-Sense Brain–Computer Interfaces and Wearable Computers
Interface, interaction, and intelligence in generalized brain–computer interfaces
Signal Generation, Acquisition, and Processing in Brain Machine Interfaces: A Unified Review
A Survey on Deep Learning-Based Short/Zero-Calibration Approaches for EEG-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces
EEG-based brain–computer interfaces exploiting steady-state somatosensory-evoked potentials: a literature review
Brain–computer interfaces based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials (c-VEP): a literature review
A Systematic Review on Motor-Imagery Brain-Connectivity-Based Computer Interfaces
Brain–Computer Interface Speller Based on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential: A Review Focusing on the Stimulus Paradigm and Performance
Brain-Controlled Wheelchair Review: From Wet Electrode to Dry Electrode, from Single Modal to Hybrid Modal, from Synchronous to Asynchronous
A systematic review on hybrid EEG/fNIRS in brain-computer interface
Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review
Review on Motor Imagery Based EEG Signal Classification for BCI Using Deep Learning Techniques
Mind the gap: State-of-the-art technologies and applications for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces
Data Augmentation for Deep Neural Networks Model in EEG Classification Task: A Review
Review of brain encoding and decoding mechanisms for EEG-based brain–computer interface
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces for Motor Rehabilitation Applications: Systematic Review and Future Directions


Review of Machine Learning Techniques for EEG Based Brain Computer Interface
Brain–Computer Interface-Controlled Exoskeletons in Clinical Neurorehabilitation: Ready or Not?
EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces for people with Disorders of Consciousness: Features and applications. A systematic review
EEG hybrid brain-computer interfaces: A scoping review applying an existing hybrid-BCI taxonomy and considerations for pediatric applications
Advances in P300 brain–computer interface spellers: toward paradigm design and performance evaluation
Review of the State-of-the-Art of Brain-Controlled Vehicles
Transfer Learning for EEG-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces: A Review of Progress Made Since 2016
EEG Channel Selection Techniques in Motor Imagery Applications: A Review and New Perspectives
Deep Learning in EEG: Advance of the Last Ten-Year Critical Period
EEG-based vibrotactile evoked brain-computer interfaces system: A systematic review


Status of deep learning for EEG-based brain–computer interface applications
Single trial detection of error-related potentials in brain–machine interfaces: a survey and comparison of methods
A survey of deep learning-based classification methods for steady-state visual evoked potentials
An Analysis of Deep Learning Models in SSVEP-Based BCI: A Survey
How Visual Stimuli Evoked P300 is Transforming the Brain–Computer Interface Landscape: A PRISMA Compliant Systematic Review
Machine learning techniques for electroencephalogram based brain-computer interface: A systematic literature review
Generative Adversarial Networks for Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis: A Mini Review
A review on the performance of brain-computer interface systems used for patients with locked-in and completely locked-in syndrome
Methods for Motion Artifact Reduction in Online Brain-Computer Interface Experiments: A Systematic Review
Two is better? combining EEG and fMRI for BCI and neurofeedback: a systematic review
fNIRS-EEG BCIs for Motor Rehabilitation: A Review
Deep Learning in EEG-Based BCIs: A Comprehensive Review of Transformer Models, Advantages, Challenges, and Applications
Review of public motor imagery and execution datasets in brain-computer interfaces
Generative adversarial networks in EEG analysis: an overview
A Review of Deep Learning Methods for Cross-subject Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Detection in World Robot Contest 2022
Wearable Brain–Computer Interfaces Based on Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials and Augmented Reality: A Review
Review on brain-computer interface technologies in healthcare
Non-invasive EEG-based BCI spellers from the beginning to today: a mini-review


An in-depth survey on Deep Learning-based Motor Imagery Electroencephalogram (EEG) classification
An Analysis of Traditional Methods and Deep Learning Methods in SSVEP-Based BCI: A Survey
Data Constraints and Performance Optimization for Transformer-Based Models in EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Survey
Speech imagery decoding using EEG signals and deep learning: A survey
Explainable artificial intelligence approaches for brain–computer interfaces: a review and design space
The state of clinical trials of implantable brain–computer interfaces

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