
🌍 A curated list of i18n resources for all kind of languages and frameworks


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awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / JavaScript / TypeScript tiny i18n helper library written in JavaScript, made to work both in the browser and in CommonJS environments
VoerkaI18n Internationalization solution for
eo-locale 348 about 1 year ago elegant lightweight library based on Internationalization API
MDN: Intl object documentation for standard object from JavaScript
MDN: i18n internationalize your browser extension. APIs to get localized strings from locale files
facebook/fbt 3,883 17 days ago internationalization framework for JavaScript designed to be not just powerful and flexible, but also simple and intuitive
FormatJS internationalize your web apps on the client & server
FormatJS CLI extract messages from project with FormatJS library
i18next internationalization framework for browser or any other JavaScript environment
i18n-ally 3,935 about 1 month ago extension for VSCode, all in one about i18n
intljulep 12 4 months ago super lightweight yet powerful i18n library
jquery/globalize 4,797 over 1 year ago library for i18n that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data
Jed 874 about 7 years ago Gettext style i18n library
lisan.js fast and small i18n library
js-lingui 4,484 10 days ago readable, automated, and optimized internationalization
npm i18n lightweight simple translation module with dynamic JSON storage
ttag library for translations based on ES6 template literals
typesafe-i18n 2,226 6 days ago type-safe, lightweight localization library for TypeScript with no external dependencies
schummar-translate 127 4 months ago TypeScript powered translation library for React and Node.js
messageformat 1,680 11 days ago ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages
rosetta 785 9 months ago A general purpose internationalization library in ~300 bytes (including dependencies)
Intl.js (UNMAINTAINED) 1,695 over 4 years ago implementation of the ECMAScript Internationalization API
ParaglideJS synchronous, typesafe and lightweight i18n library

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / React / React Native

next-translate 2,636 10 days ago easy i18n for NextJS, ~1kb of size
next-intl 2,380 4 days ago a minimal, but complete solution for internationalization in Next.js apps works with SSR and SSG
react-translate 109 almost 2 years ago internationalization for React
react-native-localize 2,267 9 days ago toolbox for your React Native app localization
react-localization 372 over 1 year ago simple module to localize the React interface using the same syntax used in the ReactNativeLocalization module
react-intl internationalize your web apps with react-intl library
react-intl (CLI) extract messages from project with FormatJS library
react-intl-hooks small and fast library that you can use to replace FormatJS components
react-i18nify 154 10 days ago simple i18n translation and localization components and helpers for React
react-i18next internationalization framework for React and React Native which is based on i18next
react-i18n-mini 15 9 months ago A tiny (~2.39 kB) internationalisation library for React
react-persian 80 almost 7 years ago set of react components for Persian localization
react-translated 180 almost 2 years ago dead simple way to add complex translations
react-localize-redux 374 almost 2 years ago localization library for handling translations
react-translate-component 322 over 6 years ago component for React that utilizes the Counterpart module and the Interpolate component to provide multi-lingual/localized text content
react-littera 19 9 months ago lightweight library for robust translations using hooks. Some of the key features are dynamic templates, missing reports, auto-locale detection and more
talkr 248 23 days ago lightest i18n provider for React applications (< 1kb). Supports Typescript, provides smart autocompletion based on your own json translation files, handles complex plural rules, 0 dependencies

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / VueJS

vue i18n vue i18n is internationalization plugin for Vue.js
sweet-i18n 27 over 1 year ago automatic extraction and conversion of Chinese characters in Vue and JS files based on Babel

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Angular

NGX Translate translation library for Angular

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Svelte

svelte-i18n 1,233 2 months ago internationalization for Svelte

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries /

Quasar i18n official Quasar framework document page about internationalization

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Java

Thymeleaf modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments
Thymeleaf i18n docs How to use for translations
Spring Messages Spring Boot internationalization. LocaleResolver & LocaleChangeInterceptor example usage
Spring Boot localization Baeldun post about using Spring Messages
i18n in Spring Boot Stackoverflow thread about i18n in Spring Boot
Java Time Classes Stackoverflow thread about time and timezones in Java

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Jekyll

jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin 927 11 months ago Jekyll Multiple Languages is an internationalization plugin for Jekyll
jekyll-i18n 38 over 5 years ago Jekyll i18n is a plugin that enables simplistic multi-language site designs using Jekyll. (not maintained)

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Swift (iOS & macOS)

SwiftGoogleTranslate 100 about 1 year ago framework to use cloud translation API by Google in Swift

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Ruby

Twitter/CLDR 669 5 months ago implementation of the ICU that uses the Common Locale Data Repository to format dates, plurals
Ruby i18n official internationalization API document page

awesome-i18n / 📦 Libraries / Python

Python-i18n internationalization package
deep-translator 1,546 2 months ago library to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators

awesome-i18n / 🔦 Message and key extraction

FormatJS CLI extract messages from project with FormatJS library
simplelocalize-cli extract translation keys and messages from various different libraries
IntelliJ plugin for extracting i18n keys 70 over 1 year ago IntelliJ IDEA plugin for extracing i18n keys

awesome-i18n / 🖥 Desktop apps for translation management

Argos Translate 3,766 9 days ago open source offline translation app based on OpenNMT
GNU gettext tool for adding native language support to applications
RTranslator 6,578 8 days ago simultaneous translator app for Android based on Google's API
Crow Translate 1,819 3 months ago lightweight desktop translator, uses Google, Yandex and Bing translate API
Copy Translator 17,126 about 1 year ago cross-platform app that automatically translate texts when copied in the clipboard
ElectronJS i18n cross-platform i18n manager
OmegaT free translation memory application that works on all popular operating systems
LibreTranslate 8,902 4 days ago self-hosted web application to translate texts
POEditor tool for managing PO language files
Fink git-based editor in the browser that connects to your repo

awesome-i18n / 📅 Utility libraries

Luxon powerful, modern, and friendly wrapper for JavaScript dates and times (replaces momentjs)
date-fns JS library for dates fake phone number generator
googlei18n/libphonenumber 16,496 10 days ago Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers JS library for entering and validating international phone numbers

awesome-i18n / 📚 Resources

Stackoverflow: Localization vs Internationalization Localization and internationalization, what's the difference?
Stackoverflow: Daylight saving time and time-zone best practices
Blog post: Top 12 libraries for React localization Blog post on about top 12 libraries for react localization
Blog post: Building a minimal i18n library
Blog post: Generating images with multi-language texts article about images localization and i18n in blog post banners
Blog post: Language vs Locale what is the difference between language and locale
Blog post: Development/Production parity for Rails i18n blog post with a warning on using different i18n backends in development/production
Blog post: What is 'hreflang' attribute hreflang FAQ and explanation how to use it and why it is important for SEO
Blog post: i18n with React Intl and SimpleLocalize article demonstrates how to set up and manage translations with autogenerated translation keys with FormatJS
Github: FormatJS example project 6 about 2 years ago example project built with React-intl and React
Github: i18next example project 4 7 months ago example project built with i18next and React
Guide: Google Developers - Internationalization official Google document page
Guide: Angular i18n official Angular i18n document page
Guide: W3C i18n standards
Guide: Common Language Data Repository the Unicode CLDR provides key building blocks for software to support the world's languages, with the largest and most extensive standard repository of locale data available
ICU: International Components for Unicode ICU is a mature and widely used providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications
Extract messages and translation keys from project files extracting translation keys from project files. JavaScript, Android, iOS/macOS

awesome-i18n / 🦾 Automated translation

Gengo translation is made by real people but you can make an order using API
Google Translate
Microsoft Translator

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