
An awesome list of prover mechanism resources of the zk ecosystem


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last commit: 10 months ago
Linked from 1 awesome list


awesome-prover-mechanisms / AZTEC

Ideas on a proving network
Decentralized and permissionless proving design discussion
Request for Proposals: Decentralized Prover Coordination
[Proposal] Cooperative proving network for Fernet
[Proposal] Provers: Bonded Prover Auction
[Proposal] Prover Coordination: Sidecar
[Proposal] - Fernet on the Rocks
[Proposal] - When the levee breaks
[Proposal] Decentralized Prover Network (Staking, Reputations and Proof Races)

awesome-prover-mechanisms / STARKNET

StarkNet decentralization : Kicking off the discussion
Starknet Decentralized Protocol IV - Proofs in the Protocol
Simple Decentralized Protocol Proposal
Decentralization: simplest suggestion
Starknet Decentralization Day Summary
StarkNet Decentralization - Tendermint based suggestion
Decentralized Consensus Potential Candidate (Longest Chain)
Starknet Decentralized Protocol VI - The Buffer Problem
Starknet Decentralized Protocol VII - Chained Proof Protocols & Braiding

awesome-prover-mechanisms / TAIKO

Proving Taiko blocks
feat(protocol): Auction #13813 4,535 8 days ago
Staking-Based Tokenomics 4,535 8 days ago
Alpha-2 Testnet Update
Alpha-2 Prover Rewards Update
Eldfell L3 update: Prover slashing explained
Provers: To decentralize or not to decentralize?
Taiko Proving Design overview: Grímsvötn and Eldfell cases
Decentralized and permissionless proving design (Twitter spaces wrap-up)
Community Call #6 write-up
Community Call #5 write-up
Taiko Fee&Gas Tokenomics Thread

awesome-prover-mechanisms / SCROLL

An overview of Scroll’s architecture
Prover-sequencer separation
PBS-ifying Rollups: Prover-Sequencer Separation - Toghrul Maharramov

awesome-prover-mechanisms / ETH RESEARCH

Based rollups—superpowers from L1 sequencing
Introducing Scroll, a new layer2 solution
Low-overhead secret single-leader election

awesome-prover-mechanisms / OTHER

Decentralized Proving, Proof Markets, and ZK Infrastructure
Proposed milestones for rollups taking off training wheels
Hardening rollups with multi-proofs by Vitalik

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