
A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources for heritage, humanities and art history practitioners.


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Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / RDF

RDF 1.1 Primer
RDF 1.1 Semantics
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax
RDF 1.1: On Semantics of RDF Datasets
XSD Datatypes

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / RDFS

RDF Schema 1.1

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / OWL

OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview
OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Primer

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / Data Shape

SHACL Advanced

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / SPARQL

SPARQL 1.1 Overview
SPARQL 1.1 Query Language
SPARQL 1.1 Update
SPARQL 1.1 Service Description
SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query
SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format
SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats
SPARQL 1.1 Query Results XML Format (Second Edition)
SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes
SPARQL 1.1 Protocol
SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / R2RML

R2RML: RDB to RDF Mapping Language

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / RDFa

XHTML+RDFa 1.1 - Third Edition
RDFa Lite 1.1 - Second Edition
HTML+RDFa 1.1 - Second Edition

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / Linked Data Fragments (LDF)

Linked Data Fragments

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / Linked Data Notifications

Linked Data Notifications

Semantic Web Standards & Recommendation / Linked Data Platform

Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer
Linked Data Platform Best Practices and Guidelines
Linked Data Platform 1.0
Linked Data Platform 1.0 Test Cases



Ontologies / CIDOC-CRM

Documentation : Official website of the CIDOC-CRM
RDFS Official version of CIDOC-CRM available in RDF
OWL OWL version of CIDOC-CRM.
CIDOC-CRM Periodic Table Visualize and search the CRM in a user-friendly interface
CRMdig : Model for provenance metadata
CRMsci : Scientific observation model
CRMinf : Argumentation model
FRBRoo : Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records
PRESSoo : Modelling of bibliographical information
CRMpc : Modelling .1 properties in CRM as n-ary relationship
CRMgeo : Spatiotemporal model
CRMba : Model for archaeological buildings
CRMtex : Model for the study of ancient text
CRMarcheo : Excavation model
VIR : Model for visual and iconographical representations
DOREMUS : Model for describing musical performances and recordings
Long Video Tutorial by Stephen Staad Require Flash
Short Video Tutorial by George Bruseker
FRBRoo Tutorial
Official Website modelling and
Reference Data Models Ready-Made data patterns for describing Person, Artwork, Documents, Events and more
Consortium for Open Research Data in the Humanities Basic shared pattern for interoperable CRM
Linked Art Art Museum Application Profile for CRM in JSON-LD
DOPHEDA Project of the Canadian Heritage Information Network to foster the development of LOD in heritage institutions, including a Data Model based on CIDOC CRM

Ontologies / Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)

GND Ontology for authority files

Ontologies / Europeana Data Model


Ontologies / Dublin Core

DCMI Metadata Terms

Ontologies / Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE)


Ontologies / Encoded Archival Context for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF)

EAC-CPF Description Ontology for Linked Archival Data

Ontologies / ICA Expert Group on Archival Description (EGAD)

Records in Context - Conceptual Model (RiC-CM)

Ontologies / Metadata Object Description Schema (MADS)


Ontologies / BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative)

Model Overview

Ontologies / BIBO (Bibliographic Ontology Specification)


Ontologies / Resource Description Access Ontology

RDA Registry

Ontologies / PREMIS

Vocabulary of digital preservation metadata

Ontologies / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Web Annotation Vocabulary
WGS84 Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary
skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System
skos-xl SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System eXtension for Labels
vcard vCard Ontology - for describing People and Organizations
void Describing Linked Datasets with the VoID Vocabulary
time Time Ontology in OWL
org The Organization Ontology
dqv Vocabulary for describing quality metadata
PROV-O Represent provenance information

Ontologies / Others

foaf Friend of a Friend (FOAF) ontology
obo-relations Relation Ontology. Relationship types shared across multiple ontologies
RELATIONSHIP Vocabulary for describing relationships between people
BIO Vocabulary for describing biographical information Structured data on the Internet (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex)
SPAR Semantic Publishing and Referencing Ontologies
Creative Commons Rights Expression
QUDT Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types Ontologies and Vocabularies
Ontology of units of measure Dimensions and measurements ontology

Ontologies / Where to find ontologies

Linked Open Vocabularies

Mapping tools / X3ML

X3ML 19 about 1 month ago
Consortium for Open Research Data in the Humanities

Vocabularies and KOS / General

Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus
Getty Union List of Artist Names
Thesaurus of Geographic Names
keyword search Iconclass +
CERL Thesaurus for book heritage
Library Congress Subject Headings
Thesaurus Graphical Materials
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging +

Vocabularies and KOS / France

Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers
Liste d'autorité Actions pour l'indexation des archives locales
Liste d'autorité Contexte historique pour l'indexation des archives locales
Liste d'autorité Typologie documentaire pour l'indexation des archives locales
Nomenclatures HADOC
Techniques photographiques
Thésaurus de la désignation des œuvres architecturales et des espaces aménagés
Thésaurus-matières pour l'indexation des archives locales
Vocabulaire des activités des entités productrices d'archives
Vocabulaire des domaines d'action ou objets des entités productrices d'archives
Vocabulaire pour les techniques photographiques

Vocabularies and KOS / Italy

Thesaurus Portale della Cultural Italiana (PICO)
Soggettario Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze

Vocabularies and KOS / China

Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (CIT)

Vocabularies and KOS / Where to find controlled vocabularies/thesauri


Vocabulary / KOS Management

Skosmos Access SKOS vocabularies with SPARQL or API
VocBench Web-based, multilingual, collaborative platform for managing OWL, SKOS(/XL) and generic RDF datasets
Ginco 41 10 months ago Collaborative management and alignment of vocabularies
Opentheso 25 3 days ago Multilingual collaborative management of KOS
iqvoc 117 3 months ago SKOS(-XL) Vocabulary Management System for the Semantic Web
TemaTres Manage, share, publish, and re-use SKOS vocabularies

Vocabulary / KOS Management / Vocabulary validation & conversion tools

Skosify 54 about 3 years ago Validate, convert and improve SKOS vocabularies
qSKOS 64 4 months ago Find quality issues in SKOS vocabularies
SKOS Play Render and visualise thesaurus, taxonomies or controlled vocabularies. Furthermore, convert Excel spreadsheets into SKOS files

Exchange and discussions / Conferences

International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019)
European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019)
CIDOC - ICOM International Committee for Documentation
Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe)
Semantic Web in Libraries

Exchange and discussions / Conference not specifically on Semantic Web, but with strong ties to the community

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)
International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research
European Library Automation Group

Exchange and discussions / Discussion groups

CIDOC-CRM SIG Mailing List
LODLAM - Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives & Museum Community Group
w3c semantic web Mailing List
w3c Linked Open Data Mailing List
GLAM–Wiki initiative
Wikidata GLAM
GLAM Wiki Facebook Group

Exchange and discussions / Academic Journals

Semantic Web Journal
Journal of Web Semantics
International Journal of Web and Semantic Technology

Knowledge Graph Management

Researchspace (OS) platform for managing, interacting and building entry points (template, graph authoring) for RDF Stores. Specifically targeting GLAM researchers and institutions
Metaphacts (OS)($) platform for managing, interacting and building entry points (template, graph authoring) for RDF Stores
WissKI (OS) Drupal-based platform to interact and build entry point for RDF Stores
LinkedDataHub (OS) collaborative data and information management for RDF data
GraphDB by Ontotext ($)( ) RDF Database for Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge Graph Management / Linked Data Platform (LDP)

fedora Repository platform with native linked data support
warp 60 almost 6 years ago Warp an LDP file manager
Marmotta 54 over 4 years ago Apache linked data platform implementation
Elda 53 about 3 years ago Linked data platform from Epimorphics
LDP4j 43 almost 4 years ago
gold 150 about 4 years ago Linked Data server for Go
trellis 105 12 days ago


Linked Data
Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web
Semantic Web Programming
Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist
Programming the Semantic Web
Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology
Structures for Organizing Knowledge: Exploring Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Other Schema
Validating RDF Data
Demystifying OWL for the Enterprise
Learning SPARQL
Knowledge Representation

Editors / TextMate

sparql/turtle extension 28 over 6 years ago

Editors / Sublime Text

Turtle and SPARQL syntax highlighter 40 over 7 years ago
SPARQL 1.1, Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads and Notation3 syntax highlighter 30 almost 2 years ago

Editors / BBedit

Turtle syntax highlighter

Editors / VIM

sparql.vim 5 almost 14 years ago SPARQL syntax highlighting
vim-sparql 5 over 12 years ago
semweb.vim 7 over 9 years ago

Editors / Emacs

sparql-mode 59 8 months ago

Editors / IntelliJ

sparql4idea 6 over 4 years ago SPARQL language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

Data Management

Timbuctoo Data management, enrichment and sharing
Openrefine Data cleaning and normalisation

Data Management / OpenRefine Reconciliation services

VIAF & — OpenRefine reconciliation services for VIAF, ORCID, and Open Library available in . To make it work, it is necessary the launch a jar file for its use. After that the endpoint is available at:
Geonames — The OpenRefine reconciliation services is available in . To make it work, it is necessary to launch a python script. After that the endpoint is available at:
GND — Reconciliation service offered by . Endpoint for OpenRefine: . Possible to "Add columns from reconciled values"
SNAC — Social Networks and Archival Context. Endpoint for OpenRefine: - — Nomisma provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts. Endpoint for OpenRefine:
OpenCorporate — Open database of companies. Endpoint for OpenRefine:
Getty Research Institute OpenRefine reconciliation services for the Getty Vocabularies (ULAN, TGN, AAT)
Nomisma OpenRefine reconciliation service for Nomisma. Endpoint for OpenRefine: . Documentation on their The OpenRefine reconciliation services is available in
Pleiades OpenRefine reconciliation service for Pleiades. Endpoint for OpenRefine: . More information
GODOT OpenRefine reconciliation service for GODOT. Endpoint for OpenRefine:

Data Validation

pySHACL 246 10 days ago a Python validator for SHACL
SHaclEX 77 about 1 month ago Scala implementation of SHEX and SHACL. Possible to use a demo version from a web interface
RDFUnit RDF testing suite. Include but not limited to SHACL
dotNetRDF SHACL SHACL procecssor that can check conformance and validate data graphs against shapes graphs
YASHE ShEx editor with examples
Shex validator Simple Online Validator for ShEx


International Image Interoperability Framework
Awesome IIIF-related resources 478 2 days ago

Misc / Prefix 37 over 2 years ago Source code to the website

Misc / Ontology

LODE ontology documentation environment
Widoco 286 about 2 months ago Ontology documentation (include LODE)
OntoME Ontology Management Environment
Grafo Collaborative and graphical ontology design

Misc / Alignment

SILK Linked Data Integration Framework
OnAGUI 11 12 months ago Ontology alignment GUI
Alignment API Tool for Expressing, generating and sharing ontology alignments

Misc / Conversion

RDFConvert RDFConvert is a simple command-line tool for converting RDF file betweeen different syntax formats
RDF2RDF Java tool to converts RDF files from any format to any format
marc2rdf 6 almost 6 years ago Takes as input INTERMARC-XML and UNIMARC-XML files and generates as output RDF
ntcat 0 over 9 years ago Command line tool for concatenating NTriples documents
How to diff RDF
grlc 136 about 1 month ago Web APIs from SPARQL queries

Misc / Visualisation

Ontology Visualisation 124 about 2 years ago Python tool for visualising RDF. Convert rdf to .dot and use Graphviz for constructing a visual representation

Misc / Images

ImageSnippets Platform to links RDF descriptions to images

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