
books An awesome list of customization tools for your UN*X/Linux desktop.


285 stars
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30 forks
last commit: about 1 year ago

Getting started

Getting started / File Manager

ranger 15,447 about 2 months ago A vim inspired filemanager for console
Thunar 212 10 days ago A modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
PCManFM A lightweight Gtk+ based file manager for X Window
fff* 4,084 7 months ago simple file manager written by
Midnight Commander A terminal based file manager

Getting started / Music Player

mpc 191 3 months ago Client for , responsible for telling lemonbar about the currently playing media
mpd 2,163 9 days ago A daemon for playing music of various formats with as client
cmus 5,514 6 days ago A small ncurses based music player
ncmpcpp 2,074 15 days ago An ncurses Music Player Daemon (MPD) client
Rhythmbox A Music Player which takes its inspiration from Apple's iTunes application

Getting started / Music Visualizer

cava 4,156 22 days ago Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa (MPD and Pulseaudio)
mpdviz 103 almost 9 years ago Console mpd visualizer like
nausea 10 over 9 years ago This is a simple Console audio spectrum visualizer, Work well with mpd daemon music player

Getting started / Image Viewer

feh 1,521 about 2 months ago A lightweight image viewer
sxiv 1,807 over 1 year ago Simple X Image viewer like
n30f 66 over 4 years ago Image viewer to display an image in a borderless and transparent non-wm-managed window
gpicview A Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X
nitrogen 358 5 months ago A GUI background previewer and setter

Getting started / System Info

neofetch 21,996 3 months ago A customizable system information written in Bash
screenfetch 3,855 3 months ago Bash screenshot information tool
ufetch 168 over 4 years ago Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems
pfetch 2,049 8 months ago A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh

Getting started / Text Editor

neovim 82,131 4 days ago Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
vim 36,226 4 days ago Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
Spacevim 20,266 19 days ago Community-driven modular vim distribution with ultimate vim configuration and many build-in features
Leafpad Leafpad is a simple GTK+ text editor that emphasizes simplicity

Getting started / Terminal

rxvt-unicode 255 5 months ago A customizable terminal emulator forked from
xterm The standard terminal emulator for the X Window System
st A simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less, with xft

Getting started / Menu

dmenu 6 over 5 years ago A fast and lightweight dynamic menu for X
jgmenu 906 25 days ago Small X11 menu intended to be used with openbox and tint2
myGtkMenu GTK2, GTK3 standalone & lightweight menu written in C
rofi 13,096 9 days ago A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement

Getting started / Panel

lemonbar 1,617 about 1 month ago A featherweight, lemon-scented, bar based on xcb
polybar 14,092 22 days ago A fast and easy-to-use status bar
dzen2 A general purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X11
xmobar A minimalistic, mostly text-based status bar
tint2 A lightweight panel/taskbar with support system try

Getting started / Dock

Plank A simplest dock on the planet, famous dock for linux user
Cairo Dock A desktop interface that takes the shape of docks, desklets, panel, etc

Getting started / Notification Daemon

dunst A lightweight replacement for the notification daemons provided by most desktop environments

Getting started / Logout Screen

lxsession-logout A nice banner-style logout dialog for the LXDE
oblogout GTK/Cairo based logout box styled for openbox
clearine 101 almost 5 years ago Beautiful logout UI for X11 window manager

Getting started / Tweaks

wal 730 about 7 years ago Generate and change colorschemes on the fly
pywal 8,341 8 months ago Generate and change colorschemes on the fly. A rewrite in Python 3
wpgtk 2,044 4 months ago A powerful GTK+ frontend for pywal, adding features such as flexible templates and editing colorschemes
spicetify-cli 18,327 5 days ago Commandline tool to customize Spotify client
tintyourday Generate your config with Xresources color
obtgen 85 over 6 years ago Openbox theme generator
Shift An instantly window manager theme changer
colorfil 3 over 6 years ago Generate 16 color for Xresources colorscheme from one-color
colorls 4,899 about 1 month ago A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons
Cornora 15 almost 6 years ago Simple Hotcorner Launcher for X
warnai 82 about 5 years ago Swiss army theme changer from .Xresources
Compton 2,246 over 3 years ago A compositor for X11
Oomox 2,088 11 days ago Generate themes and icons using oomox GUI

Getting started / Screen Manager

lxrandr standard screen manager of LXDE

Getting started / Others

colorls 4,899 about 1 month ago A Ruby script that colorizes the ls output with color and icons
exa A modern replacement for
ls++ 502 4 months ago on steroids

Getting started / Contribute / Credits

Linuxer Desktop Art Especially