
🤖 A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers.


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Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Developer Tools / Bookmarklets

artoo.js Client-side scraping utility for the currently loaded uri
DOM Monster A cross-platform, cross-browser bookmarklet that will analyze the DOM & other features of the page you're on
Make Bookmarklets Online tool to turn JavaScript into a bookmarklet
Rulers Guides A JavaScript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page
Viewport Resizer A browser-based tool to test any website's responsiveness

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Debug JavaScript

Babel Time Travel Travel in time as babel transpiles
DebugJS Debug your JavaScript in the browser (lol?) View realtime HTTP requests using a generated URL
httpbin HTTP Request & Response service
JavaScript Visualizer 9000 Loupe-inspired JavaScript execution visualizer Custom, mock JSON API
Loupe Similar in goal to SlowmoJS, a JavaScript call stack visualizer
SlowmoJS Execute JavaScript in slow motion

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Postman Alternatives

Hoppscotch A lightweight, web-based API development suite
RecipeUI Open source Postman alternative with type safety built in
Reqbin REST & SOAP API Online Testing Tool

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Diagramming & Scratch

asciiflow ASCIIFlow is a client-side only web based application for drawing ASCII diagrams
dbdiagram Draw Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Painlessly
dot-to-ascii Graphviz to ASCII converter using Graph::Easy
Excalidraw Virtual whiteboard
JSON-to-Chart Create beautiful charts from JSON data in your browser
JSONCrack Visualize CSV/JSON/TOML/XML/YAML instantly into graphs
Knotend A flowchart editor designed for speed through keyboard shortcuts and autolayout
Markmap Visualize markdown as a feature-rich mindmaps
nomnoml A tool for drawing UML diagrams based on a simple syntax
Sequence Diagram An online tool / software for creating UML sequence diagrams

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Diffing

JSONDiffPatch Run a visual or non-visual diff on two JSON blobs

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Document & Editors A simple editor to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project's readme

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Generators

JSONGenerator Create random JSON data
NGINXConfig The easiest way to configure a performant, secure, and stable NGINX server
Readme All in one tool to quickly generate a readme for your project or github profile

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Tools / Image

Clippy CSS clip-path maker and editor
Favic-o-matic Literally generates every favicon neccessary + markup Privacy-aware JPEG optimizer
PicPerf Boost web performance with image optimization. Analyze and improve tags, tags, and inline CSS
PNG-to-SVG Free conversion from JPG or PNG images To vectorized SVG
Squoosh Compress and optimize images in browser
SVG-to-backgroundImage Convert your SVG files into CSS url (data URIs) by encoding it
SVGOMG Try (SVG Optimizer) in the browser!

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Copy/Paste Scripts & Styles

crontab guru The quick and simple editor for cron schedule expressions by Cronitor
CSS Scan - Box Shadows CSS, Ready to use, click to copy
CSS Scan - Buttons CSS, Ready to use, click to copy
CSS Scan - Checkboxes CSS, Ready to use, click to copy
CSS Scan - Shapes CSS, Ready to use, click to copy
Devtools Tips Copy-and-paste'able collection of useful cross-browser DevTools snippets
transition.css Drop-in CSS transitions

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / File Sharing Ephemeral file sharing. Convenient, anonymous and secure Instant file transfer/sharing over WebTorrent
pairdrop Instant file transfer over your local network (P2P)

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Performance

Perflink JS benchmarks

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Playgrounds

codepen Social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration
CodeSandbox Online code editor and sandbox
Ellie The Elm Live Editor
ES.nextBin Like RequireBin but ES2015
ESM A fast, smart, & global CDN for modern(es2015+) web development
JSBin JS/Coffee/Babel/Babel/Live/JSX/HTML/Markdown/Pug/CSS/Stylus/LESS/Sass
JSFiddle JS/ES3/Coffee/HTML/CSS/Sass JS/Typescript/Coffee/LiveScript/Babel/CSS/Sass/LESS/Stylus/HTML/Pug

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Regex

Debuggex PCRE/Python/JavaScript regex matching
ExtendsClass PHP/Python/Ruby/JavaScript regex matching
RegExplained JavaScript regex matching
Regexr JavaScript regex matching
Regulex JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Transformation

AST Explorer Parse JS to an explorable AST tree via acorn, babel, babylon, espree, esprima, recast, shift, and typescript
Babel REPL The compiler for next generation JavaScript
Compiler Explorer Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
fixmyjs Automatically fix your JS, driven by JSHint
JavaScript Deobfuscator A simple but powerful deobfuscator to remove common JavaScript obfuscation techniques
JSNice Statistical renaming, type inference and deobfuscation
JSON ABC Sorts JSON alphabetically
Markdown to HTML Paste or type your markdown and see it rendered as HTML. Download or copy the resulting HTML
Markdown Tools Tools to convert Markdown to/from a number of formats. E.g. Html to Markdown, or a CSV to a Markdown table
Sucrase Super-fast Babel alternative
SWC compile JS/TS files using modern JS features and outputs valid code that is supported by all major browsers
Terser JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
Web2Img A tool to bundle your web files into a single image, and extract them via Service Worker at runtime
WebAssembly Explorer translate C/C++ to WebAssembly, and then see the machine code generated by the browser

Awesome Developer Tools / Web-based Services / Presentation Create beautiful images of code snippets
snapify Snappify enables you to create stunning presentations, with first-class support for code snippets

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / APIs

FillText Generate JSON datasets for testing or demonstration purposes
JSONPlaceholder Free fake API for testing and prototyping
Zippopotamus Zipcode to Geo

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Browser Information

What's My Browser?

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / CDN

JSDelivr A free CDN for open source projects
Skypack Load optimized npm packages with no install and no build tools
unpkg Fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Cheat Sheets

OWASP Cheat Sheet Series A concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / CSS Inliners

Campaign Monitor

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Documentation

DevDocs Basically but a web application and FREE
ECMAScript Proposal Stages
ExplainShell A better way to read MAN pages

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Easings & Animations


Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Glyphs & Icons

Copy/Paste Character Copy & Paste emojis and unicode symbols
CSS Icons Copy & Paste icons in CSS + transition animations!
Entity Lookup Enter any character(s) and find its corresponding HTML entity code
heroicons Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS
Icon Finder Millions of graphics for your design projects. Created by independent designers
Icon Monstr Discover 4000+ free icons in 300+ collections
Icônes Over 150,000 open source vector icons
Tabler Icons 4000+ Open source free SVG icons. Highly customizable. No attribution required. For commercial use

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Proxy as a Service

CORS Anywhere Proxies any HTTP request through a CORS enabled environment

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Responsiveness

Responsive Patterns

Awesome Developer Tools / Resources / Validation & Parsers

numverify Validate phone numbers from over 200 countries
CSP Evaluator Evaluate CSP rules
Ada URL Parser WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser written in modern C++, online

Awesome Developer Tools / Security / SSL

Self-Signed Certificate Generator A self-signed certificate generator
Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator SSL configuration generator for various server software and platforms

Awesome Developer Tools / Security / Test

HSTS Preload Check HSTS preload status and elibility
Mozilla Observatory A set of tools to analyze your website and inform you if you are utilizing the many available methods to secure it
Security Headers by Probely An easy to use tool designed to help you better deploy and understand modern security features that are available for your website
Web Check All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website

Awesome Developer Tools / Notable Mentions

ASCII Silhouettify Convert images into ANSI-escaped color ASCII art
Octopus Lightning-fast visual sitemap builder & website planner
Type Fluidity Fluid typography value generator
TypeScriptToLua TypeScript to Lua

Awesome Developer Tools / The Outside World / Swag


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