
Awesome EventStorming


2k stars
185 watching
165 forks
last commit: about 1 month ago
Linked from 1 awesome list


Awesome EventStorming / Books

Introducing EventStorming, Alberto Brandolini
Domain-Driven Design Distilled, Chapter 7: Acceleration and Management Tools, Vaughn Vernon
The EventStorming Handbook, Paul Rayner
What is Domain-Driven Design?, Chapter 8: Event Storming, Vladik Khononov

Awesome EventStorming / Articles

Introducing EventStorming, Alberto Brandolini
Facilitating EventStorming, Mathias Verraes
An introduction to EventStorming: The easy way to achieve domain-driven design, Steven A. Lowe
Modelling Reactive Systems with EventStorming and Domain-Driven Design, Kevin Webber
EventStorming: On Fake Domains and Happy Paths, Mathias Verraes
EventStorming, Storytelling, Visualisations, Mathias Verraes
EventStorming Exercise, Tim Schraepen
EventStorming: Warsztaty Product Craftsmanship Agile Wrocław, Rafał Makara (PL)
How to Use Event Storming for Product Development, Andrzej Samek
Event Storming and Spring with a Splash of DDD, Jakub Pilimon
EventStorming's Coincidence with Business Process Improvement

Awesome EventStorming / Articles / "First Pop Coffee Company" series, Nick Chamberlain

Big Picture EventStorming
Domain Discoveries
People and Commands
Design Level EventStorming
Complexity and Cost
Design Level EventStorming Continued

Awesome EventStorming / Articles

EventStorming, What You Need to Know, Daniel Whittaker
How Event Storming Will Improve Your Business Processes, Wojciech Maciejak
A facilitators recipe for Event Storming
A step by step guide to Event Storming – our experience, Natalia Kolińska
Event Storming and Event Modeling - Cheat Sheet For Organizers 58 6 months ago
Misadventures with BDUF, a Big Picture Event Storming series, Philippe Bourgau
Detailed Agenda for Design-Level Event Storming series, Philippe Bourgau

Awesome EventStorming / Videos

50.000 Orange Stickies Later, Alberto Brandolini
EventStorming - Collaborative Learning for Complex Domains, Paul Rayner
Event Storming for fun and profit, Dan North
Transactions redefined, Alberto Brandolini
Recording of Big Picture Online Event Storming

Awesome EventStorming / Presentation slides

EventStorming Recipes, Alberto Brandolini
Model Storming, Alberto Brandolini
50.000 Orange Stickies Later, Alberto Brandolini
EventStorming, Colaborative Learning for Complex Domains, Paul Rayner
Transactions redefined, Alberto Brandolini

Awesome EventStorming / People on Twitter

Alberto Brandolini , inventor of EventStorming
Mathias Verraes
Dan North
Mariusz Gil
Alexey Zimarev
Adam Dymitruk
Marco Heimeshoff
Martin Schimak
Nick Tune
Paul Rayner
Nick Chamberlain
Daniel Whittaker
Kenny Baas
Martin Schimak
Philippe Bourgau
Vladik Khononov

Awesome EventStorming / Remote EventStorming

Remote EventStorming
EventStorming in COVID-19 times
prooph board - The Online Event Storming Platform
Event Storming Template for (formerly known as 2 about 1 month ago
Making the most out of remote EventStorming, Kenny Baas-Schwegler
Remote EventStorming Guiding Heuristics
Remote Event Storming, Maciej Czerpiński
Remote Team Flow EventStorming for Retrospectives, Nick Tune

Awesome EventStorming / Usage, software implementations using EventStorming

DDD by Examples, Factory 1,346 over 2 years ago
DDD by Examples, Library 4,705 about 1 year ago

Awesome EventStorming / Online Communities

EventStormers Google Group Community
DDD/CQRS/ES Slack see the #event-storming channel 73 almost 2 years ago
Worldwide EventStorming

Awesome EventStorming / Offline Communities

How to spot a liar: get them to tell their story backwards
Detection of Deception: Cognitive Load
Divergent, Emergent & Convergent Thinking, Performance People Pty Ltd
The rise and fall of the Dungeon Master

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