
EDA resources

A curated list of resources on designing and implementing event-driven architectures

A curated list of resources on event-driven architecture.


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Awesome Event-Driven Architecture / đź“• Articles / Foundational

Going “Events-First” for Microservices with Event Storming and DDD By Russ Miles, October 2016
Events As First-Class Citizens By Randy Shoup, January 2018. Focusses on the most important part of EDA: The actual events
Why Event-First Programming Changes Everything By Neil Avery, January 2019. Somewhat lengthy article that's great in painting the "big picture"
Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture By Kacey Bui, February 2021. Good overview of the basics

Awesome Event-Driven Architecture / đź“• Articles / Experience Reports And Practicalities

Event Granularity: Modelling events in event driven applications By Barry O'Sullivan, December 2017. About finding the right granularity for events
The different types of events in event-driven systems By Frank de Jonge, February 2022. There are different approaches to classifying events - this is a very good one
Reliable event dispatching using a transactional outbox By Frank de Jonge, February 2022. Transactional outbox is a crucial pattern for services basing their persistence on CRUD/RDBMS
Behind the scenes: McDonald's event-driven architecture From the McDonald's tech blog, August 2022. Not very detailed, but an easily digestible case study about event-driven architecture at scale. Listing this here is not an endorsement of their products. There's a , too
Event Driven Architecture — 5 Pitfalls to Avoid By Natan Silnitsky, August 2022. Especially when you only just get started, check this to spare you some frustration later. You might also want to check the "Further Reading" section at the end
5 pitfalls to avoid when implementing an Event-Driven Architecture By Kris Van Vlaenderen, January 2024. Sounds very similar to the previous one. But it's not a case of duplicate events - it's actually 5 different pieces of advice

Awesome Event-Driven Architecture / đź“ş Videos / Foundational

Core Decisions in Event-Driven Architecture By Duana Stanley, October 2019. Overall a great talk, definitely worth watching. Below are some minor issues I have with it
Event-Driven Architectures Done Right By Tim Berglund, May 2021. Good overview, clear presentation
Event Driven Architecture & Governance in Action By Wim Debreuck, June 2023. A talk that goes beyond the technical fundamentals, into the architecture and design process of event-driven applications. The shown approach might not be universal, but provides important insights. I especially like the clarity around business events
Event-Driven Architecture Explained in 15 Minutes By Dave Farley, July 2024. Watching videos by Dave Farley is always time well spent, and his short take on event-driven architecture is no exception

Awesome Event-Driven Architecture / đź“ş Videos / Experience Reports And Practicalities

EDA in Practice: Building an eCommerce Platform at Cinch By Toli Apostolidis, September 2022. You can ignore the first 8 minutes and 15 seconds (in fact the link will skip them), they are mostly promotion for AWS. But from there on follows a good talk on real-world experiences with event-driven architecture
Shifting Gears: From Events to Event-Driven By Ryan Cormack, May 2024. He tells the story of Motorway's journey to event driven, and also includes a lot of foundational aspects
Event Sourcing – What, Why & How By Anita Kvamme, June 2024. While also event based, is not the same as . They complement each other well, but you can also use either without the other. Thankfully, this great overview of Event Sourcing makes that clear at the very start