Research papers / Artificial intelligence |
Winner-take-all autoencoders | | | |
A roadmap towards machine intelligence | | | |
Is the brain a good model for machine intelligence? | | | |
Concrete problems in ai safety | | | |
Research papers / Big Data |
The pathologies of big data | | | |
Research papers / Category theory |
Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning - Brendan Fong, David I. Spivak, Rémy Tuyéras (2017) | | | |
The Algebra of Open and Interconnected Systems - Brendan Fong (2016) | | | |
Research papers / Compilers |
Writing parsers like it is 2017 | | | |
Calculating correct compilers (2015) | | | |
An incremental approach to compiler construction | | | |
Dynamo: a transparent dynamic optimization system | | | |
Research papers / Computer science |
The Case for Learned Index Structures (2017) | | | |
Squeak makes a good python debugger (2017) | 0 | over 6 years ago | |
Dat - Distributed Dataset Synchronisation and Versioning (2017) | 530 | about 2 years ago | |
Robots take over the world (2007) | | | |
Let’s go to the whiteboard: (2007) | | | |
How and why software developers use drawings | | | |
How complex systems fail | | | |
How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc | | | |
Challenges to adopting stronger consistency at scale | | | |
Naked objects | | | |
Three measurement problems | | | |
A hub-based labeling algorithm for shortest paths on road networks | | | |
Research papers / Computer vision |
An analysis of single-layer networks in unsupervised feature learning | | | Interesting paper about how using weaker classifiers (kmeans) can get comparable results to more sophisticated ones like deep neural nets with the decisions made before training a model like statistical whitening, picking a large number of features, etc |
Viola jones robust real-time object detection | | | Real time face detection method most cameras use today, discusses ensemble learning methods (adaboost) and a clever way to detect features in one O(n) pre-processing step |
Example-based photometric stereo: shape reconstruction with general, varying brdfs | | | Discusses how you can reconstruct an objects 3d shape just by analyzing how light reflects off an object's surface |
Mask r-cnn | | | |
Research papers / Concurrency |
Beautiful concurrency (2007) | | | |
Research papers / Databases |
Simplicial Databases - David I. Spivak (2009) | | | |
Research papers / Deep Learning |
Evolution strategies as a scalable alternative to reinforcement learning (2017) | | | |
Research papers / Design |
Yond human abilities | | | |
Research papers / Functional programming |
How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc (1988) | | | |
Lazy functional state threads (1994) | | | Accessible introduction to the machinery underneath ST and IO |
The countdown problem (2002) | | | |
Functional program to solve sudoku (2006) | | | |
Infinite sets that admit fast exhaustive search (2007) | | | |
Applicative programming with effects (2008) | | | |
Data types a la carte (2008) | | | |
Parallel Functional Arrays (2017) | | | |
Trees that grow | | | |
Super compilation by evaluation | | | |
Cache Efficient Functional Algorithms | | | |
Breaking through the normalisation barrier: a self-interpreter for f-omega | | | |
Typed self-evaluation via intensional type functions | | | |
Freer monads, more extensible effects | | | |
The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes | | | |
Research papers / Garbage collection |
Lively linear lisp -- 'look ma, no garbage! | | | |
Thermodynamics and garbage collection | | | |
Research papers / Haskell |
Linear-Time Suffix Array Implementation in Haskell (2014) | | | |
Research papers / Machine Learning |
AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Policies from Data (2018) | | | |
Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm (2017) | | | |
Neural Machine Translation and Sequence-to-sequence Models: A Tutorial (2017) | | | |
Deep voice: real-time neural text-to-speech (2017) | | | |
Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting (2014) | | | |
A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models (1998) | | | |
Gaussian processes for big data | | | |
Adversarial Patch | | | |
A few useful things to know about machine learning | | | |
The high-interest credit card of technical debt | | | |
InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets | | | |
Research papers / Math |
Polynomial exact-3-sat solving algorithm | | | |
The language and grammar of mathematics | | | |
Comprehending Monads | | | |
Notation as a tool of thought | | | |
A Mathematical Theory of Communication | | | |
Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time | | | |
On proof and progress in mathematics | | | |
Introduction to categories and categorical logic | | | |
A notion of a computational step for partial combinatory algebras | | | |
Reading mathematics | | | |
Quotients homophones des groupes libres homophonic quotients of free groups | | | |
A beginner’s guide to forcing | | | |
A lagrangian dual approach to the generalized kyp lemma | | | |
What is good mathematics? (2007) | | | |
On the dimensionality of spacetime | | | |
A cohomological viewpoint on elementary school arithmetic | | | |
Beta reduction is invariant, indeed | | | |
Sketch of a Programme | | | |
A naturalist account of the limited, and hence reasonable, effectiveness of mathematics in physics (2015) | | | |
Research papers / Neural networks |
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (2018) | | | |
Neural networks and deep learning | | | |
Learning without forgetting | | | |
Neural turing machine | | | |
Densely connected convolutional networks | | | |
Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks | | | |
Pathnet: evolution channels gradient descent in super neural networks | | | |
Research papers / Operating systems |
NixOS: A purely Functional Linux Distribution (2010) | | | |
Urbit: A Solid-State Interpreter (2016) | | | |
Research papers / Physics |
Hamiltonian for the zeros of the Riemann Zeta function (2016) | | | |
General Relativity and Cosmology: Unsolved Questions and Future Directions (2016) | | | |
There are no particles, there are only fields (2012) | | | |
Would Bohr be born if Bohm were born before Born? (2007) | | | |
The holographic solution - why general relativity must be understood in terms of strings (2004) | | | |
Measurement of subpicosecond time intervals between two photons by Interference (1987) | | | |
Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality (1981) | | | |
More is different (1972) | | | |
On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox (1964) | | | |
Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow (1962) | | | |
There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom (1959) | | | |
Forms of Relativistic Dynamics (1949) | | | |
What is life? (1944) | | | |
Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? (1935) | | | |
Possible Existence of a Neutron (1932) | | | |
On the electrodynamics of moving bodies (1905) | | | |
Research papers / Programming languages |
Using closures for code generation | | | |
Research papers / Programming |
Scripting: higher level programming for the 21st century | | | |
Notes on postmodern programming | | | |
Recursive make considered harmful | | | |
Kademlia: a peer-to-peer information system based on the xor metric | | | |
Equal rights for functional objects or, the more things change, the more they are the same | | | |
What every programmer should know about memory | | | |
The c standard formalised in coq | | | |
An analysis and survey of the development of Mutation testing | | | |
The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model | | | |
Research papers / Psychedelics |
Crystal structure of an lsd-bound human serotonin receptor | | | |
Towards a biophysical understanding of hallucinogen action (2007) | | | |
Research papers / Reverse engineering |
Reverse compilation techniques | | | |
Research papers / Security |
Some thoughts on security after ten years of qmail 1.0 | | | |
Comparative Analysis of Machine-Learning IDS methodologies to detect DDOS (2019) | | | |
Research papers / Statistics |
Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence | | | |
Research papers / System design |
Systems approaches to tackling configuration errors: a survey | | | |
Research papers / Type theory |
The Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative Type Theory (2018) | | | |
Computational Higher Type Theory I: Abstract Cubical Realizability (2016) | | | |
Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom (2016) | | | |
Lambda Calculi with Types (1992) | | | |
Propositions as types | | | |
The derivative of a regular type is its type of one-hole contexts | | | |
On the meanings of the logical constants and the justifications of the logical laws | | | |
Research papers / Virtualization |
Virtual machine monitors: current technology and future trends | | | |
Research papers / Web |
Breaking the browser language barrier (2017) | | | |
Research papers / Other |
Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router | | | |
arXiv | | | |
Papers we love | | | |
arXiv sanity preserver | | | |
Research in production | 209 | about 7 years ago | |
Awesome deep learning papers | 2,880 | about 1 year ago | |
Summaries and notes on deep learning research papers | 4,416 | about 7 years ago | |
Google Brain Team | | | |
Inspire | | | |
PLOS | | | |
Apple Machine Learning Research | | | |