Humans / Acting |
Kevin Spacey | | | |
Leonardo DiCaprio | | | |
Marlon Brando (2004) | | | |
Humans / Architecture |
Antoni Gaudí (1926) | | | |
Charles Jeanneret (1965) | | | |
Frank Gehry | | | |
Frank Wright (1959) | | | |
Louis Kahn (1974) | | | |
Ludwig van der Rohe (1969) | | | |
Philip Johnson (2005) | | | |
Renzo Piano | | | |
Tadao Ando | | | |
Humans / Art |
Andy Warhol (1987) | | | |
Claude Monet (1926) | | | |
Gustav Klimt (1918) | | | |
Jackson Pollock (1956) | | | |
James Eads | | | |
Leonardo da Vinci (1519) | | | |
M. C. Escher (1972) | | | |
Michelangelo (1564) | | | |
Pablo Picasso (1973) | | | |
Rembrandt (1669) | | | |
Salvador Dali (1989) | | | |
Vincent van Gogh (1890) | | | |
Humans / Artificial Intelligence |
Demis Hassabis | | | |
Geoffrey Hinton | | | Was one of the first researchers who demonstrated the use of generalised back propagation algorithm for training multi-layer neural nets |
Herbert Simon (2001) | | | |
John McCarthy (2011) | | | |
Marvin Minsky (2016) | | | |
Zoubin Ghahramani | | | |
Humans / Astronomy |
Carl Sagan (1996) | | | |
Edwin Hubble (1953) | | | |
Humans / Biology |
Alexander Fleming (1955) | | | |
Alfred Wallace (1913) | | | |
Carl Linnaeus (1778) | | | |
Charles Darwin (1882) | | | |
David Baltimore | | | |
James Watson | | | |
Louis Agassiz (1873) | | | |
Louis Pasteur (1895) | | | |
Élie Metchnikoff (1916) | | | |
Maurice Hilleman (2005) | | | |
Rachel Carson (1964) | | | |
Stephen Gould (2002) | | | |
Humans / Chemistry |
Kary Mullis (2019) | | | Invented PCR (polymerase chain reaction) |
Alexander Shulgin (2014) | | | |
Alfred Nobel (1896) | | | |
Antoine Lavoisier (1794) | | | |
Dmitri Mendeleev (1907) | | | |
Fritz Haber (1934) | | | |
Humphry Davy (1829) | | | |
John Dalton (1844) | | | |
Linus Pauling (1944) | | | |
Marie Curie (1934) | | | |
Michael Faraday (1867) | | | |
Robert Boyle (1691) | | | |
Rosalind Franklin (1958) | | | |
Stephanie Kwolek (2014) | | | |
Svante Arrhenius (1927) | | | |
Humans / Code |
Grace Hopper (1992) | | | |
Jeff Dean | | | |
John Carmack | | | |
Linus Torvalds | | | |
Steve Wozniak | | | |
Humans / Comedy |
1994: Bill Hicks | | | |
Humans / Computer Science |
Alan Perlis (1990) | | | |
Alan Turing (1954) | | | |
Carl Sassenrath | | | |
Donald Knuth | | | |
Edgar Codd (2003) | | | |
Edsger Dijkstra (2002) | | | |
John von Neumann (1957) | | | |
Konrad Zuse (1995) | | | |
Leslie Lamport | | | |
Margaret Hamilton (1936) | | | |
Stephen Cook | | | |
Tony Hoare | | | Developed QuickSort algorithm |
Humans / Cryptography |
Adi Shamir | | | |
Humans / Economics |
Adam Smith (1790) | | | |
Friedrich Hayek (1992) | | | |
John Keynes (1946) | | | |
Karl Marx (1883) | | | |
Leon Walras (1910) | | | |
Max Weber (1920) | | | |
Milton Friedman (2006) | | | |
Paul Samuelson (2009) | | | |
Humans / Entrepreneurs |
Andrew Carnegie (1919) | | | |
Bill Gates | | | |
Elon Musk | | | |
Henry Ford (1947) | | | |
Jack Ma | | | |
Jeff Bezos | | | |
John Morgan (1913) | | | |
John Rockefeller (1937) | | | |
Larry Page | | | |
Steve Jobs (2011) | | | |
Thomas Edison (1931) | | | |
Walt Disney (1966) | | | |
Humans / Fashion |
Gabrielle Chanel (1971) | | | |
Tom Ford | | | |
Humans / Film Directing |
Alfred Hitchcock (1980) | | | |
Humans / Genetics |
Gregor Mendel (1884) | | | |
Humans / Historians |
Alan Taylor (1990) | | | |
Arthur Schlesinger (2007) | | | |
Edward Gibbon (1794) | | | |
Herodotus (425 BC) | | | |
Xenophon (354 BC) | | | |
Humans / Human computer interaction |
Larry Tesler | | | Pioneered cut, copy, paste action |
Humans / Industrial Design |
Dieter Rams | | | |
James Dyson | | | |
Jonathan Ive | | | |
Raymond Loewy (1986) | | | |
Humans / Invention |
Alexander Bell (1922) | | | |
Douglas Engelbart | | | |
Eli Whitney (1825) | | | |
George Carver (1943) | | | |
George Eastman (1932) | | | |
Hedy Lamarr (2000) | | | |
James Watt (1819) | | | |
Johannes Gutenberg (1468) | | | |
John Baird (1946) | | | |
Karl Benz (1929) | | | |
Robert Fulton (1815) | | | |
Rudolf Diesel (1913) | | | |
Samuel Morse (1872) | | | |
Tim Berners-Lee | | | |
Vint Cerf | | | |
Wright brothers (1948) | | | Designed, built and flew the first controlled, powered, heavier than air airplane in 1903 |
Humans / Investing |
George Soros | | | |
Warren Buffet | | | |
Humans / Language Design |
Alan Kay | | | Helped design Smalltalk language |
Anders Hejlsberg | | | Designed Turbo Pascal and Delphi languages and works as lead architect of C+ and core developer of TypeScript |
Bjarne Stroustrup | | | Designed C++ language |
Brendan Eich | | | Designed Javascript language |
Chris Lattner | | | Designed Swift language |
Dennis Ritchie (2011) | | | Helped design C language |
Guido van Rossum | | | Designed Python language |
James Gosling | | | Designed Java language |
John Backus (2007) | | | |
Ken Thompson | | | Designed C language |
Larry Wall | | | Designed Perl language |
Martin Richards | | | Developed BCPL programming language |
Niklaus Wirth | | | Designed several languages including Pascal |
Rasmus Lerdorf | | | Designed PHP language |
Rob Pike | | | Helped design Go language |
Xavier Leroy | | | Primary developer of the OCaml system |
Yukihiro Matsumoto | | | Designed ruby language |
Humans / Leaders |
Abraham Lincoln (1865) | | | |
Adolf Hitler (1945) | | | |
Alexander the Great (323 BC) | | | |
Angela Merkel | | | |
Augustus (14) | | | |
Catherine the Great (1796) | | | |
Charlemagne (814) | | | |
Franklin Roosevelt (1945) | | | |
Genghis Khan (1227) | | | |
Hammurabi (1750 BC) | | | |
Hatshepsut (1458 BC) | | | |
Jesus Christ (30) | | | |
Joan of Arc (1431) | | | |
John Kennedy (1963) | | | |
Joseph Stalin (1953) | | | |
Julius Caesar (44 BC) | | | |
Mao Zedong (1976) | | | |
Mikhail Gorbachev | | | |
Mustafa Ataturk (1938) | | | |
Napoleon Bonaparte (1821) | | | |
Nelson Mandela (2013) | | | |
Ramesses II (1231 BC) | | | |
Suleiman the Magnificent (1566) | | | |
Thomas Jefferson (1826) | | | |
Vladimir Lenin (1924) | | | |
Vladimir Putin | | | |
Winston Churchill (1965) | | | |
Humans / Linguistics |
Noam Chomsky | | | |
Humans / Machine learning |
David Kristjanson Duvenaud | | | |
Humans / Management |
Eric Schmidt | | | |
Satya Nadella | | | |
Sundar Pichai | | | |
Tim Cook | | | |
Humans / Math |
Ada Lovelace (1852) | | | |
Adrien Legendre (1833) | | | |
Alexander Grothendieck (2014) | | | |
Alfred Tarski (1983) | | | Introduced a theory of reference that shows how to relate the objects in logic to objects in the real world |
Alonzo Church (1995) | | | |
Amalie Noether (1935) | | | |
Andrew Granville | | | |
Andrew Wiles | | | |
Andrey Markov (1922) | | | |
Archimedes (212 BC) | | | Used a lot of advanced methods (something like infinitesimal calculus) which he used to derive the formulas for computing the volume of cones and other solids of revolution, he also used similar methods to investigate the properties of conics |
Aristotle (322 BC) | | | |
Augustin Louis Cauchy (1857) | | | |
Bernhard Riemann (1866) | | | |
Bertrand Russel (1970) | | | |
Blaise Pascal (1662) | | | Built a famous calculating machine |
Carl Gauss (1855) | | | Invented Normal Distribution |
Carl Jacobi (1851) | | | |
Charles Babbage (1871) | | | |
Charles Vallee-Pussin (1962) | | | |
Claude Shannon (2001) | | | Invented Information Theory |
Cédric Villani | | | |
David Hilbert (1943) | | | |
Diophantus (299) | | | Was interested in properties of integers |
Eratosthenes (194 BC) | | | Known for the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which is a method of finding prime numbers |
Euclid (300 BC) | | | Mathematical treatment of “preferred outcomes” or utility was first finalised by him, gave the basis for modern proof-based mathematics |
Frank Ramsey (1930) | | | |
Georg Cantor (1918) | | | |
George Boole (1864) | | | Worked out the details of propositional, or Boolean logic |
Gerolamo Cardano (1576) | | | First framed the idea of probability, describing it in terms of the possible outcomes of gambling events |
Godfrey Hardy (1947) | | | |
Gottfried Leibniz (1716) | | | Built a mechanical device intended to carry out operations on concepts rather than numbers |
Gottlob Frege (1925) | | | Extended Boole’s logic to include objects and relations, creating the first-order logic that is used today |
Grigori Perelman | | | |
Haskell Curry (1982) | | | |
Henri Poincaré (1912) | | | |
Jacob Bernoulli (1705) | | | |
Jean Serre | | | |
Johann Lambert (1777) | | | Invented Wave Equation |
John Conway | | | |
John Littlewood (1977) | | | |
John Napier (1617) | | | Invented logarithms |
John Nash (2015) | | | |
Joseph Fourier (1830) | | | Invented Fourier Transform |
Joseph Lagrande (1813) | | | |
Karl Weierstass (1897) | | | |
Kurt Godel (1978) | | | |
Leonhard Euler (1783) | | | Invented The Square Root of Minus One, Euler’s Formula for Polyhedra |
Madhava of Sangamagrama (1425) | | | |
Niels Abel (1829) | | | |
Norbert Wiener (1964) | | | |
Paul Erdős (1996) | | | |
Peter Dirichlet (1859) | | | |
Peter Scholze | | | |
Pierre Fermat (1655) | | | |
Pierre Laplace (1827) | | | Advanced the theory and introduced new statistical methods |
Pythagoras (495 BC) | | | Invented the famous Pythagoras’s Theorem |
Rene Descartes (1650) | | | Gave the first clear discussion of the distinction between mind and matter and of the problems that arise |
Shinichi Mochizuki | | | |
Srinivasa Ramanujan (1920) | | | |
Stefan Banach (1945) | | | |
Stephen Kleene (1994) | | | |
Stephen Smale | | | |
Terrence Tao | | | |
Thales of Miletus (546 BC) | | | |
Thomas Bayes (1761) | | | Proposed a rule for updating probabilities in light of new evidence |
Évariste Galois (1832) | | | |
Humans / Medicine |
Aelius Galen (210) | | | |
Alfred Blalock (1964) | | | |
Andreas Vesalius (1564) | | | |
Charles Drew (1950) | | | |
Elizabeth Blackwell (1910) | | | |
Hippocrates (370 BC) | | | |
James Parkinson (1824) | | | |
Jonas Salk (1995) | | | |
Rudolf Virchow (1902) | | | |
Virginia Apgar (1974) | | | |
William Harvey (1657) | | | |
Humans / Music |
Chazwick Bundick | | | Stage name: Tory Y Moi |
Douglas Appling | | | Stage name: Emancipator |
Henry Laufer | | | Stage name: Shlohmo |
Igor Stravinsky (1971) | | | |
Irving Berlin (1989) | | | |
Jimi Hendrix (1970) | | | |
Johann Bach (1750) | | | |
John Lennon (1980) | | | |
Jon Hopkins | | | |
Jun Seba (2010) | | | Stage name: Nujabes |
Justin Vernon | | | Band: Bon Iver |
Kevin Parker | | | Band: Tame Impala |
Ludwig van Beethoven (1827) | | | |
Marcos Ortega | | | Stage name: Lorn |
Nicolas Jaar | | | |
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1908) | | | |
Paul McCartney | | | |
Wolfgang Mozart (1791) | | | |
Humans / Neuroscience |
Aafia Siddiqui | | | |
Antonio Damasio | | | |
Christof Koch | | | |
Daniel Levitin | | | |
David Eagleman | | | |
Henry Markram | | | |
Paul Greengard | | | |
Robert Sapolsky | | | |
Sam Harris | | | |
Humans / Philosophy |
Albert Camus (1960) | | | |
Arthur Schopenhauer (1860) | | | |
Auguste Comte (1857) | | | |
Confucius (479 BC) | | | |
David Hume (1776) | | | |
Diogenes (323 BC) | | | |
Edmund Husserl (1938) | | | |
Epictetus (135) | 440 | about 5 years ago | |
Francis Bacon (1626) | | | |
Friedrich Nietzsche (1900) | | | |
Immanuel Kant (1804) | | | |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1778) | | | |
John Dewey (1952) | | | |
John Locke (1704) | | | |
John Mill (1873) | | | |
Karl Popper (1994) | | | |
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1951) | | | |
Manly Hall (1990) | | | |
Peter Singer | | | |
Plato (147 BC) | | | |
Socrates (399 BC) | | | |
Søren Kierkegaard (1855) | | | |
Thomas Aquinas (1274) | | | |
Thomas Hobbes (1679) | | | Proposed that reasoning was like numerical computation, that “we add and subtract in our silent thoughts” |
William Thompson (1833) | | | |
Humans / Photography |
Ansel Adams (1984) | | | |
Diane Arbus (1971) | | | |
Edward Weston (1958) | | | |
Henri Cartier-Bresson (2004) | | | |
Richard Avedon (2004) | | | |
Robert Capa (1954) | | | |
Humans / Physics |
Albert Einstein (1955) | | | |
Anton Zeilinger | | | |
Arnold Sommerfeld (1951) | | | |
Enrico Fermi (1954) | | | |
Ernest Rutherford (1937) | | | |
Erwin Schrödinger (1961) | | | |
Eugene Wigner (1995) | | | |
Galileo Galilei (1642) | | | |
Guglielmo Marconi (1937) | | | |
Heinrich Hertz (1894) | | | First person to transmit and receive radio waves |
Isaac Newton (1726) | | | Invented Calculus and Law of Gravity |
James Chadwick (1974) | | | |
James Maxwell (1879) | | | Invented Maxwell’s equations |
John Bardeen (1991) | | | |
John Bell (1990) | | | |
John Mauchly (1980) | | | |
Joseph Thompson (1940) | | | |
Julius Oppenheimer (1967) | | | |
Louis de Broglie (1987) | | | |
Ludwig Boltzmann (1906) | | | Invented Schrodinger’s Equation |
Max Born (1970) | | | |
Max Planck (1947) | | | |
Nicolaus Copernicus (1543) | | | |
Niels Bohr (1962) | | | |
Nikola Tesla (1943) | | | |
Paul Dirac (1984) | | | |
Pierre Curie (1906) | | | |
Richard Feynman (1988) | | | |
Robert Hooke (1703) | | | |
Roger Penrose | | | |
Satyendra Bose (1974) | | | |
Stephen Hawking | | | |
Werner Heisenberg (1976) | | | |
Wolfgang Pauli (1958) | | | |
Humans / Psychology |
Abraham Maslow (1970) | | | |
Burrhus Skinner (1990) | | | |
Carl Rogers (1987) | | | |
Ivan Pavlov (1936) | | | |
Jean Piaget (1980) | | | Known for his pioneering work in child development |
Sigmund Freud (1939) | | | |
Humans / Scifi |
Arthur Clarke (2008) | | | |
Dan Simmons | | | |
Douglas Adams (2001) | | | |
Herbert Wells (1946) | | | |
Howard Lovecraft (1937) | | | |
Isaac Asimov (1992) | | | |
Jules Verne (1905) | | | |
Philip Dick (1982) | | | |
Robert Heinlein (1988) | | | |
Stanislaw Lem (2006) | | | |
Stephen King | | | |
Ted Chiang | | | |
Ursula Le Guin | | | |
Humans / Spirit |
Alan Watts (1973) | | | |
Gautama Buddha (400 BC) | | | Was the man who started Buddhism |
Graham Hancock | | | |
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1986) | | | |
Mahatma Gandhi (1948) | | | |
Nisargadatta Maharaj (1981) | | | |
Paul Brunton (1981) | | | |
Ramana Maharshi (1950) | | | |
Sri Aurobindo (1950) | | | |
Stanislav Grof | | | |
Terrence McKenna (2000) | | | |
Timothy Leary (1996) | | | |
Humans / Writing |
Agatha Christie (1976) | | | |
Aldous Huxley (1963) | | | |
Anais Nin (1977) | | | |
Arthur Conan Doyle (1930) | | | |
Dale Carnegie (1955) | | | |
Eric Arthur Blair (1950) | | | Known by his pen name ‘George Orwell’ |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1881) | | | |
Hermann Hesse (1962) | | | |
John Milton (1674) | | | |
John Tolkien (1973) | | | |
Jorge Borges (1986) | | | |
Kurt Vonnegut (2007) | | | |
Leo Tolstoy (1910) | | | |
Mark Twain (1910) | | | |
Mikhail Bulgakov (1940) | | | |
Oscar Wilde (1900) | | | |
Paul Graham | | | |
William Shakespeare (1616) | | | |