Courses / Algorithms |
Algorithmic thinking | | | π° |
Algorithms (2010) | | | Taught by Manuel Blum who has a Turing Award due to his contributions to algorithms. π |
Algorithms specialization | | | |
Algorithms: Part 1 | | | π |
Algorithms: Part 2 | | | π |
Data structures (2016) | | | π |
Data structures (2017) | | | π |
Design and analysis of algorithms (2012) | | | π |
Evolutionary computation (2014) | | | π |
Introduction to programming contests (2012) | | | π |
MIT advanced data structures (2014) | | | π |
MIT introduction to algorithms | | | π |
Courses / Artificial Intelligence |
Berkeley intro to ai (2014) | | | π |
MIT artificial intelligence (2010) | | | π |
The society of mind (2011) | | | π |
Courses / Business |
Gamification | | | π° |
Courses / Chemistry |
Bioinformatics specialization | | | π° |
Courses / Compilers |
Principles of compiler design (2016) | | | π |
Stanford compiler construction (2016) | | | π |
Courses / Computer Science |
Computational complexity (2008) | | | π |
Computer science 101 | | | π |
Data structures | | | π° |
Great ideas in computer architecture (2015) | | | π |
Information retrieval (2013) | | | π |
MIT great ideas in theoretical computer science | | | π |
MIT Mathematics for Computer Science (2010) | | | π |
MIT Structure and Interpretation of Programs (1986) | | | π |
Quantum Information Science II: Efficient Quantum Computing - fault tolerance and complexity (2018) | | | π |
Software foundations (2014) | | | π |
The art of recursion (2012) | | | π |
Courses / Computer vision |
Computer vision | | | π |
Introduction to computer vision (2015) | | | π |
Programming computer vision with python (2012) | | | π |
Courses / Cryptocurrency |
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies | | | π |
Courses / Cryptography |
Stanford cryptography I | | | π° |
Stanford cryptography II (2017) | | | π° |
Courses / CSS |
CSS Grid by Wes Bos | 2,092 | 9 months ago | π |
Courses / Decentralized systems |
MIT Decentralized Applications (2018) | | | π |
Courses / Deep Learning |
Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning (2018) | | | π |
Berkeley deep reinforcement learning (2017) | | | π |
Deep learning (2017) | | | π |
Stanford natural language processing with deep learning (2017) | | | π |
Deep learning at Oxford (2015) | | | π |
Lectures | | | π |
Oxford CS Deep NLP (2017) | 15,702 | over 1 year ago | π |
Ucl reinforcement learning (2015) | | | |
Stanford convolutional neural networks for visual recognition | | | π |
Stanford deep learning for natural language processing | | | π |
Courses / Discrete math |
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | | | π |
Courses / Functional programming |
Course in functional programming by KTH | 79 | about 1 year ago | π |
Functional Programming Course | 4,126 | 4 months ago | π |
Programming paradigms (2018) | | | π |
Functional Programming in OCaml (2019) | | | |
Courses / Game development |
HTML5 game development | | | π |
Courses / Haskell |
Advanced Programming (2017) | | | π |
Haskell ITMO (2017) | 614 | about 3 years ago | π |
Introduction to Haskell (2016) | | | π |
Stanford functional systems in Haskell (2014) | | | π |
Courses / Investing |
Computational investing | | | π° |
Courses / iOS |
Developing iOS 10 apps with Swift (2017) | | | π |
Courses / Machine learning |
MIT Deep Learning (2019) | 10,190 | about 1 year ago | |
Amazonβs Machine Learning University course (2018) | | | π |
Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization | | | Get hands-on experience optimizing, deploying, and scaling production ML models. π° |
Artificial intelligence for robotics | | | π |
Coursera machine learning | | | π° |
Introduction to Deep Learning (2018) | | | Introductory course on deep learning algorithms and their applications. π |
Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders | | | The course covers the most important practical foundations for modern machine learning. π |
Introduction to matrix methods (2015) | | | π |
Learning from data (2012) | | | π |
Machine Learning Crash Course (2018) | | | Google's fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning. π |
Machine learning for data science (2015) | | | π |
Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn | 3,680 | about 1 year ago | π |
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization | | | Learn ML with Google Cloud. Real-world experimentation with end-to-end ML. π° |
Mathematics of Deep Learning, NYU, Spring (2018) | | | π | | | | Open Machine Learning course by OpenDataScience. π |
Neural networks for machine learning | | | π° |
Notes | 95 | about 12 years ago | π |
Practical Deep Learning For Coders (2018) | | | Learn how to build state of the art models without needing graduate-level math. π |
Statistical learning (2015) | | | π |
Tensorflow for deep learning research (2017) | | | π |
Courses / Math |
Abstract algebra (2019) | | | π |
MIT linear algebra (2010) | | | π |
MIT multivariable calculus (2007) | | | π |
MIT multivariable calculus by Prof. Denis Auroux | | | π |
MIT multivariable control systems (2004) | | | π |
MIT singlevariable calculus (2006) | | | π |
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (2014) | | | π |
Stanford mathematical foundations of computing (2016) | | | π |
Types, Logic, and Verification (2013) | | | |
Courses / Networking |
Introduction to computer networking | | | π |
Introduction to EECS II: digital communication systems (2012) | | | π |
Courses / Neuroscience |
The Human Brain (2018) | | | π |
Courses / Natural Language Processing |
YSDA Natural Language Processing course (2018) | 9,857 | 4 months ago | π |
Courses / Operating systems |
Computer Science 162 | | | π |
Computer science from the bottom up | | | π |
How to make a computer operating system (2015) | 21,539 | over 3 years ago | π |
Operating system engineering | | | π |
Courses / Programming |
Build a modern computer from first principles: from nand to tetris | | | π° |
Introduction to programming with matlab | | | π° |
MIT software construction (2016) | | | π |
MIT structure and interpretation of computer programs (2005) | | | π |
Stanford C Programming | | | π |
Structure and interpretation of computer programs (in Python) (2017) | | | π |
Unix tools and scripting (2014) | | | π |
Composing Programs | | | Free online introduction to programming and computer science |
Courses / React |
Advanced React Patterns (2017) | 235 | 6 months ago | π |
Beginner's guide to React (2017) | | | π |
Survive JS: React, From apprentice to master | | | π |
Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux | | | π |
Building React Applications with Redux | | | π |
Complete intro to React v4 (2018) | | | π |
Leverage New Features of React 16 (2018) | | | π |
React Holiday (2017) | | | React through examples. π |
Courses / ReasonML |
Get Started with Reason (2018) | | | π |
Courses / Rust |
Rust programming (2016) | | | π |
Courses / Scala |
Functional programming principles in scala | | | π° |
Courses / Security |
Computer and network security (2013) | | | π |
Hacker101 (2018) | 13,865 | 4 months ago | Free class for web security. π |
Courses / Statistics |
Introduction to probability - the science of uncertainty | | | π |
MIT probabilistic systems analysis and applied probability (2010) | | | π |
Statistical Learning (2016) | | | π |
Statistics 110 | | | π |
Courses / Swift |
Hacking with Swift (2018) | | | π |
Courses / Type theory |
Homotopy Type Theory (2014) | | | π |
Courses / Vim |
Vim valley | | | π° |
Courses / Web Development |
Cutting-edge web technologies (2015) | | | π |
Interactive Flexbox course (2018) | | | π |
Awesome artificial intelligence | 11,066 | 5 months ago | π |
Awesome courses | 58,015 | almost 2 years ago | π |
CS video courses | 67,524 | 7 months ago | π |
Data science courses | 4,073 | about 4 years ago | π |
Dive into machine learning | 11,287 | almost 3 years ago | π |