
CS Courses

A curated list of courses and resources on various topics in computer science and related fields.

Awesome Courses


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Courses / Algorithms

Algorithmic thinking πŸ’°
Algorithms (2010) Taught by Manuel Blum who has a Turing Award due to his contributions to algorithms. πŸ†“
Algorithms specialization
Algorithms: Part 1 πŸ†“
Algorithms: Part 2 πŸ†“
Data structures (2016) πŸ†“
Data structures (2017) πŸ†“
Design and analysis of algorithms (2012) πŸ†“
Evolutionary computation (2014) πŸ†“
Introduction to programming contests (2012) πŸ†“
MIT advanced data structures (2014) πŸ†“
MIT introduction to algorithms πŸ†“

Courses / Artificial Intelligence

Berkeley intro to ai (2014) πŸ†“
MIT artificial intelligence (2010) πŸ†“
The society of mind (2011) πŸ†“

Courses / Business

Gamification πŸ’°

Courses / Chemistry

Bioinformatics specialization πŸ’°

Courses / Compilers

Principles of compiler design (2016) πŸ†“
Stanford compiler construction (2016) πŸ†“

Courses / Computer Science

Computational complexity (2008) πŸ†“
Computer science 101 πŸ†“
Data structures πŸ’°
Great ideas in computer architecture (2015) πŸ†“
Information retrieval (2013) πŸ†“
MIT great ideas in theoretical computer science πŸ†“
MIT Mathematics for Computer Science (2010) πŸ†“
MIT Structure and Interpretation of Programs (1986) πŸ†“
Quantum Information Science II: Efficient Quantum Computing - fault tolerance and complexity (2018) πŸ†“
Software foundations (2014) πŸ†“
The art of recursion (2012) πŸ†“

Courses / Computer vision

Computer vision πŸ†“
Introduction to computer vision (2015) πŸ†“
Programming computer vision with python (2012) πŸ†“

Courses / Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies πŸ†“

Courses / Cryptography

Stanford cryptography I πŸ’°
Stanford cryptography II (2017) πŸ’°

Courses / CSS

CSS Grid by Wes Bos 2,092 9 months ago πŸ†“

Courses / Decentralized systems

MIT Decentralized Applications (2018) πŸ†“

Courses / Deep Learning

Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning (2018) πŸ†“
Berkeley deep reinforcement learning (2017) πŸ†“
Deep learning (2017) πŸ†“
Stanford natural language processing with deep learning (2017) πŸ†“
Deep learning at Oxford (2015) πŸ†“
Lectures πŸ†“
Oxford CS Deep NLP (2017) 15,702 over 1 year ago πŸ†“
Ucl reinforcement learning (2015)
Stanford convolutional neural networks for visual recognition πŸ†“
Stanford deep learning for natural language processing πŸ†“

Courses / Discrete math

Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory πŸ†“

Courses / Functional programming

Course in functional programming by KTH 79 about 1 year ago πŸ†“
Functional Programming Course 4,126 4 months ago πŸ†“
Programming paradigms (2018) πŸ†“
Functional Programming in OCaml (2019)

Courses / Game development

HTML5 game development πŸ†“

Courses / Haskell

Advanced Programming (2017) πŸ†“
Haskell ITMO (2017) 614 about 3 years ago πŸ†“
Introduction to Haskell (2016) πŸ†“
Stanford functional systems in Haskell (2014) πŸ†“

Courses / Investing

Computational investing πŸ’°

Courses / iOS

Developing iOS 10 apps with Swift (2017) πŸ†“

Courses / Machine learning

MIT Deep Learning (2019) 10,190 about 1 year ago
Amazon’s Machine Learning University course (2018) πŸ†“
Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization Get hands-on experience optimizing, deploying, and scaling production ML models. πŸ’°
Artificial intelligence for robotics πŸ†“
Coursera machine learning πŸ’°
Introduction to Deep Learning (2018) Introductory course on deep learning algorithms and their applications. πŸ†“
Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders The course covers the most important practical foundations for modern machine learning. πŸ†“
Introduction to matrix methods (2015) πŸ†“
Learning from data (2012) πŸ†“
Machine Learning Crash Course (2018) Google's fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning. πŸ†“
Machine learning for data science (2015) πŸ†“
Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn 3,680 about 1 year ago πŸ†“
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization Learn ML with Google Cloud. Real-world experimentation with end-to-end ML. πŸ’°
Mathematics of Deep Learning, NYU, Spring (2018) πŸ†“ Open Machine Learning course by OpenDataScience. πŸ†“
Neural networks for machine learning πŸ’°
Notes 95 about 12 years ago πŸ†“
Practical Deep Learning For Coders (2018) Learn how to build state of the art models without needing graduate-level math. πŸ†“
Statistical learning (2015) πŸ†“
Tensorflow for deep learning research (2017) πŸ†“

Courses / Math

Abstract algebra (2019) πŸ†“
MIT linear algebra (2010) πŸ†“
MIT multivariable calculus (2007) πŸ†“
MIT multivariable calculus by Prof. Denis Auroux πŸ†“
MIT multivariable control systems (2004) πŸ†“
MIT singlevariable calculus (2006) πŸ†“
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (2014) πŸ†“
Stanford mathematical foundations of computing (2016) πŸ†“
Types, Logic, and Verification (2013)

Courses / Networking

Introduction to computer networking πŸ†“
Introduction to EECS II: digital communication systems (2012) πŸ†“

Courses / Neuroscience

The Human Brain (2018) πŸ†“

Courses / Natural Language Processing

YSDA Natural Language Processing course (2018) 9,857 4 months ago πŸ†“

Courses / Operating systems

Computer Science 162 πŸ†“
Computer science from the bottom up πŸ†“
How to make a computer operating system (2015) 21,539 over 3 years ago πŸ†“
Operating system engineering πŸ†“

Courses / Programming

Build a modern computer from first principles: from nand to tetris πŸ’°
Introduction to programming with matlab πŸ’°
MIT software construction (2016) πŸ†“
MIT structure and interpretation of computer programs (2005) πŸ†“
Stanford C Programming πŸ†“
Structure and interpretation of computer programs (in Python) (2017) πŸ†“
Unix tools and scripting (2014) πŸ†“
Composing Programs Free online introduction to programming and computer science

Courses / React

Advanced React Patterns (2017) 235 6 months ago πŸ†“
Beginner's guide to React (2017) πŸ†“
Survive JS: React, From apprentice to master πŸ†“
Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux πŸ†“
Building React Applications with Redux πŸ†“
Complete intro to React v4 (2018) πŸ†“
Leverage New Features of React 16 (2018) πŸ†“
React Holiday (2017) React through examples. πŸ†“

Courses / ReasonML

Get Started with Reason (2018) πŸ†“

Courses / Rust

Rust programming (2016) πŸ†“

Courses / Scala

Functional programming principles in scala πŸ’°

Courses / Security

Computer and network security (2013) πŸ†“
Hacker101 (2018) 13,865 4 months ago Free class for web security. πŸ†“

Courses / Statistics

Introduction to probability - the science of uncertainty πŸ†“
MIT probabilistic systems analysis and applied probability (2010) πŸ†“
Statistical Learning (2016) πŸ†“
Statistics 110 πŸ†“

Courses / Swift

Hacking with Swift (2018) πŸ†“

Courses / Type theory

Homotopy Type Theory (2014) πŸ†“

Courses / Vim

Vim valley πŸ’°

Courses / Web Development

Cutting-edge web technologies (2015) πŸ†“
Interactive Flexbox course (2018) πŸ†“
Awesome artificial intelligence 11,066 5 months ago πŸ†“
Awesome courses 58,015 almost 2 years ago πŸ†“
CS video courses 67,524 7 months ago πŸ†“
Data science courses 4,073 about 4 years ago πŸ†“
Dive into machine learning 11,287 almost 3 years ago πŸ†“

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