
Links and description of Knowledge Graphs Construction Tools


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Awesome KGC Tools / KGC Materializers

Morph-KGC 185 18 days ago R2RML, RML and RML-star processor to generate RDF and RDF-star knowledge graphs from heterogeneous data sources at scale
Chimera 27 12 days ago Framework based on Apache Camel to define composable semantic data transformation pipelines (lifting/lowering to/from RDF)
RMLMapper 151 16 days ago The RMLMapper executes RML rules to generate high-quality Linked Data from multiple originally (semi-)structured data sources
RMLStreamer 48 8 months ago The RMLStreamer executes RML rules to generate high-quality Linked Data from multiple originally (semi-)structured data sources in a streaming way
xls2rdf 16 about 2 months ago converts Excel files containing a "magic line" into RDF
Morph-xR2RML 23 about 1 year ago Implementation of the xR2RML mapping language (extending R2RML and reusing RML terms) for MongoDB databases. Can be used to map JSON data but also any format that can be imported in MongoDB, in particular CSV/TSV. Was used in different projects to produce 2.4 billion triples so far
SDM-RDFizer 110 23 days ago An efficient scaled-up RML-compliant engine for knowledge graph construction from heterogeneous data sources
CARML 98 12 days ago An extensible RML processor to generate RDF knowledge graphs from heterogeneous data sources
R2RML-F 30 7 months ago An R2RML processor with support for functions in JavaScript. Allows one to transform the contents of CSV files as virtual relational tables
RocketRML 25 over 1 year ago RML processor to generate RDF knowledge graphs from heterogeneous data sources, implemented in JavaScript
PyRML 32 2 months ago Python-based engine for processing RML files
FlexRML 4 11 days ago A Memory-Efficient Interpreter for RML written in C++
SPARQL Anything 213 19 days ago SPARQL Anything is a tool for querying anything with SPARQL
Helio Ecosystem A framework based on plugins for generate and manipulate RDF knowledge graphs with RML or a custom mapping language based on

Awesome KGC Tools / KGC Virtualizers

Ontop 645 13 days ago Ontop is a platform to query relational databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL (R2RML)

Awesome KGC Tools / KGC Pre-processors

MEL ( ) - A tool to extract metadata (and textual content) from various file formats, as JSON objects
Dragoman 6 over 1 year ago An efficient RML+FnO-compliant engine for translating and executing complex functions in RML mapping rules and transfer the data integration system into a function-free one
EABlock 5 about 2 years ago A computational block to solve entity alignment over textual attributes in a knowledge graph creation pipeline
FunMap 3 over 3 years ago Efficient preprocessing of transformation rules described in RML+FnO mappings
Excel in RML RMLMapper extension to support Excel spreadsheets

Awesome KGC Tools / NLP for KGC

TNNT ( ) - A tool that automates the extraction of categorised named entities from the unstructured information encoded in the source documents, using diverse NLP tools and NER models

Awesome KGC Tools / Mapping Specifications

RML by KG Construction W3C Community Group Modular redesign of the RML mapping language including support for collections and containers, input/output, rdf-star, and functions
YARRRML YARRRML is a human-readable text-based representation for declarative generation rules
J2RM J2RM mappings and its engine compose a tool to process mappings from JSON data to RDF triples guided by an OWL2 ontology structure
xls2rdf The documentation for the "magic line" of the xls2rdf converter
xR2RML xR2RML is a language for expressing customized mappings from various types of databases (XML, object-oriented, NoSQL) to RDF datasets

Awesome KGC Tools / Mapping Specifications / Previous RML version (and extensions)

RML The RDF Mapping Language (RML) is a mapping language defined to express customized mapping rules from heterogeneous data structures and serializations to the RDF data model
Target in RML Alignment between RML and Target to describe how your knowledge graph should be exported to one or multiple targets
DataIO Target, a formal model and a common representation for specifying how a Knowledge Graph should be exported to a given target
FnO Function Ontology (FnO), a way to semantically declare and describe implementation-independent functions, and their relations to related concepts such as parameters, outputs, related problems, algorithms, mappings to concrete implementations, and executions

Awesome KGC Tools / Mapping Editors

JUMA Jigsaw Puzzles for Representing Mappings
Mapeathor Definition of Excel-based mappings and translation to [R2]RML mappings
Matey Matey is a web based editor for YARRRML rules
RMLEditor 8 over 4 years ago RMLEditor offers a Graphical User Interface to enable data publishers, who are domain experts, to model knowledge derived from heterogeneous distributed data
RMLx Visual Editor A web based editor for RML rules
Square SPARQL Queries and R2RML mappings Environment
Map-On 19 over 5 years ago A web-based editor for visual ontology mapping for R2RML documents (DEPRECATED)
Karma A web-based editor for visually creating R2RML mappings in order to create RDF from databases, spreadsheets, delimited text files, XML, JSON, KML and Web APIs according to an ontology of the user's choice
Helio Playground A web-base playground to edit and use RML mappings and custom Freemarker-based mappings

Awesome KGC Tools / Mapping Translators

YARRRML-parser 42 18 days ago JavaScript engine that translates from YARRRML/RML/R2RML to YARRRML/RML/R2RML
YATTER 22 about 1 month ago Python engine, translating from YARRRML/RML/R2RML to YARRRML/RML/R2RML with support for RML-star and easy-to-read outputs
Mapeathor From Excel-based mappings to [R2]RML mappings

Awesome KGC Tools / Mapping Generators

Spread2RML Suggests RML mappings on messy spreadsheets
OWL2YARRRML 6 almost 2 years ago Generates a mapping template in YARRRML given an ontology

Awesome KGC Tools / KGC Pipelines

KGCP " " - A suite of software artifacts to automate the creation of KGs from heterogeneous data sources

Awesome KGC Tools / KG subgraph extractors

KGPrune An API and Web application for extracting subgraphs of interest from Wikidata based on user-input seed entities, to bootstrap a new KG

Awesome KGC Tools / KGC Evaluation

KROWN 1 19 days ago A Benchmark for RDF Graph Materialization
Data Sprout Excel spreadsheet generator for evaluating KG construction
GTFS-Madrid-Bench 17 2 months ago Benchmark to evaluate performance & scalability of declarative KG construction engines
SDM-Genomics Dataset to test simple and complex mapping operations in RML
LUBM4OBDA 4 5 months ago OBDA benchmark for inference and meta knowledge evaluation

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