
DevEd hub

A curated collection of notable developer education resources and initiatives

DevEd with umami. Awesome List of developer education covering blogs, tutorials, academies, visual essays, games, and more.


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Academies & Universities

Algolia Academy Training, certifications, live events covering Algolia and integrating with different use cases like front-end, search, and UX
Hashicorp Developer Includes courses and certifications
JetBrains Academy Learn languages, skills, build apps, and more with over 30+ tracks and 2,000+ tech topics through their platform
JFrog Academy Training on using JFrog products, focused on upskilling developers using JFrog products
LaunchDarkly Academy LaunchDarkly's academy with a solid space theme featuring self-paced learning and virtual labs/workshops
Learn Chef Chef's learning site, cited as their top lead generator
Learn Cypress Custom learning site built with Next.js by the Cypress team ( )
Learn MongoDB Self-paced courses, get certifications, and learn MongoDB. Cited 15% of their revenue is derived from leads with the University/Learn site as their first-touch
Redis University Instructor-led courses, certifications. Cited as creating highly-qualified leads
Storybook Tutorials Self-paced peer-reviewed learning courses built by the Chroma UI team. ( )
Twilio's Segment Academy Web-based lessons that you can also get dripped via email. Example of a lead magnet


Amelia Wattenberger Amelia is a data visualization and experience engineer with a blog that features awesome interactive samples and visual essays
GitHub README Project The ReadME Project amplifies the voices of the open source community: the maintainers, developers, and teams whose contributions move the world forward every day
LogRocket Attracts millions of developers with over 3,000+ articles on frontend topics
Twilio Over 2,000+ tutorials since 2008 on ways to integrate and use Twilio products
The Ankur Tyagi Attracts 100K+ developers with over 50+ technical articles on developer tools and writing for engineers


Beautiful Racket Online book on language-oriented programming using Racket by Matthew Butterick
Practical Typography Online book on typography by Matthew Butterick
Select Star SQL Interactive book that teaches SQL using a Texas Death Row dataset by Zi Chong Kao
The Pragmatic Programmer A timeless guide that equips software developers with practical techniques, tools, and principles

Conference Talks

Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in 5 Visual Metaphors An amazing visual talk by Maggie Appleton that explains React just like it says
It's not what you read, it's what you ignore Insights from Scott Hanselman on how to focus on value and stop working on things that are unimportant
Stop Drawing Dead Fish An incredible talk by Bret Victor about the essence of digital art
Wat Widely shared talk on the quirks of JavaScript and Ruby by Gary Bernhardt
You are Not an Impostor A great dive into imposter syndrome and ways to deal with it

Courses / Single Learning Path

DashingD3js A nuts and bolts explanation of the D3 animation library
Epic React Code-along interactive course and workshops that teach React fundamentals. 19 hours of course material plus 10 hours of conversations with React experts
Hack Yourself First A website made by Troy Hunt that showcases 50+ sloppy security practices as part of
Learn Git Branching Gamified interactive Git course that emphasizes branching
Serverless Visually Explained See and interact with serverless concepts with animated examples, code snippets, and demos
Svelte Tutorial Interactive step-by-step tutorial to learn Svelte
TypeScript Training Interactive and self-paced course on learning TypeScript with annotated code snippets and formatting specifically designed for the TS compiler
Web Audio School Interactive WebAudio tutorials

Courses / Multiple Learning Paths

CryptoZombies Learn Solidify and Ethereum blockchain development by creating learning games
Execute Program Interactive courses on TypeScript, Modern JavaScript, SQL, regular expressions, and more. Each course is made up of hundreds of interactive code examples running live in your browser
NodeGuardians Learn web3 in a gamified RPG-like experience with campaigns, quests, skill trees, and character management

Courses / Course Platforms Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science
Codecademy Learn to code interactively, for free
Educative Self-paced developer education platform
FreeCodeCamp Non-profit site where anyone can contribute educational content, get certifications, and find jobs
Pluralsight The professional tech upskilling platform
Wilco Gamified hands-on simulator for teaching developers how to use dev tools and products in a real-world-like environment using Quests

Courses / Course Creation

CourseMaker SaaS product for creating, hosting, and selling technical courses
CourseMaker/gatsby-theme-coursemaker 29 about 3 years ago Gatsby.js Theme from CourseMaker designed for individual creators that sell courses
Wilco Gamified hands-on simulator for teaching developers how to use dev tools and products in a real-world-like environment using Quests


Hashicorp Docs All-in-one dev hub w/ built-in bookmarks, progress, self-paced tutorials with videos, certifications, and more
React Docs (beta) Includes interactive labs and challenges
Medusa Redesigned and treated as a product (see
Nivo D3 viz library with interactive visualizations as the docs
Stripe Docs Interactive and example-rich developer documentation for the popular payment platform
Twilio Docs Interactive and example-rich developer documentation for the popular communication platform. (Also see: )

Documentation / Tools Platform. Build interactive documentation using visual tools featuring sequence diagrams and visual stories. Primarily for OpenAPI-based projects and SDKs
Code Hike Easily build code tutorials with MDX and React
Diátaxis Originally developed by Daniele Procida at Divio, this is a unified system for developing technical documentation
Docusaurus Open source. Docusaurus is a static-site generator. It builds a single-page application with fast client-side navigation, leveraging the full power of React to make your site interactive
Docfx Open source. Documentation and static site generator for .NET API projects
Docz 23,674 over 1 year ago Open source. Documentation site starter for Gatsby.js that offers built-in features to make writing documentation sites easier
gatsby-gitbook-starter 989 3 months ago Open source. A starter for Gatsby.js that matches the style of GitBook and supports a bunch of documentation-related features
GitBook Free + Per User Pricing. Documentation platform/framework supporting CMS-style editing and hosting of docs and technical content
Mintlify Free + Flat Monthly Pricing. Documentation platform/framework supporting MDX-based docs, GPT-based search, component library, and more
Readme Free + Per Project Pricing. Developer hub platform to host technical documentation with versioning, playgrounds, usage analytics, forums, and interactive APIs
Redoc Open source. Alternative to Redocly to host API documentation with interactive playgrounds
Redocly Free + Flat Monthly Pricing. Developer hub platform to host API documentation with interactive playgrounds
Shiki 10,495 2 months ago Embed code samples with VSCode-powered syntax highlighting
Shiki Twoslash The power of Shiki, plus TypeScript compiler annotations
Wilco Gamified hands-on simulator for teaching developers how to use dev tools and products in a real-world-like environment using Quests

Games / CSS

CSS Diner It's a little game to help you learn CSS selectors
CSS Grid Garden A game for learning CSS grid layout
Flexbox Defense Unlike other tower defense games, you must position your towers using CSS!
Flexbox Froggy A game for learning CSS flexbox
Flexbox with Webflow Learn and master flexbox in 28 interactive levels—without writing code

Games / Developer Tools

Ably Serverless Websockets Quest Learn Serverless Websockets through an ADND multiplayer game ( )
Ably Space Invaders Multiplayer Space Invaders game built with Phaser and Ably APIs. ( )
Ably Tower Defense 6 over 2 years ago Demo showing Ably's real-time API in action with a multiplayer Tower Defense game
Wilco Gamified hands-on simulator for teaching developers how to use dev tools and products in a real-world-like environment using Quests

Games / Editors

Open Vim Interactive Vim tutorial
Vim Adventures Learning Vim while playing a game
Vim Genius Increase your speed and improve your muscle memory with Vim Genius

Games / Linux

Bashcrawl Learn Linux commands by playing a simple text adventure

Games / Databases

SQL Murder Mystery Solve a crime while practicing database skills

Games / JavaScript

Screeps The world's first MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers
Untrusted Learn while playing a JavaScript adventure game
TwilioQuest Go on a quest to learn web development how to build a web app with JavaScript and Twilio
WarriorJS 9,449 almost 2 years ago Using JavaScript, program a warrior to climb a tall tower, fight monsters and rescue captives

Games / Programming

BOX-256 Program a fictional CPU with assembly to output graphics
Clips the Game A demanding logic game based on the clips rule engine
Code Avengers Learn to build websites, apps and games in a fun and effective way
CodeCombat An engaging coding game for learning programming
CodinGame A challenge-based training platform where you can play with the hottest programming topics
Cube Composer A puzzle game inspired by functional programming
Deadlock Empire Solve puzzles with concurrency
Mimo Learn how to become a developer on mobile
Programming Games Wiki A long-standing catalogue of programming games through the years
RegexOne Learn Regular Expressions with simple, interactive exercises
ReturnTrue A game were you learn about booleans, return true to win
Swift Playgrounds Learn to code on your iPad in a seriously fun way

Games / Security

XSS game A game about tricking people into running code in their browsers

Games / Web3

CryptoZombies Learn Solidity and Ethereum blockchain development by creating learning games
NodeGuardians Learn web3 in a gamified RPG-like experience with campaigns, quests, skill trees, and character management

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)

Appsembler B2B SaaS LXP built on top of , designed for developer education (powers Chef, Redis, etc.)
Tutor Self-managed Docker version of
Wilco Gamified hands-on simulator for teaching developers how to use dev tools and products in a real-world-like environment using Quests


Corecursive: Coding Stories Like but for software developers
The Rabbit Hole A lighthearted podcast that takes a pragmatic look at trends in software development

Video Channels

Fireship Short videos on a wide variety of programming topics, complete with plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor

Reference Sites / Microsites

CSS Reference Complete reference of CSS properties with examples
HTML Reference Complete reference of CSS properties with examples
Flexbox Cheatsheet Turns static W3C spec of CSS Flexbox Level 1 into interactive examples Illustrated explanations of web development, technology & a little bit of anthropology Learn about the microfrontend architecture pattern and practices, and when / when not to consider it

Reference Sites / Wikis/Community Sites

MDN The Mozilla Developer Network. Documenting web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, since 2005
Microsoft Docs Formerly MSDN. Documenting the Microsoft (and surrounding) ecosystems since 1992
StackOverflow The top Q&A programming site

Visual Essays / Individual Essays

Advanced animation patterns with Framer Motion Maxime Heckel
Build your own React Rodrigo Pombo
Care About What You Build Brandon Hilkert. An introspective article on loving software development even when you may not be working on the most glamorous product
CSS Cascade Amanda Wattenbrger. The cascade is a river, and has a kayaker that paddles downriver as you scroll through the article
Cubic Bézier: from math to motion Maxime Heckel. Features interactive animations that showcase different types of curves
Dark Mode by Local Sunlight Chris Nicholas
How do arrays work? Nanda
How to remember things Nicky Case
Lights and Shadows Bartosz Ciechanowski
Making things move Varun Vachhar
Moving along a curved path in CSS with layered animation Tobias Ahlin
Noise in Creative Coding Varun Vachhar
1 [Parents vs. Owners in React] - Jules Blom, a two-part series ( ) and ( )
Rebuilding Babel: The Tokenizer Nanda Syahrasyad. Features a custom widget to step through the tokenization process, which displays interim results
Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules Jake Archibald. Features an animated step-by-step diagram that got tons of love for in the comments. Not a "full" dataviz essay but interactive visual is umami
Up and Down the Ladder of Abstraction Bret Victor. Takes an example of designing a control system for a simple car simulation, and references it throughout the essay with visuals and interactive widgets accompanying the narrative
Which Blend Mode Chris Nicholas. Featuring interactive examples to show the varying results of different blend modes

Visual Essays / Collections

Amelia Wattenberger Amelia is a data visualization and experience engineer with a blog that features awesome interactive samples and visual essays
Explorable Explanations Combining learning and play, the site is a hub of interactive and visual essays around topics, not only limited to data viz and programming
Jules Blom Frontend developer specializing in React and D4.js who writes visual essays, including walkthrough code samples, embedded quizzes, and interactive diagrams
Maggie Appleton Makes visual essays about UX, programming, and anthropology Data viz magazine featuring many different visual essays
Worrydream Bret Victor. Unique web-based site design, visual essays, and interactive demos

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