
Crypto economics reference

A curated list of resources for understanding and working with Cryptoeconomics

An awesome curated list of Cryptoeconomic research and learning materials


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Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Introductory

Cryptoeconomics for dummies
Cryptoeconomics 101
Making Sense of Cryptoeconomics Making Sense of Cryptoeconomics by Josh Stark
What is Cryptoeconomics What is Cryptoeconomics, a guide by BlockGeeks
How Society Will Be Transformed By Cryptoeconomics
Paving the Future of Blockchain Technology
Vivek Singh's Cryptoeconomics in context
The Blockchain Economy: A beginner’s guide to institutional cryptoeconomics by RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub
Cryptoeconomics is Hard Part 1 , and by Aleksandr Bulkin
Behavioural Crypto-Economics the challenge and promise of Blockchain Incentive Design by Elad Verbin
Introduction to Blockchain through Cryptoeconomics by Zubin Koticha
The need for an Incentive scheme in Algorand by Alexis Guaba, Zubin Koticha A free and open source book & course on Cryptoeconomics
Tokenomics An introduction to token economics

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Game Theory

Introduction to Game Theory Part one of a series by Devin Soni
Schelling Point Introduction to the concept of Schelling Point
Nash Equilibria and Schelling Points
The strategy of conflict book The Strategy of Conflict
Mechanism design (deck) Mechanism design theory examples and complexity
Standford's Algorithmic Game Theory lecture series
Cryptocurrency Game Theory What is Cryptocurrency Game Theory: A Basic introduction
Correlated Equilibria In Game Theory, No Clear Path to Equilibrium
Incentives structures
The Art Of Designing Great Incentives A framework to help community leaders encourage collaboration through Social Tokens

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Mechanism Design

A Crash Course in Mechanism Design for Cryptoeconomic Applications
Mechanism Theory paper by Matthew O. Jackson
Mechanism Design Theory
Mechanism Design and Approximation

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Cryptographic Primitives

Cryptographic Primitives as described in Wikipedia
A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup
Ethereum: Signing and Validating
Merkling in Ethereum by Vitalik Buterin
Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree by Arvind Narayanan and Jeremy Clark

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Consensus Mechanisms

PoW and Blockchains presentation by Prof. Ittay Eyal (IC3)
An Economic Analysis of Difficulty Adjustment Algorithms in PoW Blockchain Systems by Noda et al
The PoW concept article by the Nakamoto Institute
ConsensusPedia - An Encylopedia of 29 consensus algorithms article by Vasa
Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake by BlockGeeks
Vulnerability: Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake
Strengths and Weaknesses of PoS Vitalik Buterin's article on the strengths and weaknesses of staking contrasting to PoW algorithms
PoS Design Philosophy A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy by Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum PoS
The evolution of PoS Article on the evolution of PoS by Coin Telegraph
Weak Subjectivity in PoS Weak Subjectivity in PoS by Vitalik Buterin
The History of Casper - Chapter 1 , , , , Vlad Zamfir's series on the history of Casper
On Stake and Consensus
Critic on the PoS Philosophy by Tuur Demeester
Extended Summary on Casper by Jon Choi
The Economics of the PoS consensus algorithm
Casper vs Tendermint
Minimal Slashing condition in Ethereum
DPoS Introduction Introduction to DPoS by Bitshares
DPoS vs PoW Article by Daniel Larimer from Bitshares
Tendermint BFT vs. EOS dPoS by Tendermint
Seeking Consensus on Consensus Delegated Proof of Stake and the Two Generals' Problem
Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems by Prof. Kenneth Goodwin
dBFT vs PoW and PoS Antshare's (now NEO) views on consensus
Intro to Ethermint BFT

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Network Effects

A Note on Metcalfe's Law, Externalities and Ecosystem Splits by Vitalik Buterin
Continuous Token Models: Towards a Million Networks of Value by Simon de la Rouviere
Crypto Tokens: A breakthrough in open network design by Chris Dixon
Bitcoin Network Effects
Keepers — Workers that Maintain Blockchain Networks
Smart Contract Network Effect Fallacy

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Governance

The Consensus Series, Part I: The Basics of Collectivity by Aleksandr Bulkin
Governance and Network Effects
Notes on Blockchain Governance by Vitalik Buterin
Against On-Chain Governance by Vlad Zamfir
On Public vs Private Blockchains by Vitalik Buterin

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Cryptoeconomic Security

Intro to Cryptoeconomic security Basic intro to cryptoeconomic security
Anti-fragile Cryptoeconomic systems Anti-fragile cryptoeconomic Systems through game theory
Triangle of harm by Vitalik Buterin
On Inflation, Transaction Fees and Cryptocurrency Monetary Policy Vitalik Buterin's article on the role of cryptoeconomics in blockchain security
Settlement Finality Vitalik Buterin's article on the elusive topic of economic finality
Bancor is flawed Bancor's review by Hacking Distributed
To sink front-runners, send submarines Bancor's front-running woes by Hacking Distributed
Bitcoin's security model by Jameson Lopp
General article on how attacks work in PoW - Part 1 and
Long range attacks
Censorship attacks
P + epsilon attack
Coordination problems
The Miners dilemma
Dealing with failure in cryptocurrency Vlad Zamfir's article on dealing with failure in cryptocurrency
Model of an internal PoW attacker Vlad Zamfir's article on PoW attackers
Cryptoeconomics and X-Risk researchers should listen to each other more Vitalik Buterin's article on how cryptoeconomics and existential risk researchers could apply blockchain technology in global coordination challenges
Presentation on most common attacks in Bitcoin
51% Attack Wiki explanation
Selfish Mining a 25% attack against Bitcoin
Sybil attack as described in Wikipedia
Nothing at Stake and Long-range attacks in PoS
$5 wrench Attack XKCD comic on the cheapest attack on cryptography
An Exploration of Attack Vectors in Proof-of-Stake Mechanism Labs

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Token Engineering

The Emergence of Cryptoeconomic Primitives
History Is Rhyming: Fitness Functions & Comparing Blockchain Tokens To The Web by Simon de la Rouviere
Introducing Curation Markets: Trade Popularity of Memes & Information by Simon de la Rouviere
Can Blockchains Go Rogue? by Trent McConaghy
Towards a Practice of Token Engineering , with presentation deck by Trent McConaghy
Token Engineering Case Studies Analysis of Bitcoin, Design of Ocean Protocol by Trent McConaghy

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Cryptoeconomic Primitives

The Emergence of Cryptoeconomic Primitives by Jacob Horne
Token Curated Registries 1.0 by Mike Goldin
Continuous Token-Curated Registries: The Infinity of Lists by Simon de la Rouviere
Tokens 2.0: Curved Token Bonding in Curation Markets by Simon de la Rouviere
Solving Price Discovery Of Non-Rivalrous Goods (with Curved Bonding) by Simon de la Rouviere
Hashtag Markets by Simon de la Rouviere
How to Make Bonding Curves for Continuous Token Models
Re-Fungible Token (RFT) by Billy Rennekamp

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Tokenomics

Token sales models Token sales models by Vitalik Buterin
A business guide to Tokenomics by William Mougayar
Cryptoasset Valuations by Chris Burniske
Understanding Token Velocity
On Value, Velocity and Monetary Theory
The Token Classification Framework a multi-dimensional tool for understanding and classifying crypto tokens
MV = PQ isn't right for crypto a case made by Austere Capital
The quantitative theory of money for tokens a rebuttal of the MV = PQ theory by Warren Weber
NVT - network value to transactions ratio a market to transaction value proposal by Coinmetrics
New Models For Utility Tokens by Kyle Samani
Understanding Token Economics A study of economic models and token distributions in the cryptocurrency market
The Pillars of Tokenomics The ve Token Model
All You Need to Know About Tokenomics
Designing Token Economies
Tokenomics 101 The Basics of Evaluating Cryptocurrencies
Tokenomics 102 Digging Deeper on Supply
Tokenomics 103 Evaluating Token Utility
Tokenomics 104 How to Launch a Token
Social Token Three things Creators need to know before making a Social Token for their community

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Stablecoins

Ethereum Madrid's Cryptoeconomics 101 presentation on Stablecoins by Sandra Becker of Ethereum Madrid
An Overview of stablecoins
Stablecoins: A Holy Grail in digital cryptocurrencies
Volatility and Mass Adoption: 2 reasons we would benefit from a stablecoin
The search for a stable cryptocurrency
Maker for Dummies: A Plain English Explanation of the Dai Stablecoin
Designing a price stable currency by Haseeb Qureshi
A skeptic view of stablecoins

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / State Channels

Compact and very well explained definition
Overview on the Raiden Network
Generalised State Channels on Ethereum
Introducing multi-party state-channels
A state-channels adventure with Counterfactual Rick by SpankChain (SFW!)

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Empirical Cryptoeconomics

How manipulation-resistant are Prediction Markets? How manipulation-resistant are Prediction Markets? Our Undertaking in Empirical Cryptoeconomics by Gnosis
Empirical Cryptoeconomics Vitalik Buterin's post on empirical cryptoeconomics
Testing mechanism design with AI agents Tool for Smart Contract testing with and

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Case studies

Tokenomics 101 by Tokenomics DAO
Olympus DAO by Nat Eliason
Alchemix The Mind-Bending Magic of Self-Paying Loans
The Curve Wars DeFi’s Fight for Liquidity
StepN Will STEPN Bring Crypto to the Masses?
Crypto Raiders Crypto Raiders Tokenomics and Economy Launch Plan
EigenLayer Restaking Effect on Ethereum's Security and Rewarding Mechanisms

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Articles / Regulation

Considerations for Regulating Crypto

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Videos / Consensus Protocols

Consensus Algorithms Andreas Antonopoulos
Intro to Casper Karl Floersch presenting Ethereum's Casper PoS
PoS roundtable PoS roundtable with Joseph Poon, Vitalik Buterin, Vlad Zamfir, Dominic Williams, Zack Hess at Cryptoeconomicon 2015
PoW roundtable PoW roundtable with Tim Swanson, Vitalik Buterin and Peter Todd at Cryptoeconomicon 2015
Proof of Stake - Technion Cyber and Computer Security Summer School and
CESC2017 - Casper Proof of Stake
Hangout - Ethereum PoS: Casper FFG In Depth and the
Hangout - Ethereum PoS: Casper & Smart Contract Consensus Overview and the

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Videos / Cryptoeconomics

Game Theory in Bitcoin Game Theory approach behind the motivation for Bitcoin mining
CESC2017 - Cryptoeconomics in Casper
What is Cryptoeconomics Vlad Zamfir introducing Cryptoeconomics
Introduction to Cryptoeconomics Vitalik Buterin introducing Cryptoeconomics. The corresponding presentation deck is
Hard problems in Cryptoeconomics Vitalik Buterin discussing hard problems with cryptoeconomics
The Cryptoeconomic way Vitalik Buterin discussing cryptoeconomics
Cryptoeconomic Protocols In the Context of Wider Society Vitalik Buterin discussing cryptoeconomics. The corresponding presentation deck is
The current state of Cryptoeconomics The current state of Cryptoeconomics by Vlad Zamfir
Programmable Incentives by Karl Floersch at Devcon 3
Hard problems in cryptoeconomics by Vitalik Buterin
Cryptoeconomic Primitives
Global Scale Research Networks and Cryptoeconomics
Towards a Practice of Token Engineering by Trent McConaghy
Cryptoeconomic Theory , , and an on-going series by Viktor Makarskyy

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Videos / State Channels

The Raiden Network, a technical introduction
Short introduction to the The Raiden Network by Lefteris Karapetsas
State Channels explained in detail by Ameen Soleimani

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Videos / Cryptoeconomic Security

The costs of hacking Bitcoin Sybil attacks explained
Game theory and Network Attacks- How to destroy Bitcoin by by Max Fang 03/2017
Game theory and Network Attacks- How to destroy Bitcoin by Nadir Akhtar and Aparna Krishnan 11/2017
51% Attacks: Pools and Game Theory
Nothing at stake Introducing the nothing at stake attack
Security Considerations of the Casper Protocol Vlad Zamfir at Standford's Blockchain Protocol Analysis and Security Engineering 2017

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Videos / Cryptography

Cryptography for Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin - Cryptographic hash functions
Hashed based signatures An illustrated primer

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Podcasts

Q&A on Casper Vlad Zamfir answering questions regarding Ethereum's Casper PoS
PoW attacks Podcast from 2015 on PoW attacks
Cryptoeconomics, Stablecoins, Casper with Vlad Zamfir, and corresponding transcript is available
Fintech Podcast - Episode 151 Cryptoeconomics as explained by Dr Chris Berg

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Whitepapers

Bitcoin Whitepaper
Ethereum Whitepaper 14,742 over 2 years ago
Blockchain Consensus Protocols in the Wild
dBFT Whitepaper The Quest for Scalable Blockchain Fabric: Proof-of-Work vs. BFT Replication by IBM Research
Federated Byzantine Agreements by Stellar Development Foundation's David Mazieres
Research Paper on PoS vs. Pow by Bitfury
Demystifying Incentives in the Consensus Computer
Game Theory approach behind Bitcoin mining
Research Paper on the security model in PoW by ETH Zurich and others
A Note on Limits on Incentive Compatibility and Griefing Factors
Research Paper on eclipse attacks on the Bitcoin Network
Research Paper on eclipse attacks on the Ethereum Network
Research paper on hashrate-based double spend attack
Satoshi Risk Tables
MakerDAO Purple Paper
Sweetbridge Liquidity Protocol
Bancor Protocol
Maker Dai Stablecoin
Curation Markets by Simon de la Rouviere
The Economics of BitCoin Price Formation This paper analyses the relationship between Bitcoin price and supply-demand fundamentals of Bitcoin
A Cost of Production Model for Bitcoin
The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol Analysis and Applications
Cryptocurrencies without PoW
Some Simple Economics of the Blockchain
Crypto-Economics of the Nervos Common Knowledge Base 269 4 months ago

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Other Resources

Evolution of Trust fun interactive game by Nicky Case showing the evolution of group trust over time Casper research topic
CECS - CryptoEconomics Security Conference
Reddit subgroup
Telegram Group
RIAT - Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics a research group from Austria
Cryptoeconomics Asia is an independent research firm
Cryptoeconomics at RMIT University a research group of economists in Australia
Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics Vienna University of Economics and Business
MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab MIT's first cryptoeconomics lab

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Blockchain Hacks and Post-mortems / The DAO

The DAO can turn into a naturally arising Ponzi prescient article by Hacking Distributed
Analysis of the DAO Exploit by Hacking Distributed
Thoughts on the DAO hack by Hacking Distributed

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Blockchain Hacks and Post-mortems / Parity MultiSig

Parity's Post-mortem
Deep dive into the Parity hack

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Blockchain Hacks and Post-mortems / Bancor

Front-running Bancor in 150 lines of Python

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Blockchain Hacks and Post-mortems / King of Ether

King of Ether Post-mortem

Awesome Cryptoeconomics / Blockchain Hacks and Post-mortems / Roulette

Attacking a public RNG article by Martin Swende on attacking a smart contract that used a public Random Number Generator
BE Ted Talk Prof. Dan Ariely's Ted Talk on Behavioural Economics
Predictably Irrational book Predictably Irrational by Prof. Dan Ariely
The Honest Truth About Dishonesty book The Honest Truth About Dishonesty by Prof. Dan Ariely
Awesome Economics 1,341 over 1 year ago
Awesome Cryptography 5,957 5 months ago

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