
✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Homomorphic Encryption libraries, software and resources


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Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Libraries

blyss 331 7 months ago Rust FHE library specialized for private information retrieval. Includes bindings to JS & Python
cuFHE 208 about 3 years ago CUDA-accelerated Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library
cuHE 188 over 7 years ago GPU-accelerated HE library for NVIDIA CUDA-Enabled GPUs
Cupcake 406 about 1 year ago Facebook's Rust library for the (additive version of the) Fan-Vercauteren scheme
cuYASHE 9 over 5 years ago Based on leveled fully HE scheme YASHE for GPGPUs
fhEVM 382 3 days ago Solidity library that enables confidential smart contracts on the Ethereum VM using FHE
FHEW 218 almost 6 years ago A Fully HE library based on
FINAL 35 9 days ago C++ FHE library based on
FV-NFLlib 59 about 8 years ago A header-only library implementing the Fan-Vercauteren scheme
Scheme with native support for fixed point approximate arithmetic
HEAAN-Python 32 about 4 years ago Python binding for the library
BGV scheme with bootstrapping and the Approximate Number CKKS scheme
HEMat 39 about 5 years ago C++ implementation of matrix computation (addition, multiplication, and transposition) using
krypto 50 almost 8 years ago C++ implementation of multivariate quadratic FHE
Λ ○ λ 224 over 3 years ago "Lol" Haskell library for ring-based lattice cryptography that supports FHE
Go library for lattice-based crypto that implements various schemes
libScarab 44 about 9 years ago C library implementing a FHE scheme using large integers
libshe 27 about 7 years ago Symmetric somewhat HE library based on DGHV scheme
C++ FHE library implementing BFV and CKKS schemes
NFLlib 165 almost 2 years ago NTT-based Fast Lattice library specialized on power-of-two polynomials
node-seal 188 5 months ago JavaScript/WebAssembly port of
NuFHE 440 over 2 years ago GPU-accelerated HE library, faster than cuFHE, that implements the algorithms
C++ FHE library implementing all major schemes along with bootstrapping and scheme switching
Python wrapper for
Rust wrapper for
lattice encryption library (superseded by )
petlib 132 almost 2 years ago Python library that implements a number of Privacy Enhancing Technologies
PhantomFHE 70 16 days ago A CUDA-Accelerated Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library
Pyfhel 475 about 1 month ago A Python wrapper for , , and
python-paillier 598 about 1 year ago Partially HE based on Paillier scheme
SEAL-python 319 3 months ago Python binding for the library
SparkFHE 3 about 4 years ago Apache Spark with an add-on for FHE computations. See
Sunscreen 243 3 months ago Rust compiler for the BFV fully homomorphic encryption scheme
TenSEAL 811 4 days ago Library for HE operations on tensors, built on , with a Python API
Faster fully HE: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds
TFHE-rs 899 3 days ago Rust implementation of the TFHE scheme for boolean and integers FHE arithmetics by

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Toolkits

ALCHEMY 65 over 4 years ago Haskell-based DSLs and interpreters/compilers, build on top of the lattice crypto library Lol
AWS HE toolkit 62 about 1 year ago Simplifies the process of designing circuits for the CKKS scheme
Cingulata 402 8 months ago Compiler toolchain and RTE for running C++ programs over encrypted data
Concrete 1,217 3 days ago TFHE compiler for converting Python programs into FHE equivalents
Concrete-ML 920 10 days ago Python-based toolkit for data scientists w/o prior FHE knowledge (using sklearn, pyTorch, XGBoost models)
E3 89 over 1 year ago Encrypt-Everything-Everywhere framework for compiling C++ programs with encrypted operands
EVA 223 3 months ago A compiler and optimizer for the CKKS scheme (targeting )
Google's FHE Repository 3,512 about 1 month ago A compiler that converts a subset of C++ programs into FHE circuits implemented in various backend libraries (superseded by )
Google's MLIR-based toolchain for FHE compilers
IBM HElayers 35 about 2 months ago IBM's FHE SDK for practical and efficient execution of encrypted workloads
Marble 18 almost 4 years ago C++ framework that translates between nearly plaintext-style user programs and FHE computations
SHEEP 48 over 1 year ago HE evaluation platform with a set of native benchmarks and a library agnostic language
T2 31 9 months ago A cross compiler and standardized benchmarks for FHE computation that targets , , , , and

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Applications

crypto-geofence 37 over 5 years ago Geo-fencing demo application based on Paillier scheme
lattigo-polls 26 about 2 years ago Web-application for scheduling meetings using Web-based UI to play around with the library
nGraph-HE 169 almost 2 years ago Deep Learning (DL) with HE through Intel’s DL graph compiler nGraph based on
OpenFHE demo applications 723 4 days ago Several demo applications that demonstrate some of the capabilities of OpenFHE

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Applications / OpenFHE demo applications

boolean-circuit-evaluator 5 11 months ago Demonstration application to read in boolean circuits using multiple formats and execute them in encrypted form based on binfhe module for encrypted boolean logic
genomic-examples 8 4 months ago Prototypes for secure genome-wide association studies using homomorphic encryption
logreg-training-examples 19 about 1 year ago Logistic Regression Training Examples

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Applications

OpenMined Decentralized data ownership & intelligence based on HE and deep / federated learning

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Applications / OpenMined

KotlinSyft 84 about 3 years ago Kotlin library for the Android part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem
PySyft 9,443 10 days ago Python library for the server/IoT part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem
SwiftSyft 50 about 3 years ago Swift library for the iOS part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem
syft.js 147 over 1 year ago JavaScript library for the web part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Applications

Rosetta 561 over 2 years ago A privacy-preserving framework based on TensorFlow
tf-encrypted 1,203 10 days ago Bridge between TensorFlow and the library
Zama's Hugging Face spaces Demo apps showing the power of FHE for real-world use cases

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Databases

CryptDB 498 almost 8 years ago Protecting confidentiality with encrypted query processing
encrypted-mongodb 22 over 6 years ago Wrapper on MongoDB's Python driver that enables to query encrypted data
Prisma/DB 34 about 4 years ago Security layer for relational database systems
TimeCrypt 45 about 4 years ago Encrypted time-series database using homomorphic encryption-based access control
ZeroDB 1,556 over 6 years ago E2E encrypted database using proxy re-encryption

Awesome Homomorphic Encryption / Resources

Barak, Boaz . Chapter about FHE in Barak's introductory book to Cryptography, used for Harvard CS 127
Barthelemy, Lucas . Brief survey of Fully HE. 2016
Chen, Zhigang . A continuously updated list of FHE papers . A community of researchers and developers interested in advancing homomorphic encryption
Gentry, Craig . A fully homomorphic encryption scheme. Stanford University, 2009 . An open industry, government & academic consortium working on standardization of FHE
KU Leuven . An introduction to homomorphic encryption
Micciancio, Daniele . Links to papers and implementations of Lattice Cryptography schemes
Microsoft Research . Videos from SEAL/CKKS talks at Microsoft's Private AI Bootcamp
OpenFHE . Webinars about the foundations of applied FHE, the latest advances in the OpenFHE project and applications of FHE
Vaikuntanathan, Vinoid . A list of references about FHE, covering top papers in the field
Zhigang Chen . A list of English and Chinese FHE and Machine Learning references
awesome-cryptography 5,791 2 months ago
awesome-crypto-papers 1,765 13 days ago
awesome-mpc 1,722 9 days ago Multi-Party Computation

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