
NativeScript resource hub

A curated collection of resources for building NativeScript applications

A curated list of awesome articles, plugins, and resources for NativeScript.


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last commit: over 5 years ago
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awesome-nativescript / Official Resources

NativeScript Homepage
NativeScript on Twitter (@nativescript)
NativeScript on GitHub
NativeScript Feedback Portal
FAQ on NativeScript
NativeScript Quick Start
Let's Talk NativeScript (Presentation)

awesome-nativescript / Apps

Showcase NativeScript Apps

awesome-nativescript / Articles

A NativeScript Development Workflow for Sublime Text
Adding Analytics to Your NativeScript App
Building Your Own NativeScript Modules for npm
Calcu{N}ator - the NativeScript Calculator
Customize the iOS Navigation Bar / Status Bar with NativeScript
Deep-Linking Your NativeScript Apps with iOS 9 User Activity and Core Spotlight APIs
Demystifying NativeScript Layouts
Getting Started with NativeScript
How NativeScript Works
How to Analyze the App Package and Native Visual UI Tree of a NativeScript Application
How to Enable HealthKit in Your NativeScript Application
NativeScript - A Technical Overview
Offline Support for Hybrid, Web and NativeScript Apps
On NativeScript for Android
The TelerikNEXT Conference App – Built with NativeScript
Take Your Selfie with NativeScript and its Cross-Platform Camera API
Tracing NativeScript Applications
Using npm Modules and NativeScript Plugins
Welcome to Telerik UI for NativeScript
How to use Fonts in NativeScript
Using the Android Palette in NativeScript
How to use Google Cloud Messaging Push Notifications in NativeScript
YouTube videos in NativeScript
Realtime Location Tracking app with NativeScript + Vue

awesome-nativescript / Community

NativeScript Community on Google+
NativeScript Forum
NativeScript on IRC
NativeScript on Stack Overflow

awesome-nativescript / Open Source

REKlistan 16 over 9 years ago App that helps promote good and safe drug prescribing in Sweden. Downloads and stores data locally for offline use
Realtime Location Tracking App with NativeScript + Vue 46 almost 3 years ago A working, cross platform, realtime location tracking mobile app made with NativeScript and Vue, under 350 lines of code

awesome-nativescript / Plugins and Modules

Another Plugin and Compatability List 20 about 9 years ago
nativescript the command-line interface for building NativeScript projects
nativescript-admob make money with your app by using Google's AdMob ads
nativescript-angular implements a renderer that lets you build native mobile apps with Angular2 using the NativeScript widgets
nativescript-animated-menu an animated side menu
nativescript-appavailability check for availability of other apps on the device
nativescript-appversion read the version of your NativeScript app
nativescript-azure-mobile-basic reads Azure Mobile Services backend table data
nativescript-azure-storage read, delete, create, list Azure Storage tables and blobs
nativescript-background-http provides background upload for iOS and Android
nativescript-barcodescanner scan QR/barcodes with a NativeScript app
nativescript-calendar create, delete and find Events in the native Calendar
nativescript-clipboard clipboard module for use in NativeScript apps
nativescript-couchbase Couchbase Lite plugin for Nativescript
nativescript-email email plugin for your NativeScript app
nativescript-emulator-reload gulp script for monitoring NativeScript source files to trigger a build and load inside the emulator
nativescript-firebase the leading realtime JSON cloud datastore
nativescript-flashlight a flashlight NativeScript module for Android and iOS
nativescript-floatingactionbutton a NativeScript module to use native Android Floating Action Button in your XML markup
nativescript-google-sdk instructions for adding Google SDKs to a NativeScript project
nativescript-google-maps-sdk 244 about 2 years ago Cross Platform Google Maps SDK for Nativescript
nativescript-insomnia prevents the screen from dimming (and eventually lock the device) while active
nativescript-livesync LiveSync NativeScript module for Android current version of NativeScript
nativescript-mapbox native maps, by Mapbox
nativescript-maps a NativeScript module for using native map APIs
nativescript-observable-subscribe a NativeScript module to add subscribe functionality to observables
nativescript-openurl a module for providing an open URL action for Android and iOS
nativescript-phone a phone NativeScript module for Android and iOS
nativescript-photoviewer 44 about 2 years ago photo viewer plugin for Android and iOS
nativescript-plugin-appcompat a plugin that installs the v7-appcompat Android Support library to a NativeScript project
nativescript-plugin-google-play-services a plugin which installs the Google Play Services library to your NativeScript project
nativescript-push-notifications a plugin to support push notifications
nativescript-snackbar a NativeScript module to use the native Android Material Design widget
nativescript-social-share a NativeScript module to use the native social sharing widget
nativescript-signaturepad a NativeScript plugin to capture signatures and other drawings on the device screen
nativescript-sqlite a SQLite NativeScript module for Android and iOS
nativescript-telephony get data from the SIM card like the carrier name, mcc, mnc and country code and other system dependent additional info
nativescript-telerik-ui a set of rich-ui, cross-platform components based on the native iOS and Android libraries provided by Telerik
nativescript-texttospeech a plugin to support text-to-speech
nativescript-tracing a simple tracing NativeScript module for Android and iOS
nativescript-toast a NativeScript toast plugin for Android
nativescript-touchid authenticate your users with the iOS Touch ID fingerprint scanner
nativescript-vibrate a vibrate NativeScript plugin for Android and iOS
nativescript-videoplayer a simple module to use the native video playing controls
nativescript-websockets a WebSocket NativeScript module for Android

awesome-nativescript / Tools

NativeScript Project Template with TypeScript 6 about 9 years ago
Docker Container for NativeScript CLI and SDKs 40 over 8 years ago
Vagrant Container for full NativeScript development 11 over 6 years ago
NativeScript Snippets for Sublime Text 3 over 9 years ago
NativeScript Snippets for Visual Studio Code 43 about 2 years ago

awesome-nativescript / Videos

A Lap Around NativeScript (41:19) - a good primer by TJ VanToll on NativeScript fundamentals and its technical underpinnings
Getting Started with NativeScript (12:30) - TJ VanToll provides an overview of how to set up your environment to start being NativeScript apps
Getting Started with NativeScript (57:30) - code along. Creating your first NativeScript app, a Reddit reader. By Emil Öberg
Introducing NativeScript (31:17) - Burke Holland provides a quick overview of NativeScript
NativeScript Launch Keynote (51:45) - the launch webinar covering the why and how of NativeScript
NativeScript 1.2 Release Webinar (50:12) - the release webinar for NativeScript 1.2
NativeScript vs PhoneGap/React/Titanium/Ionic/etc (21:50) - explains how NativeScript differs from other mobile technologies. By Emil Öberg
Meet the NativeScript Team: What is NativeScript? (2:44) - meet the developers who are building NativeScript

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