
Curated list of awesome grails resources, books and tutorials


7 stars
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2 forks
last commit: about 10 years ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists

Awesome Grails / Books

The Definitive Guide to Grails 2 written by its author
Grails in Action
Beginning Groovy and Grails: From Novice to Professional
Programming Grails One of the best book for experienced programmer

Awesome Grails / Tutorials

Official Tutorials Official Grails blog written by its author
Tutorials for Beginners Also have examples and sample apps
Tutorial by Vogella
Tutorial by IBM

Awesome Grails / Plugins

Main Plugin Page Official Grails plugins

Awesome Grails / Tools

STS Integration Grails support in SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)
NetBeans IDE Integration Grails support in NetBeans IDE
IntelliJ Idea Integration Grails support in IntelliJ Idea

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