
Android automation toolkit

A curated list of tools and plugins for automating Android device tasks

Carefully curated list of awesome Tasker projects, tutorials and tricks


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last commit: almost 2 years ago
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Website Website with all apps
Guides Guides from Joao
Wiki Official wiki
Support Support group
Forum Official forum
FAQ Official FAQ
App From website
App From Google Play™ store
Videos Videos from Joao
Documentation 105 over 3 years ago Crowdsourced documentation for Tasker

Plugins / Official Plugins - (Paid | Free)

AutoApps Allows you to unlock (as individual purchases) all the Tasker plugins by the same developer, known as the AutoApps
AutoVoice (and the ) - Custom voice commands for Google Now™
Tasker Settings Helper app for Tasker; It allows to change some settings that Tasker can't change by itself
AutoInput Enables to interact with any Android™ app automatically. It also allows you to get info from other apps so you can use it in Tasker
AutoCast (And the ) - Gives full control over your Chromecast™
Tasker App Factory Generate an app from a task or project
AutoNotification (And the ) - Can create notifications in Tasker
AutoTools Adds extra functionality for Tasker
AutoContacts (And the ) - Query contacts in Tasker
AutoTools Root Add-on Unlock AutoTools root features
AutoWear Enables to completely customize devices that uses Wear OS by Google™
AutoShare (And the ) - Send text or files to Tasker from any app and react to it however you want; Also share text from Tasker to any other app that supports text sharing
AutoShortcut Allows you to run any of your installed apps' shortcuts
AutoWeb (Beta) - Interact with web and api's from Tasker
AutoLaunch (And the ) - Dynamically launch apps
AutoRemote Remotely control your phone, PC and web
AutoRemoteLite Remotely control your phone, PC and web but with some limitations
AutoApp For Pebble (And the ) - Allows to customize your Pebble™ watch
AutoAlarm Make Tasker able to interact with Android™ alarm
AutoApp for Arduino Allows to control ARDUINO® pins right from Tasker
AutoVera (And the ) - Makes Tasker interact with home automation gadgets
AutoMEO Makes Tasker interact with MEOBox
AutoLocation (And the ) - React to geofences and activities in Tasker
AutoBarcode Allows you to completely automate your phone with QR Codes
AutoBarcodeLite Allows you to completely automate your phone with QR Codes but limited to 3 character scans
AutoBluetooth Makes Tasker interact with bluetooth
AutoBubbles Enables Tasker to create movable/draggle icons that float above everything else on the screen display
AutoCalendar Allows Tasker to interact with calendar
AutoMail Automate emails other than Gmail
AutoMediaButtons Enables Tasker to interact with media buttons
AutoMEO Enables Tasker to control a
AutoPhoto Enables Tasker to interact with pictures
AutoRSS Enables Tasker to interact with
AutoSheets Tasker plugin that allows to automate just about anything in
TaskerSettings 367 3 months ago Enables Tasker to toggle WI-FI

Plugins / Marco Stornelli

SecureTask Makes Tasker interact with
MailTask Enables Tasker to interact with emails
TouchTask Perform gestures automatically without root
ContactsTask Read contacts from device
AirTask Allows to send messages or files from one device to another using wifi or bluetooth
DriveTask Allows to perform operations on Google Drive™
CalendarTask Allows to interact with calendar
QuickTask Create custom tiles and create events in Tasker to react on
UiTask Show simple dialogs and pickers using material design
CastTask Allows you to cast multimedia content using Tasker
ParseTask Read data in JSON, XML and HTML
NFC for Tasker Read and write on NFC tags using Tasker
Notification Listener Read notification of other apps
IntentTask Allows Tasker to send Android™ intents
MeteoTask Get weather information on Tasker
ActivityTask Detect when you are in a vehicle, on foot, on bike, still or if the phone is tilting
ClockTask Interact with Android™ clock app
BlueTask Allows audio routing using bluetooth headset
GeoTask Create geographic areas to be monitored
Auto Speed Trap Automate the start and stop of
Tasker Now Use Google Assistant as input for Tasker from your phone or smartwatch

Plugins / Others Vendors

Tasker Network Event Server Enables Tasker to trigger events when receiving messages over network
HTTP Request Shortcuts Enables Tasker to place shortcuts/widgets on homescreen to submit HTTP requests
Notifications Off Enables Tasker to manage app notifications in a centralized way
ADB Shell Enables Tasker to send a (series of) Shell command(s) to a remote device (or the device itself) that has ADB over WiFi enabled
SharpTools Tasker Plugin & Widgets for SmartThings is a set of Widgets and Tasker plugins for the SmartThings™ platform
Jewish Tasker Plugin Tasker plugin to get the Jewish/Hebrew Date and Zmanim
RepetiTouch Pro RepetiTouch enables easy recording and replaying of touch events


AutoTools Presets List of web screen presets that can be imported into AutoTools
Taskernet Collector Search Taskernet shares that were publicly posted on Reddit
TaskerPluginSample 65 about 1 year ago Plugin sample for developers


Developing Android on Android


NotEnoughTECH channel
Tasker Tutorials channel


NotEnoughTECH Includes multiple posts about Tasker
What is Tasker and how does it work?
A beginner's guide to Tasker: How to automate (almost) anything on your phone



Community / Reddit




Community / Telegram

TaskerSuperBrasil group (Brazilian Portuguese)
TaskerSuperBrasilCanal channel (Brazilian Portuguese)
Tasker Profile Center channel
Tasker中文交流群组 group (Chinese)

Community / Facebook

TaskerSuperBrasil page (Brazilian Portuguese)
TaskerSuperBrasil group (Brazilian Portuguese)
Android Tasker Community group
Tasker App Brasil group (Brazilian Portuguese)

Community / Blogs

Tasker Profile Center

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