
😎 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources


141 stars
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11 forks
last commit: over 3 years ago

Awesome Gradient / CSS

auroral 277 over 6 years ago Animated background gradients with pure CSS
nib 1,902 over 2 years ago Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation
webgradients 2,427 over 3 years ago A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats

Awesome Gradient / C#

CosineGradient 389 over 2 years ago Cosine gradient generator for Unity
Unity-UIGradient 576 about 6 years ago A UI gradient effect script for Unity

Awesome Gradient / Dart

GradientAppBar 134 over 3 years ago Gradient app bar for Flutter
Gradient-Screens 109 almost 6 years ago 🌈 Gradients applied to buttons, texts and backgrounds in Flutter
gradient-widgets 348 3 months ago Flutter widgets wrapped with gradients

Awesome Gradient / HTML

conic-gradient 486 over 4 years ago Polyfill for conic-gradient() and repeating-conic-gradient()
gradients 260 about 7 years ago Gradients!
GradientTopographyAnimation 340 over 6 years ago Shape layers animation based on Polar Vector's work "Gradient Topography"
shade 457 almost 7 years ago Mathematically derived gradient explorer

Awesome Gradient / Java

ahoy-onboarding 983 almost 5 years ago Onboarding library for android with Gradient, Image or Solid color backgrounds
AnimatedGradientTextView 97 about 7 years ago An Android TextView, using animated color gradients
Ariana 79 over 2 years ago Provide Multiple Gradients in ImageViews and Texts. Integrate with ViewPager to change colors dynamically
Gradient-Artist 49 almost 8 years ago Learning to create Android UI library
GradientDrawableTuner 345 about 6 years ago See how the properties of Android's "shape" affect the Drawable's appearance, intuitively
GradientLayout 222 over 6 years ago A library which extends Android layouts to allow for the easy configuring of gradient backgrounds
MusicWave 566 about 3 years ago With MusicWave represent your Sound in a gradient colored Visualization
ProgressRoundButton 884 over 5 years ago A DownloadProgressButton with Animation for Android

Awesome Gradient / JavaScript

colorful-background-css-generator 319 over 6 years ago A colorful css gradient background generator
coolhue 3,488 over 4 years ago Coolest Gradient Hues and Swatches
grabient 1,986 over 1 year ago UI to generate linear-gradients
grade 3,774 about 2 years ago This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images
gradient-string 1,055 5 days ago Beautiful color gradients in terminal output
granim.js 5,285 almost 2 years ago Create fluid and interactive gradients animations with this small (< 17 kB) js library
hyperborder 246 about 1 year ago Adds a gradient border to the Hyper terminal
postcss-easing-gradients 923 almost 2 years ago PostCSS plugin to create smooth linear-gradients that approximate easing functions
react-native-gradient-buttons A lightweight, customizable and haptic Gradient Button component library for React Native
react-native-linear-gradient 4,864 2 months ago A
react-native-login 848 about 9 years ago React-native login via native facebook sdk, with a mp4 video background and a linear gradient
react-native-svg-animated-linear-gradient 434 over 2 years ago A wrap SVG component for animated linear gradient
sketch-palettes 2,272 almost 5 years ago A Sketch plugin for exporting and importing fill presets. It supports colors, gradients, and pattern fills
tinygradient 194 12 months ago Fast and small gradients manipulation, built on top of TinyColor

Awesome Gradient / Kotlin

AvatarView 548 about 2 years ago A circular Image View with a lot of perks. Including progress animation and highlight state with borders and gradient color
co.revely.gradient 303 about 7 years ago An Android library for easy gradient management
Gradients 51 almost 4 years ago A curated collection of splendid gradients (port of for Android)
Spark 673 over 5 years ago An Android library to create gradient animation like Instagram&Spotify

Awesome Gradient / Objective-C

OCSkeleton 186 over 4 years ago Make your loading view a little difference

Awesome Gradient / Sketch

180 Gradients 180 Gradients Sketch Resource by itmeo
Juicy Gradients Juicy Gradients Sketch Resource by David J
Only 2000 Gradients Sketch Resource Only 2000 Gradients Sketch Resource by Apostol Voicu

Awesome Gradient / Swift

AEConicalGradient 83 over 4 years ago Conical (angular) gradient for iOS
AnimatedGradientView 454 over 1 year ago Powerful gradient animations made simple for iOS
AnimatedMaskLabel 22 over 5 years ago A nice gradient animated label that make easy to add a shimmering effect to any view
ComplimentaryGradientView 728 about 5 years ago Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image
DSGradientProgressView A simple animated progress bar in Swift
DynamicColor 3,032 10 months ago Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift
EZYGradientView 376 about 4 years ago Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
GradientCircularProgress 542 about 3 years ago Customizable progress indicator library
GradientLoadingBar 889 29 days ago A customizable animated gradient loading bar
GradientProgressBar 534 29 days ago A customizable gradient progress bar (UIProgressView)
Gradients 803 almost 2 years ago A curated collection of splendid 180+ gradients made
GradientSlider 241 almost 5 years ago GradientSlider is a UIControl subclass which is similar to UISlider, but with a linear gradient coloring the slider’s track. Useful for creating color pickers
GradientView 628 over 4 years ago Easily use gradients in UIKit for iOS & tvOS
Hue 3,501 about 1 year ago Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need
KDCircularProgress 1,205 over 1 year ago A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
MKGradientView 172 over 3 years ago Highly customizable Core Graphics based gradient view for iOS
Pastel 3,501 almost 2 years ago Gradient animation effect like Instagram
Randient 74 over 1 year ago 🎨 Radient, random gradients in Swift
RHPlaceholder 238 almost 3 years ago Show pleasant loading view for your users 😍
Shift 180 over 5 years ago Animate gradient changes with time or motion for iOS
Skeleton 681 about 3 years ago An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations
SkeletonView 12,593 about 2 months ago An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
Tamamushi 95 about 5 years ago Gradient NavigationBar library
UIGradient 266 about 1 year ago A simple and powerful library for using gradient layer, image, color

Awesome Gradient / Vue

uiGradients 5,918 2 months ago Beautiful colour gradients for design and code