
A curated list of awesome resources related to Outer Space


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awesome-space / Jobs

SpaceJobs.US Free and interactive listing of Space Industry positions across all disciplines in the United States
Space Careers Listings of jobs and job applications in the space industry (worldwide)

awesome-space / Media

SpaceX Flickr account of SpaceX, with high resolution images and diagrams released in the Public Domain
Spacelog Read the stories of early space exploration from the original transcripts. Now open to the public in a searchable, linkable format
Cities at Night High resolution night time city photos from the ISS. Help by classifying new cities!
Disk Detective Comb the Milky Way looking for stars that could harbor planet-forming disks
ISS EarthKAM A NASA education program that provides unique, high quality photographs of our planet taken by middle school students
NASA World Wind Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there
NASA ArtSpace Open source material across a variety of new media formats (still images, sounds, video, multimedia)
Hubble SOURCE All of Hubble Space Telescope's press release images are available for downloading in various formats, including JPEG, PDF, and full-resolution TIFF
Space Shots A gallery of photos, visualizations, and other pictures of outer space, updated almost daily by the editors of popular science

awesome-space / Events

Space Apps Challenge A two-day hackathon where teams of technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers and students across the globe collaborate and engage with publicly available data to design innovative solutions for global challenges [New Space 2015] ( ) - A two-day event bringing space startups, established companies, and government agencies togeter with Silicon Valley's investors and tech innovators
International Astronautical Congress Global, multidisciplinary and covering all space sectors and topics, IAC offers everyone the latest space information, developments but above all contacts and potential partnerships
Night Sky Network The Night Sky Network is a nationwide coalition that regularly shares their knowledge, time, and telescopes to bring amazing aspects of astronomy to you (it’s essentially a one-stop-shopping site to find a club or event in your town)
The National Space Society’s (NSS) annual International Space Development Conference® (ISDC®) This conference has attracted up to 1300 attendees from over 20 countries, with ISDC® 2014 bringing together over 1000 attendees. ISDC® also features plenary talks, keynote speakers, multi-disciplinary tracks, exhibit hall, design contests, book signing, and more
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics List of worldwide space events
The International Conference for Aerospace Experts, Academics, Military Personnel, and Industry Leaders The international IEEE Aerospace Conference, with AIAA and PHM Society as technical cosponsors, is organized to promote interdisciplinary understanding of aerospace systems, their underlying science and technology, and their applications to government and commercial endeavors

awesome-space / Software

NASA Software Catalogue An extensive portfolio of software products for a wide variety of technical applications, with varying licenses ranging from Open Source to Government Only
Public Domain Aeronautical Software A list of Public Domain Aeronautical Softwares

awesome-space / Reference Open access to 1,028,481 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics
NASA Technical Reports Server Providing Acess to NASA's Technolo, Research, and Science

awesome-space / Research

Vision Workbench The VW is a general purpose image processing and computer vision library
Flight Analogs Project In the Flight Analogs Project investigations, volunteers are in a controlled research environment, spending various periods in bed to simulate spaceflight, in the Flight Analog Research Center located within the General Clinical Research Center at the University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, Texas)
PolAres The PolAres program aims to develop strategies for human-robotic interactions in preparation for a future human-robotic Mars surface expedition
DASHlink A virtual laboratory for scientists and engineers to disseminate results and collaborate on research problems in health management technologies for aeronautics systems

awesome-space / Policy

Outer Space Treaty Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

awesome-space / Rockets & Starships

Atomic Rockets This site originally focused on rocketry equations, but has grown to encompass other topics of interest to SF authors and game designers
Icarus Interstellar An International organization dedicated to starship research and development
av3-fc 418 over 7 years ago Open Source event driven flight computer for rockets. Created by the Portland State Aerospace Society
Portland State Aerospace Society Portland State Aerospace Society is a student aerospace engineering project at Portland State University, building ultra-low-cost, open source rockets that feature some of the most sophisticated amateur rocket avionics systems out there today
DIY Rocket Science Open Source Hardware is ushering in a new era of personal & DIY space exploration. Starting your own space program has never been easier. Only a few years ago you needed millions (or billions) of dollars and a huge manufacturing facility. Not anymore. Thanks to low cost software and manufacturing tools – you can build satellites in your garage

awesome-space / Higher Learning

International Space University The International Space University is a private non-profit institution that specializes in providing graduate-level training to the future leaders of the emerging global space community at its Central Campus in Strasbourg, France, and at locations around the world

awesome-space / Educational

INSPIRE Project A non-profit scientific, educational project whose objective is to bring the excitement of observing natural and man-made radio waves to high school students
My NASA Data Mentoring and inquiry using NASA Data for Atmospheric and earth science for Teachers and Amateurs (MY NASA DATA) is a project to enable K-12 teachers and students, as well as citizen scientists, to explore the large volumes of data that NASA collects about the Earth from space
Mars Student Imaging Project Teams of students in grades 5 through college sophomore level will have the opportunity to work with scientists, mission planners and educators on the THEMIS team at ASU’s Mars Space Flight Facility or via distance learning, to image a site on Mars using the THEMIS visible wavelength camera onboard the Mars Odyssey spacecraft which is currently orbiting Mars every 2 hours
Great World Wide Star Count Interested individuals have the opportunity to get involved by making observations, and collecting and reporting data
Crash Course Astronomy An easily accessible and informative introduction to outer space
McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering This training program will prepare graduate-level engineering students to step directly into industry from university research projects, thereby helping to maintain and expand Canada's strong presence in the global aerospace industry
Aerospace education in Quebec When it comes to training engineers, technicians and specialized workers, Québec has partnered with key industry players to develop training programs adapted to industry needs
List of Aerospace Universities and Colleges in the U.S. Students looking to earn a degree in aerospace engineering must consider a few things when choosing a school, such as aerospace programs available, research and work-study opportunities and a university's accreditation status

awesome-space / Collective Research

Milky Way Project A project where you can help create a better understanding of how the Milky Way evolves over time and potentially make new unexpected scientific discoveries
Planet Hunters Help discover new exoplanets (aka extrasolar planets/planets orbiting other stars) by exploring space telescope data from NASA’s Kepler mission
Galaxy Zoo Hubble needs your help classifying images of hundreds of thousands of galaxies taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope
Galaxy Zoo Radio Help astronomers discover supermassive black holes
Moon Zoo A citizen science project around classifying high resolution images of craters and various parts of the lunar surface
Solar Stormwatch Learn how to spot solar explosions and track them across space to Earth. Your work could make a new scientific discovery as well as give astronauts an early warning if dangerous radiation is headed their way
Stardust@Home Together, you and thousands of other Stardust@Home participants will find the first pristine interstellar dust particles ever brought to Earth
Global Telescope Network The Global Telescope Network is a network of small telescopes around the world for the purpose of supporting the science of NASA and ESA high energy astrophysics missions, including XMM-Newton, Swift and GLAST
Planet Four Unearth secrets about Mars’ climate by scouring the Martian surface for distinct features and blotches

awesome-space / Distributed Computing

theSkyNet Use your spare computing power to process radio astronomy data
LHC@home By contributing spare processing capacity on your computer, people are able to run simulations of beam dynamics and particle collisions in the Large Hadron Collider’s giant detectors
Einstein@Home An effort to discover new neutron stars (massive stars that have collapsed under their own weight) and hopefully directly detect one of Albert Einstein’s predictions for the first time: gravitational waves
Constellation A community that provides distributed computing power to aerospace research projects that might not otherwise have access to supercomputers
Milky Way@Home Milkyway@Home uses the BOINC platform to harness volunteered computing resources, creating a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
SETI@Home SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth

awesome-space / Telescopes

Telescop Makers' Workshop Telescope Makers’ Workshop is an all-volunteer group committed to helping people build their own telescopes
Radio JOVE The Radio JOVE project is a hands-on inquiry-based educational project that allows students, teachers and the general public to learn about radio astronomy by building their own radio telescope from an inexpensive kit and/or using remote radio telescopes through the internet

awesome-space / Misc & Cool Sites

StackExchange Space Exploration A network of questions and answers around Space Exploration
SpaceHack A directory of ways to participate in space exploration
Awesome space books 133 6 months ago a list of mostly offline books on spaceflight and science

awesome-space / Android apps

ISS Tracker An android app showing the actual position of the International Space Station (ISS), with also the astronauts inside it and the news

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