
A curated list of awesome softwares, libraries, tools, articles, educational resources, discussion channels and more to build on ConsenSys Quorum.


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Awesome Quorum / Software components / Enterprise Ethereum Client

Hyperledger Besu 1,488 3 days ago Enterprise Ethereum client written in Java under Apache 2.0 license, compatible with both public and permissioned networks
GoQuorum 4,662 2 months ago Enterprise Ethereum client, fork of Go-Ethereum (aka Geth), compatible with permissioned networks and widely used in production

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Private Transaction Manager

Tessera 175 3 months ago Stateless Java system enabling encryption, decryption, and distribution of private transactions for Quorum

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Private Key Manager

EthSigner 112 6 months ago Transaction signing application to be used with a web3 provider
Quorum Signer Hashicorp 4 4 months ago Custom plugin backend for Hashicorp Vault adding a new secret-engine to Hashicorp Vault

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Plugins

Quorum Plugin Definitions 3 3 months ago Extends Quorum functionality with gRPC based plugin API. Contains protobuf files defining plugin interfaces (e.g. Account plugin, Security plugin...)
Quorum Hashicorp Account Plugin 7 3 months ago Plugin enabling storage of Quorum account private keys in a Hashicorp Vault KV v2 secret engine
Quorum Security Plugin 5 3 months ago Plugin enabling securing JSON-RPC server endpoints by adding TLS and support for OAuth2 based authentication
Quorum Remix IDE Plugin 15 3 months ago The Quorum plugin for Ethereum's Remix IDE adds support for creating and interacting with private contracts on a Quorum network
Besu Plugins 13 3 months ago Extends Hyperledger Besu functionality using Java based plugin API to retrieve data from any Besu network, public or permissioned and feed it into an application or system
Besu Event Stream 13 3 months ago Besu plugin listening to events occurring on Ethereum network and broadcasting them to Kafka

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Libraries

web3j-quorum 112 over 1 year ago An extension to web3j providing support for Quorum APIs
Truffle with Quorum Truffle supports development with Quorum, a version of Ethereum that adds new features on top of what Ethereum already provides
Nethereum Nethereum is the .Net integration library for Ethereum, simplifying smart contract management and interaction with Ethereum nodes whether they are public, like Geth , Parity or private, like Quorum and Besu
Quorum-toolbox 1 over 4 years ago Tools and scripts for Quorum configuration
Web3Quorum 3 4 months ago A web3py extension that supports Quorum APIs: Raft and Istanbul

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Interoperability

Cordage 52 about 1 year ago Cordage makes the interoperability possible from Corda to Quorum and Hyperledger Besu by providing several modules that propagate, pull and verify information between Blockchains without further trusted third party
Wanchain 1 over 4 years ago Wanchain Trust Bridge currently provides a reference implementation to connect Wanchain to a private blockchain built with Hyperledger Besu originally from Consensys

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Tools

Cakeshop 505 over 2 years ago Set of tools and APIs for working with Ethereum-like ledgers, packaged as a Java web application archive
Quorum Remix 15 3 months ago Quorum plugin for Ethereum's Remix IDE adds support for creating and interacting with private contracts on a Quorum network
Quorum reporting 2 3 months ago Tool that indexes blocks and transactions in a Quorum network and generates reports to give users insights into what is happening with their contracts
Besu permissioning dApp 47 over 1 year ago Facilitate managing permissioning rules and maintaining the list of admin accounts that can edit rules
Istanbul Tools 21 over 1 year ago Tools for configuring Istanbul BFT (IBFT) network
Quorum-Splunk Using Splunk for quorum blockchain analytics and dashboards
Mirror Besu compiling, testing and deployment for Hyperledger Besu, aiming to make life as an Enterprise Ethereum developer easier
Ethernal Block explorer for private EVM-based chains
Apache Tuweni JSON-RPC proxy, faucet, scraper, network crawler for Ethereum
Splunk Connect for Ethereum 53 almost 2 years ago a connector to ingest blockchain data to Splunk

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Testing

GoQuorum Acceptance Test 11 3 months ago Acceptance Tests for GoQuorum

Awesome Quorum / Software components / Performances

Quorum Profiling 10 3 months ago Toolset built for the purpose of running stress tests on networks running on Quorum and measure/monitor the TPS and other benchmarking parameters at network level
gohammer 17 almost 3 years ago Quorum and Besu TPS performance tool written in golang. Based on scenario configuration to load transactions to your network

Awesome Quorum / Deployment / Sandbox

Quorum-Dev-Quickstart 131 2 months ago Deploy up a ConsenSys Quorum network on your local machine from the command line in only a few minutes
Quorum Maker 195 over 2 years ago Synechron's Quorum Maker is a tool that allows users to create and manage Quorum network
Besu Truffle Box Truffle Box Creating API Endpoints for Hyperledger Besu network
Epirus Free - Blockchain Explorer 245 6 months ago This dockerized environment is designed for viewing private Quorum, Pantheon and Ethereum networks
Greenhouse by BlockTEST an integrated toolbox for blockchain DevOps, an automated middleware development platform as a service, so that you can build blockchain applications in a streamlined way and on consistent sets of architectural plumbing principles
Platform6 provides all the off-chain features and services required to develop, package and run enterprise-class decentralized applications for Besu and GoQuorum create and manage ConsenSys Quorum/ private blockchain applications

Awesome Quorum / Deployment / Kubernetes

Quorum Kubernetes 118 24 days ago Example reference implementations of private networks using k8s, intended for developers and ops to get familiar with private ethereum network in k8s

Awesome Quorum / Deployment / Cloud

Quorum Terraform Provider The Quorum provider is used to bootstrap various resources required to create a running Quorum Network
Quorum AWS 33 3 months ago Tools to deploy Quorum networks to AWS using Docker and Terraform
Azure Blockchain Service create consortium blockchain networks to enable enterprise scenarios like asset tracking, digital token, loyalty and reward, supply chain financial, and provenance
SAP Cloud Platform now offers a free-of-charge “dev” service plan for developers to build with Quorum in a playground environment. The plan offers Quorum instances that are shared with other developers
Chainstack Managed blockchain services making it simple to launch and scale decentralized networks and applications for ConsenSys Quorum
Blockdaemon Infrastructure and testing provider where you can deploy ConsenSys Quorum in a few steps, decentralize your infrastructure with multiple cloud providers, white-label your own control panel and integrate existing systems or APIs

Awesome Quorum / Documentation / Products

Besu docs
GoQuorum docs
Tessera docs
EthSigner docs
Orchestrate docs
Splunk DLT docs

Awesome Quorum / Documentation / Specifications

GoQuorum whitepaper 4,662 2 months ago
EEA Technical specifications EEA’s world-class specifications and forth-coming testing and certification programs helps ensuring interoperability between software components from multiple vendors
BFT specifications 4 about 4 years ago Paper describing the BFT Consensus Algorithm, a simple and elegant algorithm for Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus and is used to implement state machine replication in the Quorum blockchain
RAFT specifications Paper describing the used by GoQuorum

Awesome Quorum / Contribute

Contribute to Besu 1,488 3 days ago
Contribute to GoQuorum 4,662 2 months ago

Awesome Quorum / Community / Website

ConsenSys Quorum

Awesome Quorum / Community / Wikis

Hyperledger wiki Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology
GoQuorum Wiki 4,662 2 months ago

Awesome Quorum / Community / Chats

Rocketchat - Hyperledger Besu

Awesome Quorum / Community / Developer Forums

Stack Overflow Quorum
Stack Overflow Besu
Stack Exchange Quorum
Stack Exchange Besu

Awesome Quorum / Community / Ambassador Program

Apply to be a ConsenSys Quorum Ambassador!

Awesome Quorum / Educational Resources

Hyperledger Besu Essentials
Quorum Workshop - MLH 0 almost 6 years ago
Quorum Workshop - Blockmatics
Blockgeeks Guide: Overview of GoQuorum
B9Lab - Quorum Specialization Course
Picking an enterprise blockchain protocol to develop on: Quorum, Vyper & Solidity
Food supply temperature control with Web3 on Quorum

Awesome Quorum / Educational Resources / Articles

50+ Projects Building on J.P. Morgan's Quorum Blockchain
ConsenSys Quorum available on China blockchain services
A Year in Review: ConsenSys Quorum Highlights
ConsenSys Quorum Product Update: Bundles, Support and Leading Features
ConsenSys Quorum is moving to Calendar Versioning
ConsenSys acquires JPM Quorum
EEA Testnet launch
Hyperledger Besu is an observability pioneer

Awesome Quorum / Educational Resources / Videos

Introducting ConsenSys Quorum
Getting Started with ConsenSys Quorum
Web3j and ConsenSys Quorum
Connecting Hyperledger Besu to Enterprise
Using Quorum Remix IDE Extension
Quorum Features on Chainstack Demo
Splunking with Quorum

Awesome Quorum / Educational Resources / Built on Quorum

7nodes 320 3 months ago Starts up a fully-functioning GoQuorum environment consisting of 7 independent nodes. Demonstrates consensus, privacy, and all the expected functionality of an Ethereum platform
web3j token sample 12 over 3 years ago Demonstrates the creation and management of a private token on a GoQuorum network. Written in Java using web3j which is maintained by Web3 Labs
Pons bridge 4 over 5 years ago | - A sample Cross-Chain Trading Bridge written to run over 2 GoQuorum Chains to safely exchange ERC-20 and ERC-721 assets
Marketplace 14 almost 2 years ago An example application running on top of a GoQuorum network which allows users to bid for and offer virtual hackathon gear for sale in an interactive marketplace. Based on what was originally developed for the MLH Localhost GoQuorum workshop
ZSL proof of concept 4,662 2 months ago ZSL for GoQuorum enables the issuance of digital assets using ZSL-enabled public smart contracts (z-contracts). A combination of Tessera private contracts with z-contracts allows obligations that arise from a private contract to be settled using shielded transfers of z-tokens, while maintaining full privacy and confidentiality
Anonymous Zether 296 3 months ago A private payment system; an anonymous extension of Bünz, Agrawal, Zamani, and Boneh's
QBFT Testnet 0 over 2 years ago an Enterprise Ethereum Alliance initiative to create a conformance testing framework for the QBFT consensus algorithm

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