
Frontend dev resource collection

A curated list of resources for learning and improving Frontend development skills

A curated list of resources for Frontend development


2k stars
70 watching
230 forks
last commit: about 1 year ago
Linked from 1 awesome list


How the Internet Works / Documentation

How does the Internet work? β€” MDN πŸ“œ

How the Internet Works / Articles

How does the Internet Work? β€” HowStuffWorks πŸ“œ
How the Internet Works β€” Medium πŸ“œ
How Does the Internet Work? β€” Stanford πŸ“œ

How the Internet Works / Videos

What is the Internet KhanAcademy πŸŽ₯
The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science πŸŽ₯
Computer Networks: Crash Course Computer Science πŸŽ₯
The World Wide Web: Crash Course Computer Science πŸŽ₯

HTML / Documentation

Structuring the web with HTML MDN πŸ“œ
HTML Reference πŸ“œ

HTML / Cheat Sheets

OverAPI πŸ“œ
HTML Cheat Sheet πŸ“œ
HTML Entity Refernce πŸ“œ

HTML / Articles

A simple guide to HTML elements πŸ“œ

HTML / Books

HTML Notes for Pros πŸ“’
Design and Build Websites πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Head First HTML with CSS πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
HTML5 Pocket Reference πŸ’΅ πŸ“’

HTML / Courses

HTML & CSS The Odin Project πŸ“
Introduction to HTML Scrimba πŸ“
Introduction to Basic HTML & HTML5 FreeCodeCamp πŸ“
HTML5 and CSS Fundemantals EDX πŸ“
Learn HTML CodeCademy πŸ’΅ πŸ“
Introduction to HTML and CSS Team Treehouse πŸ’΅ πŸ“
Learn HTML in Detail πŸ“

HTML / Websites

HTML5 Doctor - A great reference for HTML Elements 🌐
HTML-5-TUTORIAL - A Great Website for everything HTML 🌐
HTML5 Up - Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates 🌐
HTML Validator - Check if your HTML markup is valid and contains no errors. 🌐
Templated - A collection of 845 free CSS & HTML5 site templates. 🌐

CSS / Documentation

Learn to style HTML using CSS - MDN πŸ“œ

CSS / Cheat Sheets

OverAPI CSS Cheat Sheet πŸ“œ
Extensive CSS Reference πŸ“œ
Getting to Know CSS πŸ“œ

CSS / Books

CSS Secrets πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
The CSS Pocket Guide πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
CSS: The Definitive Guide: Third Edition πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Tiny CSS Projects πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
CSS Notes for Professionals πŸ“’

CSS / Courses

Introduction to CSS - Scrimba πŸ“
Introduction to Basic CSS - FreeCodeCamp πŸ“
Learn CSS - CodeCademyπŸ’΅ πŸ“
CSS Basics - Team Treehouse πŸ’΅ πŸ“

CSS / Frameworks and Libraries

Base 🌐
Bulma 🌐
Bootstrap 🌐
Animate.css 🌐
Dead Simple Grid 750 almost 9 years ago 🌐
Foundation 🌐
Materialize CSS 🌐
Milligram 🌐
Mustard UI 🌐
Picnic CSS 🌐
Pure 🌐
Semantic UI 🌐
Spectre 🌐
Skeleton 🌐
Tachyons 🌐
Tailwind CSS 🌐
Tent CSS 🌐
UI Kit 🌐

CSS / Practice your CSS Skills

Codepen 🌐
CodeSandbox 🌐
CSS Deck 🌐
Dablet 🌐
JS Bin 🌐
JSFiddle 🌐
Liveweave 🌐
Plunker 🌐
StackBlitz 🌐

CSS / Style Guides

AirBnb Style Guide - CSS 6,941 10 months ago πŸ“œ
CSS Guidelines πŸ“œ
Google Style Guide - HTML & CSS πŸ“œ
Trello CSS Guide

CSS / Websites

7 Days, 7 Websites - Build 7 websites in 7 days 🌐
Can I use - Up-to-date browser support tables for front-end technologies 🌐
Clippy - A tool to help use the new clip-path property 🌐
CSSBattle - Learn CSS through a fun code-golfing game 🌐
CSS Easing functions - A collection of easing functions used in CSS transitions and animations. 🌐
CSS Diner - Learn CSS Selectors through a game 🌐
CSS for People Who Hate CSS 🌐
CSS Grid Garden - Learn CSS Grid through a game 🌐
CSS Layout - A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS 🌐
CSS reference by Codrops - Excellent guide on how to write better, cleaner and more reusable CSS code. 🌐
CSS-tricks - A blog site for everything CSS 🌐
Cubic Berzier Function Generator 🌐
Flexbox Froggy - Learn CSS Flexbox through a game 🌐
Responsinator - Check the responsiveness of a site across different devices. 🌐
Responsive Grid System - Quick flexible and easy fluid grid for easy responsive web design. 🌐
Beautiful CSS box-shadow examples - A curated collection of 90+ free beautiful box-shadow, click to copy. 🌐
Beautiful CSS buttons examples - A curated collection of 80+ free beautiful buttons, click to copy. 🌐

JavaScript / Documentation

JavaScript β€” Dynamic client-side scripting - MDN πŸ“œ

JavaScript / Reference & Cheat Sheets

JavaScript Reference - MDN πŸ“œ
JavaScript Cheat Sheet - OverAPI πŸ“œ

JavaScript / Courses

Learn JavaScript - CodeCademy πŸ“
Programming the Web with JavaScript - EDX πŸ“
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures - FreeCodeCamp πŸ“
JavaScript Tutorial - GeekforGeeks πŸ“
JavaScript30 - Wes Bos πŸ“
The Complete JavaScript Course - UdemyπŸ’΅ πŸ“
Learn Javascript From Scratch - Scaler πŸ“

JavaScript / Books

Eloquent JavaScript πŸ“’
You Don't Know JavaScript 180,122 7 months ago πŸ“’
JavaScript Notes for Pros πŸ“’
JavaScript For Cats πŸ“’
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns πŸ“’
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja πŸ“’
Speaking JavaScript πŸ“’
JavaScripts The Good PartsπŸ’΅ πŸ“’
JavaScrit and JQueryπŸ’΅ πŸ“’

JavaScript / Challenge Websites

AtCoder 🌐
CodeChef 🌐
Coderbyte 🌐
Coderbyte 🌐
Codewars 🌐
CodinGame 🌐
CodeForces 🌐
DevProjects - Free real-world JavaScript projects 🌐
Exercism 🌐
HackerEarth 🌐
Hackerrank 🌐
Leetcode 🌐
Pramp 🌐
Project Euler 🌐
TopCoder 🌐

JavaScript / Snippets and cheatsheets

A ridiculous collection of cheatsheets πŸ“œ
Favorite JavaScript utilities in single line of code πŸ“œ
Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet 25,411 6 months ago πŸ“œ
Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs 122,112 4 months ago πŸ“œ

JavaScript / Style Guides

Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide 145,636 4 months ago πŸ“œ
Google JavaScript Style Guide πŸ“œ
Standardjs πŸ“œ

JavaScript / Visual Studio Code Extensions

Babel JavaScript - Syntax highlighting for today's JavaScript 🌐
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - Match brackets with same color 🌐
Debugger for Chrome - Debugging tool 🌐
ESLint - Code Linter 🌐
Intellisense - Code completion and Information 🌐
Live Server - Live Web Page Reload. 🌐
NPM - npm support for VsCode 🌐
Path Intellisense - Auto-complete path files 🌐
Prettier - Code Formatting. 🌐
Paste JSON as Code - Copy JSON paste as JavaScript or Typescript 🌐
Quokka.js - Prototyping playground that displays the results of an operation inside your IDE 🌐
REST Client - REST Client for Visual Studio Code 🌐
Settings Sync - Synchronise your editor settings using Github. 🌐
Snippets - Snippets for JavaScript ES6 syntax and TypeScript. 🌐

JavaScript / Websites

this vs that 🌐

JavaScript / Articles

70 JavaScript Interview Questions πŸ“œ
10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviews πŸ“œ
10 Interview QuestionsEvery JavaScript Developer Should Know πŸ“œ
A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue πŸ“œ
How to Manage JavaScript Fatigue πŸ“œ

Git / Courses

A Guide to Git & Version Control πŸ“
Git Cheat Sheet πŸ“
Learn Git πŸ“
Version Control (Git) πŸ“
Version Control with Git πŸ“
Getting Started with Git πŸ’΅ πŸ“

Git / Books

Pro Git πŸ“’
Git Notes for Professionals πŸ“’

Git / Tools

Bitbucket 🌐
Github 🌐
Git Extensions for Windows 7,823 4 months ago 🌐
Sourcetree 🌐

React / Documentation

React Official Docs πŸ“œ

React / Cheat Sheets

React Cheatsheet πŸ“œ

React / Courses

The Beginner's Guide to React - Egghead πŸ“
Introduction to React - freeCodeCamp πŸ“
Introduction to React - FullStackOpen πŸ“
React Getting Started - Pluralsight πŸ“
Learn React - Scrimba πŸ“
React for Beginners - Wes Bos πŸ“
Epic React - Kent C. DoddsπŸ’΅ πŸ“

React / Books

Build Your Own React πŸ“’
Pure React πŸ“’
React Explained πŸ“’
Under the hood ReactJS πŸ“’
Fullstack React πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
React from Zero πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Road to React πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Build a Frontend Web Framework (From Scratch) πŸ’΅ πŸ“’

React / Project Ideas

Devprojects 🌐
DevChallenges 🌐

React / Podcasts

React Round Up 🎀
The React Podcast 🎀

React / Blog Sites

Official React Blog 🌐
Kent C. Dodds' Blog 🌐
useHooks Blog 🌐

React / Youtube Channels

Coding Addict πŸŽ₯
Codevolution πŸŽ₯
freeCodeCamp πŸŽ₯
The Net Ninja πŸŽ₯
Traversy Media πŸŽ₯

React / React Tooling

ESLint 🌐
Lodash 🌐
npm 🌐
React Sight 🌐
React Router 53,504 3 months ago 🌐
React Developer Tools 🌐
Storybook 🌐

React / State Management

Mobx 🌐
Recoil 19,629 4 months ago 🌐
Redux 60,939 4 months ago 🌐

React / UI Frameworks & Libraries

Grommet 🌐
Material UI 🌐
Material Kit React 1,195 9 months ago 🌐
Onsen UI 🌐
Reactstrap 🌐
React Bootstrap 🌐
React Toolbox (Material Design) 🌐
Rebass 🌐
Semantic UI React 🌐
Chakra UI 🌐

React / Unit Testing

Enzyme 19,954 8 months ago 🌐
Jest 🌐
React Testing Library 🌐
Cypress 🌐

React / Create React App

Create React App 102,901 7 months ago 🌐
React Boilerplate 29,490 about 2 years ago 🌐
Divjoy 🌐 πŸ’΅

React / CSS in JS

Styled Components 🌐
Emotion (css in js) 🌐

React / Remote Data Fetching

Axios 🌐
React Query 🌐
swr 🌐

React / Server Side Rendering

Gatsby 🌐
Next.js 🌐

React / Experts on Twitter

Andrew Clark πŸ“±
Brian Vaughn πŸ“±
Dan Abramov πŸ“±
Kent C. Dodds πŸ“±
Luna Ruan πŸ“±
Rachel Nabors πŸ“±
Rick Hanlon πŸ“±
Sebastian MarkbΓ₯ge πŸ“±
Seth Webster πŸ“±

React / Conferences

ReactNext 🌐
React Rally 🌐
ReactFest 🌐
React Europe 🌐

React / Community

React Forum 🌐
Reactiflux 🌐
Reddit 🌐
React Spectrum 🌐

Vue / Documentation

Getting started with Vue - MDN πŸ“œ
Vue Cheatsheet πŸ“œ
Vue Cookbook πŸ“œ
Vue Docs πŸ“œ

Vue / Courses

Learn Vue.js - Full Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp πŸ“
Advanced Vue.js Features from the Ground Up - Frontend Masters πŸ“
Learn Vue 2: Step By Step - Laracasts πŸ“
Getting Started with Vue.js - Scotch πŸ“
Learn Vue by Building and Deploying a CRUD App - Testdriven πŸ“
Become a Ninja with Vue 3 - Vue-Exercises Ninja Squad πŸ“
Intro to Vue 2 - Vuemastery πŸ“
Learn Vue - VueSchoolπŸ’΅ πŸ“
Premium Beginner to Advanced Vue Course - VuemasteryπŸ’΅ πŸ“

Vue / Project Ideas

Free Vue Projects and Community - DevProjects 🌐

Vue / Books

Fullstack Vue πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Large Scale Apps with Vue 3 and TypeScript πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Mastering Vue.js πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
The Vue Handbook πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
The Mastery Of Vue.js 2 πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Testing Vue.js components with Jest πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Vue.js: Understanding its Tools and Ecosystem πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Vue: Build & Deploy πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Vue.js: Up and Running πŸ’΅ πŸ“’
Vue.js in Action πŸ’΅ πŸ“’

Vue / Podcasts

Cynical Developer Episode 99 🎀
Enjoy the Vue 🎀
JavaScript Jabber Episode 276 🎀
Software Engineering Daily 🎀
Syntax Episode 130 🎀
Vue News Podcast 🎀
Views on Vue 🎀

Vue / Youtube Channels

freeCodeCamp πŸŽ₯
Traversy Media πŸŽ₯
Vue NYC πŸŽ₯
VueConf EU πŸŽ₯

Vue / Tools

Bit 17,938 4 months ago 🌐
Bootstrap Vue 🌐
Nuxt.js 🌐
Onseen UI 🌐
Quansar Framework 🌐
Vue Dev Server 21 about 8 years ago 🌐
Vuex 🌐
Vue Router 🌐
Vue Dev Tools 24,705 7 months ago 🌐
Vue CLI 29,762 9 months ago 🌐
Vuetify 🌐

Vue / Blogs 🌐
CSS-Tricks - Vue 🌐
The Vue Point 🌐
Vue.js Developers 🌐

Vue / Community

Reddit 🌐
Vuejs Forum 🌐
Vue Land 🌐

Vue / Conferences

Vue Conf 🌐
Vue Conf US 🌐
Vue.js London 🌐
Vue.js Amsterdam 🌐

Browser extensions

CSS Spider 🌐
Check Browsers Support πŸ’΅ 🌐
CSS Inspector πŸ’΅ 🌐
CSS Scan πŸ’΅ 🌐


BoxIcons 🌐 🌐
Font Awesome 🌐
Flaticon 🌐
Freepik 🌐
Fontastic 🌐
Heroicons 🌐
Iconfactory 🌐
Icons8 🌐
Icontre 🌐
Iconjar 🌐
IconFinder 🌐
Iconshock 🌐
Iconmonstr 🌐
Ionicons 🌐
Icomoon 🌐
Material Icons 🌐
Pngtree 🌐
Swift Icons 🌐
UXWing 🌐

Fonts and Typography

1001Fonts 🌐
Abstract Fonts 🌐
Befonts 🌐
DaFont 🌐
Google Fonts 🌐
FFonts 🌐
FonstSpace 🌐
FontsArena 🌐
Fontsquirrel 🌐
Free Script Fonts 🌐
FontSpace 🌐
MyFonts 🌐
PinSpiry Fonts 🌐
TypeTester 🌐
Typo Guide 🌐
Unblast 🌐


Blob maker 🌐
Blush 🌐
Draw Kit 🌐
IRA Design 🌐
Interfacer 🌐
Icons 8 🌐
Manypixels 🌐
Undraw 🌐


CSS Validator 🌐
Google Analytics 🌐
Nibbler 🌐
Namecheap 🌐
Optimizilla 🌐
PageSpeed Insights 🌐
Sizzy 🌐
Usability Checklist 🌐
Who Is 🌐
Woorank 🌐

Color Inspiration

0to255 🌐
Branition Colors 🌐
Coolors 🌐
Color Hex 🌐
Color Hunt 🌐
Flat UI Colors 🌐
LOL Color Palettes 🌐
Material Palette 🌐
myColor Space 🌐
Paletton 🌐
UIGradients 🌐

Images and Videos

Burst 🌐
Coverr 🌐
Canva 🌐
Free Images 🌐
Flickr 🌐
Gratisography 🌐
ISO Republic 🌐
Life of Pix 🌐
Pexels 🌐
Pixabay 🌐
Reshot 🌐
Subtle Patterns 🌐
Startup Stock Photos 🌐
The Stocks 🌐
Unsplash 🌐

Hosting Sites

Amazon Web Services 🌐
Digital Ocean 🌐
Firebase 🌐
Github 🌐
Netlify 🌐
Render 🌐
Vercel 🌐

Design Inspiration

Awwwards 🌐
Behance 🌐
Call To idea 🌐
Design Inspiration 🌐
Dribble 🌐
From Up North 🌐
Land Book 🌐
Media Queries 🌐
One Page Love 🌐
Pinterest 🌐
Site Inspire 🌐
Site Inspire 🌐
Template Monster 🌐
UI Movement 🌐
Webdesign Inspiration 🌐

Portfolio Inspiration

Aral Tasher 🌐
Brittany Chiang 🌐
Fidalgo Pedro 🌐
Jack Jeznach 🌐
Julia Johnson 🌐
Matt Farley 🌐
Nathan Simpson 🌐
Developer Portfolios - Github Repo 7,769 4 months ago 🌐

Youtube Channels

Academind πŸŽ₯
Andy Sterkowitz πŸŽ₯
Ben Awad πŸŽ₯
Coding Phase πŸŽ₯
Clever Programmer πŸŽ₯
Clement Mihailescu πŸŽ₯
Dev Ed πŸŽ₯
freeCodeCamp πŸŽ₯
Keep On Coding πŸŽ₯
Programming With Mosh πŸŽ₯
Leon Noel πŸŽ₯
The Net Ninja πŸŽ₯
Traversy Media πŸŽ₯
Web Dev Simplified πŸŽ₯


codeNewbies 🎀
Commit Your Code 🎀
Codepen Radio 🎀
DevDiscuss 🎀
freeCodeCamp 🎀
Frontend Happy Hour 🎀
Fullstack Radio 🎀
JavaScript Jabber 🎀
Ladybug Podcast 🎀
Modern Web 🎀
Syntax 🎀
The Changelog 🎀


Codrops ✍
CSS-Tricks ✍ ✍
Echo.Js ✍
freeCodeCamp ✍
Front End Front ✍
Frontend Focus ✍
Hacker News ✍
Hackernoon ✍
Hashnode ✍
Medium ✍
Stackoverflow ✍
SitePoint ✍
Smashing Magazine ✍
Scotch ✍
Web Designer Depot ✍

Interview Prep / Resume Templates

Canva 🌐
Creddle 🌐
Harvard Office Of Career Services 🌐
MyPerfectResume 🌐
ResumeWorded 🌐 🌐
Resume Maker 🌐

Interview Prep / Resume Editing

Grammarly 🌐
JobScan 🌐
SkillSyncer 🌐
Top Resume 🌐

Interview Prep / Job Sites

Angel List 🌐 - Remote Developer Jobs 🌐
Find Remote Jobs 🌐
Github Jobs 🌐
JavaScript Job 🌐
JustRemote 🌐
Jobspresso 🌐
JSRemotely 🌐
Jr Dev Jobs 🌐
Mashable Job Board 🌐
Outsourcely 🌐
Powertofly Jobs 🌐
Producthunt Jobs 🌐
React Jobs Board 🌐
Remoters 🌐
Remote Hub 🌐
Remote Hunt 🌐
Remoteco 🌐
Stackoverflow Jobs 🌐
Startupers 🌐
TheRemoteWork 🌐
We Work Remotely 🌐
Women Who Code 🌐
Working Nomads 🌐
YC Startup Jobs 🌐
Circular 🌐
Honeypot 🌐

Interview Prep / Freelance Jobs Sites

Codementor 🌐
Freelancer 🌐
FlexJobs 🌐
FreelancerMap 🌐 🌐
Guru 🌐
People Per Hour 🌐
Upwork 🌐

Interview Prep / Mock Interviews 🌐
Pramp 🌐

Interview Prep / Project Pair Programming

Chingu 🌐

Interview Prep / Open Source

Github Explore 🌐
First Contributions 🌐
Good First Issue 🌐
Good First Issues 🌐
Open Source Fridays 🌐

Interview Prep / YouTube Series

Get A Job Using LinkedIn - Danny Thompson πŸŽ₯

Interview Prep / Articles

5 things you need to know in a programming interview πŸ“œ
Finding your first remote job - Joshua W. Cameau πŸ“œ
How to Write a Developer RΓ©sumΓ© Hiring Managers Will Actually Read πŸ“œ
How to Get a Software Engineer Job at Google and Other Top Tech Companies πŸ“œ
How to Break Into the Tech Industryβ€”a Guide to Job Hunting and Tech Interviews πŸ“œ
How To Get A Programming Job Without A Degree πŸ“œ
How to Get a Remote Developer Job and Become a Digital Nomad πŸ“œ
How To Get Your First Web Developer Job: The Ultimate Guide for Junior Developers πŸ“œ
Resources that help me land a job at FANG πŸ“œ
Tips to get a job as a Developer πŸ“œ
The 30-minute guide to rocking your next coding interview πŸ“œ
Want to Know How to Get a Remote Job? I Asked 30 Remote Companies - This is What They Said πŸ“œ
Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview πŸ“œ


CSS-Tricks 🌐
CSS Weekly 🌐
FrontEnd Focus 🌐
JavaScript Weekly 🌐
Responsive Design Weekly 🌐
Smashing News Letter 🌐

Contributors ✨

Joel P. Mugalu
Chinmay Mhatre
Gabe Ragland
Imran Mohamed
Binyamin Aron Green
Kushagra Gour
Nathan Simpson
Monarch Wadia
S. M. Abdul Aziz
Zoran Jambor
Jonah Ssegawa

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