
⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more


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Awesome Solidity / Resources

Docs Official documentation
Cheatsheet Cheatsheet from the official docs
Ethereum Wiki 14,746 about 2 years ago The Ethereum Wiki
Ethereum Stackexchange Ethereum's Stackexchange board
ethereum/solidity 23,078 12 days ago Source code
ethereum/solc-bin 397 14 days ago Current and historical builds of the compiler
ethereum/solidity-examples 532 almost 2 years ago Loose collection of example code
androlo/solidity-workshop Comprehensive series of tutorials covering contract-oriented programming and advanced language concepts Hands-on Web3 course especially for beginners. It is completely free and you get an NFT on completion
Cadena Tutorials for building smart contracts, dapps, on multiple chains and earn a Cadena NFT Certificate
CryptoZombies Interactive code school that teaches you to write smart contracts through building your own crypto-collectibles game Community-driven effort to unite like-minded people interested in Blockchain- and Crypto Technologies
Discover Ethereum & Solidity ( Complete course that takes you through the process of creating a decentralized Twitter clone using best practices
ExtropyIO/defi-bot 1,174 over 2 years ago Tutorial for building DeFi arbitrage bots
karmacoma-eth/sending-ether-cheat-sheet Tips and best practices for sending Ether
LearnXInY Learn Solidity in 15 mins (for experienced devs)
manojpramesh/solidity-cheatsheet 1,453 almost 2 years ago Cheat sheet and best practices
Questbook Questbook is building a University DAO where learning is always free. Starting with crypto-dev courses by leading devs
Solidity and Vyper cheat sheet Review syntax of both languages side-by-side
topmonks/solidity_quick_ref Syntax overview
nishuzumi/Web3-Enterprise-level-engineering 43 almost 2 years ago Web3 Enterprise Engineering Writing Specification Tutorial [Chinese Language - 中文版]
willitscale/learning-solidity 2,069 12 months ago Complete guide on getting started, creating your own crypto, ICOs and deployment A curated list of free, community tutorials that are based around specific projects, tasks or challenges
WTF Solidity 11,367 7 days ago An open-source and community reviewed tutorial in Chinese and English, covering intro, advanced, and application topics
WTF Ethers 3,025 2 months ago An open-source and community reviewed Ethers.js tutorial in Chinese covering intro and advanced topics [Chinese Language - 中文版]
Best Practices for Smart Contract Development (, Yos Riady, 2019) Developer handbook for smart contract developers
The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum Development (, Nader Dabit, 2021) Building Full Stack dApps with React, Ethers.js, Solidity, and Hardhat
How to create an ERC20 Token and a Solidity Vendor Contract (, Emanuele Ricci, 2021) Create your own ERC20 Token and a Token Vendor Contract that will handle the sell/buy process Concepts, guides, design patterns and more
Capture the Ether Game in which you hack Ethereum smart contracts to learn about security
crytic/awesome-ethereum-security 1,318 about 2 months ago Curated list of awesome Ethereum security references, guidance, tools, and more
crytic/building-secure-contracts 2,207 about 1 month ago Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts
crytic/not-so-smart-contracts 2,150 over 1 year ago Examples of common vulnerabilities, including code from real smart contracts
Crypto-Virus/cream-finance-exploit-example 121 almost 3 years ago Example implementation of the Cream Finance flashloan exploit
d-xo/weird-erc20 1,379 2 months ago Minimal example implementations of ERC20 tokens with surprising/unexpected behaviour
Ethereum Smart Contract Security Best Practices (Consensys) General security philosophy, known attacks, and sample code
OriginProtocol/security 199 17 days ago Materials related to security: docs, checklists, processes
Rari-Capital/security-checklist 2,028 over 1 year ago Opinionated security and code quality checklist for smart contracts
SecDim Online edutainment platform with content on smart contract security using real world examples, as well as online appsec games
securing/SCSVS 616 over 1 year ago Smart Contract Security Verification Standard
sigp/solidity-security-blog 1,393 about 2 years ago Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns
SunWeb3Sec/DeFiHackLabs 5,181 15 days ago Reproduce DeFi hacked incidents using Foundry
Arbitrary Execution 5 about 1 year ago Public security audits by the Arbitrary Execution Team
Trail of Bits 1,434 9 days ago Public security audits by the Trail of Bits Team
OpenZeppelin Public security audits by the OpenZeppelin Security Team
Consensys Diligence Public security audits by the Consensys Diligence Team
MixBytes 286 25 days ago Public security audits by the MixBytes Team
Hacken Public security audits by the Hacken Team 497 20 days ago [SpearbitDAO] ( ) - Public security audits by the SpearbitDAO Team
alephao/solidity-benchmarks 102 2 months ago Benchmarks of popular implementations of ERC standards
cyrusadkisson/solidity-baby-steps 961 almost 3 years ago Comprehensive collection of contract examples
flashbots/simple-arbitrage 1,946 8 months ago Example arbitrage bot using Flashbots
fravoll/solidity-patterns 3,146 6 months ago A collection of patterns and best practices for smart contract development
libevm/subway 2,107 about 1 year ago A practical example on how to perform sandwich attacks on Ethereum
lsaether/bonding-curves 70 almost 6 years ago Smart contracts for bonding curves (aka curve bonded tokens) Archive of kauri community's content created with the goal to foster the spread of Ethereum development knowledge far and wide
miguelmota/solidity-idiosyncrasies 346 almost 4 years ago Common gotchas, pitfalls, limitations, and idiosyncrasies
m1guelpf/lil-web3 1,176 almost 2 years ago Simple, intentionally-limited versions of web3 protocols & apps
pedrobergamini/flashloaner-contract 532 about 2 years ago Smart contracts that operate arbitrages between Sushiswap and Uniswap
raineorshine/solidity-by-example 428 almost 7 years ago A collection of short yet fully-functional contracts that demonstrate language features
Solidity By Example An introduction to the language with simple examples
useWeb3 - Learn web3 development A curated overview of the best and latest resources on Ethereum, Solidity and Web3 development
WTF Academy - Web3 Open Academy A Dapp that allows you to learn Solidity, test with quizzes, and get certificate for you skill [Chinese Language - 中文版]
Abracadabra-money/magic-internet-money 207 almost 2 years ago Magic Internet Money (MIM) contracts
andrecronje/rarity 611 over 2 years ago D20srd reference implementation
axieinfinity/ronin-smart-contracts 155 5 months ago Axie Infinity Ronin contracts
bancorprotocol/contract-solidity 840 5 months ago Bancor Protocol contracts
compound-finance/compound-protocol 1,877 4 months ago Compound Protocol contracts
dharma-eng/dharma-smart-wallet 273 almost 2 years ago Smart wallet for earning interest on stablecoins while retaining custody of funds, with an added security backstop provided by Dharma Labs
ensdomains/ens-contracts 572 17 days ago Ethereum Name Service (ENS) contracts
graphprotocol/contracts 329 15 days ago Graph Protocol Contracts
OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts 710 about 1 year ago OlympusDAO contracts
smartcontractkit/LinkToken 132 11 months ago LINK token contracts for the Chainlink Network
sushiswap/kashi-lending 82 almost 2 years ago Kashi Lending platform contracts
sushiswap/sushiswap 1,902 13 days ago Sushiswap smart contracts
Synthetixio/synthetix 1,204 about 1 month ago Synthetix smart contracts
trusttoken/smart-contracts 316 4 months ago TrustToken smart contracts
Uniswap/uniswap-v3-core 4,358 about 2 months ago Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3
wyvernprotocol/wyvern-v3 298 4 months ago Core smart contracts for Wyvern v3, a decentralized digital asset exchange protocol
austintgriffith/scaffold-eth 9,041 4 months ago Github template providing an Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations
ethereum-boilerplate/ethereum-boilerplate 4,074 4 months ago React components and hooks to build dApps fast without running your own backend
gakonst/dapptools-template 379 8 months ago Forkable template to get you started with Dapp Tools
NodeFactoryIo/solidity-node-docker-starter 62 about 5 years ago Github template with Docker containers for building dApps with Truffle and Node.js as backend server
paulrberg/solidity-template 1,950 about 1 month ago Github template for writing contracts (uses: Hardhat, TypeChain, Ethers, Waffle, Solhint, Solcover, Prettier Plugin Solidity)
rhlsthrm/typescript-solidity-dev-starter-kit 409 over 1 year ago Starter kit for developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts with a full Typescript environment
tomhirst/solidity-nextjs-starter 347 6 months ago A full-stack dApp starter built with Next.js (React)
transmissions11/foundry-template 162 over 1 year ago Streamlined template for getting started with Foundry and Solmate
wighawag/template-ethereum-contracts 479 3 months ago Template to develop smart contracts
ZumZoom/solidity-template 31 3 months ago Hardhat template with preconfigured Github Actions and Coveralls support
Blockchain in Action Book that teaches the essential principles of blockchain and how to create your own decentralized apps
Mastering Ethereum 19,824 3 months ago Mastering Ethereum is a book for developers, offering a guide to the operation and use of the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, RootStock (RSK) and other compatible EVM-based open blockchains
ChainShot Hands-on learning with challenging coding tutorials
OpenZeppelin/damn-vulnerable-defi 663 2 months ago A set of challenges to hack implementations of DeFi in Ethereum
OpenZeppelin/ethernaut 1,966 17 days ago Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame to be played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked' Job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs Job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs Job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs Job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs Job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs

Awesome Solidity / Libraries

0age/AttributeRegistry 10 over 1 year ago ERC-1616 Attribute Registry Standard - interface, tests and implementation
0age/HomeWork 123 10 months ago An autonomous utility for finding, sharing and reusing home addresses for contracts
0age/Spawner 41 over 1 year ago Spawn EIP 1167 minimal proxies with an included initialization step during contract creation
0xcert/ethereum-erc721 1,053 about 2 years ago Non-fungible token implementation for Ethereum-based blockchains
alexvansande/ENSTools 37 almost 3 years ago A set of contracts to extend ENS functionality to other smart contracts
Arachnid/solidity-stringutils 1,133 about 1 year ago Basic string utilities for Solidity
dapp-bin 1,024 4 months ago Ethereum repo providing implementations for many common data structures and utilities in Solidity, Serpent and LLL
dapphub/dappsys 580 over 2 years ago Contract system framework for flexible multi-contract dapps
dmihal/hardhat-interface-generator 32 9 months ago Hardhat plugin to automatically generate interfaces from code
EthWorks/Waffle 962 11 months ago Library for writing and testing smart contracts
gelatodigital/auto-top-up Automatically top up multiple ETH addresses once their ETH balance falls below a certain threshold
hifi-finance/prb-math 858 about 2 months ago Smart contract library for advanced fixed-point math
ItsNickBarry/hardhat-abi-exporter 76 23 days ago Export contract ABIs on compilation via Hardhat
Keydonix/uniswap-oracle 256 over 2 years ago General purpose price feed oracle built on Uniswap v2 that uses merkle proofs under the hood
makerdao/multicall 852 over 1 year ago Aggregate multiple constant function call results into one
maple-labs/erc-20 72 4 months ago Maple implementation of the ERC-20 standard
mattdf/RingCrypto 27 almost 3 years ago Ring signature related implementations for Ethereum
mds1/solidity-trigonometry 144 over 1 year ago Library with basic trigonometry functions
Modular Libraries 332 over 1 year ago Deployed utility libraries to use in your smart contracts
mzhu25/sol2string 23 about 3 years ago library for efficiently converting values to strings
NTA-Capital/SolMATe 33 about 1 year ago Libraries for floating-point matrix manipulation, linear algebra operations, and vector math
OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts 24,807 3 days ago A library for secure smart contract development
OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable 987 16 days ago Upgradeable variant of OpenZeppelin Contracts, meant for use in upgradeable contracts
optionality/clone-factory 387 about 2 years ago Simple clone contract factory. Install a master copy of a contract, then easily (cheaply) create clones with separate state
partylikeits1983/num_complex_solidity 52 8 months ago Smart contract library for handling complex numbers
pcaversaccio/xdeployer 436 14 days ago Hardhat plugin to deploy your smart contracts across multiple EVM chains with the same deterministic address
rugpullindex/indexed-sparse-merkle-tree 95 almost 2 years ago Dapptools-ready and gas-optimized implementation of a sparse merkle tree
Smart Contracts Skeleton 23 over 6 years ago Preconfigured skeleton repository for building or starting with development of Smart contracts
solana-labs/solana-solidity.js 115 over 1 year ago Compile, deploy, and use contracts on Solana
Solidity Collections 14,746 about 2 years ago Collections of code snippets and utility libraries
Solidity Standard Library 66 about 6 years ago Standard library (Array, random, math, string)
solidstate-network/solidstate-solidity 433 4 months ago Upgradeable-first smart contract development library
studydefi/money-legos 1,026 over 1 year ago NPM package that provides you with the mainnet addresses, ABIs, and Solidity interfaces for popular DeFi protocols
ThirdWeb/Contracts 982 23 days ago Pre-built contracts for Token, NFT, Governance and Marketplace from ThirdWeb
truffle-assertions 154 11 months ago Adds additional assertions and utilities used in testing smart contracts with truffle
transmissions11/solmate 3,888 2 months ago Modern, opinionated and gas optimized building blocks for smart contract development
Uniswap/merkle-distributor 594 over 1 year ago Smart contract that distributes a balance of tokens according to a merkle root
Uniswap/uniswap-v2-periphery 1,108 24 days ago Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap V2
Uniswap/uniswap-v3-periphery 1,170 2 months ago Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap V3
wbobeirne/eth-balance-checker 253 7 months ago Smart contract and library pair that allows you to check for multiple ERC20 and Ether balances across multiple addresses in a single RPC call
Unicode Ethereum Project 26 over 1 year ago Libraries and contracts for Unicode data, algorithms, and utilities

Awesome Solidity / Tools

Anish-Agnihotri/MultiFaucet 165 almost 2 years ago MultiFaucet drips ETH, tokens, and NFTs across many testnet networks, at once
create-truffle-dapp 16 over 5 years ago CLI to create and deploy Truffle projects with no configuration
dapp-scratch 41 about 6 years ago CLI for generating javascript modules from Contracts for Decentralized Apps
dethcrypto/ethereum-code-viewer 1,356 6 months ago View the source of deployed Ethereum contracts in VSCode
dapphub/dapptools 2,087 about 1 year ago Command-line-friendly tools for blockchain development
eagr/sol-repl 4 over 2 years ago Lightweight, feature-rich REPL for instant feedback
eth-brownie/brownie 2,640 about 2 months ago Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine
EthFiddle Find, share and embed contracts
EthereumStudio 267 about 2 years ago Standalone desktop IDE
foundry-rs/foundry 8,171 3 days ago Blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust
instant-dapp-ide 64 about 7 years ago Complete Dapp and Solidity development environment as a docker image you can run from command line
Hardhat Development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software
Laika Make requests to smart contracts without the hassle of writing a single line of code
naddison36/sol2uml 1,136 about 2 months ago Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram generator for smart contracts
OpenZeppelin Framework to build secure smart contracts
raineorshine/solidity-repl 396 about 3 years ago REPL CLI
Remix Online realtime compiler and runtime
SIF 49 over 4 years ago Code generation from the AST, analyse and instrument source code
Smart Contract Sanctuary 1,508 3 months ago A home for ethereum smart contracts, all verified smart contracts from Etherscan
Sourcify Decentralized and open-sourced smart contract verification service
solgraph 1,015 almost 2 years ago Visualize control flows for smart contract security analysis
sol-merger 157 4 months ago Merges all imports into single file for contracts
solidity-docgen 449 4 months ago Documentation generator for Solidity projects
Tenderly Easily monitor your smart contracts with error tracking, alerting, performance metrics, and detailed contract analytics
Truffle 14,025 6 months ago Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum
tintinweb/solidity-shell 544 over 1 year ago An interactive Solidity shell with lightweight session recording
weiroll/weiroll 393 about 2 years ago A simple and efficient operation-chaining/scripting language for the EVM
Aniket-Engg/sol-profiler 28 over 2 years ago CLI tool to list & store solidity smart contract methods attributes
Aniket-Engg/sol-verifier 27 over 1 year ago Verify solidity smart contracts on Etherscan
Bytes32 Converter Online Convert Solidity bytes32 to utf8 string or integers and vice versa
cleanunicorn/abi2signature 54 over 5 years ago Use the ABI of a smart contract to find out the function signatures
crytic/solc-select 748 10 months ago CLI to quickly switch between compiler versions
DiverseSolutions/Diverse-Eth-Calculator 8 over 2 years ago Website with Ethereum unit conversion & utility components
duaraghav8/Ethlint 927 over 1 year ago Linter to identify and fix style & security issues in smart contracts
Ethereum Unit Converter Online tool to convert the different ethereum denominations (wei, gwei, ether)
ItsNickBarry/hardhat-contract-sizer 75 2 months ago Output contract sizes with Hardhat
Online ABI Encoder Online Solidity ABI Encoder to encode smart contract arguments, and also perform read and write operations on the blockchain
prettier-solidity/prettier-plugin-solidity 728 12 days ago Prettier plugin for automatically formatting your code
protofire/solhint 1,025 about 2 months ago Solidity linter that provides security, style guide and best practice rules for smart contract validation
rkalis/truffle-plugin-verify 467 11 months ago Truffle plugin to verify smart contracts on Etherscan and Sourcify from the Truffle command line
sambacha/prettier-config-solidity 30 almost 2 years ago Prettier config optimized to reduce AST churn & conform to the Solidity spec
sc-forks/solidity-coverage 973 about 1 month ago Code coverage tool
Tenderly/tenderly-cli 519 about 2 months ago Speed up your development with error stack traces
tintinweb/solgrep 142 about 2 months ago A scriptable semantic grep utility for Solidity
a16z/metamorphic-contract-detector 159 over 2 years ago Check whether a given contract exhibits red flags that could indicate the potential for metamorphism instead of immutability
Echidna 2,713 11 days ago Define properties for your smart contract then use fuzzing to catch security bugs
Manticore 3,677 about 1 year ago Detects many common bug types, and can prove correctness properties with symbolic execution
Mythril 3,840 about 1 month ago Security analysis tool for smart contracts
ethereum/sourcify 777 3 days ago Re-compiler that can be used to verify that bytecode corresponds to certain source code
eth-sri/securify2 583 10 months ago Tool for analyzing smart contracts for vulnerabilities and insecure coding
Slither 5,262 12 days ago Static analyzer with support for many common bug types, including visualization tools for security-relevant information
MythX Detection for security vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts throughout the development life cycle
Embark 3,788 2 months ago Framework that allows you to easily develop and deploy DApps
Moesif Service that provides Ethereum smart contract analytics and anomaly detection for DApps and DAPIs
solidity-sizer 2 about 2 years ago GitHub Action that adds a comment to the PR indicating the size of contracts, including size differences

Awesome Solidity / Languages

deno-web3/solc 72 6 months ago Solidity bindings for Deno
solc-js 1,448 about 1 month ago JavaScript bindings for the Solidity compiler
solidity-parser 154 about 4 years ago Solidity parser built in JavaScript
sulk 9 over 6 years ago Configurable contract compilation
Soltsice 104 over 5 years ago Generates strongly-typed TypeScript classes for contracts from Truffle artifacts with a single command
TypeChain 2,755 3 months ago TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts
hyperledger-labs/solang 1,256 21 days ago A Solidity-to-WASM-and-BPF compiler written in Rust
rust-ethereum/ethabi 517 about 1 year ago -Encode and decode smart contract invocations
ocaml-solidity OCaml library providing a parser, a typechecker and miscellaneous utilities for manipulating contracts

Awesome Solidity / Editor Plugins

uml2solidity 37 about 7 years ago Model smart contracts with UML
emacs-solidity 206 over 1 year ago Solidity mode for Emacs
company-solidity 1 over 6 years ago Autocomplete with company-mode
intellij-solidity 1,072 13 days ago Solidity plugin for IntelliJ
SublimeEthereum 115 5 months ago Solidity syntax for SublimeText
solidity.vim 20 over 6 years ago Vim compiler plugin
vim-solidity 490 over 3 years ago Vim syntax file
ConsenSys/vscode-solidity-auditor 578 3 months ago Language support and visual security auditor for Visual Studio Code
Ethereum Security Bundle A meta-extension bundling marketplace plugins for secure Ethereum smart contract development
sol-profiler-vscode 13 almost 2 years ago Visual Code Extension to generate & store smart contract methods profile
vscode-solidity 889 24 days ago Visual Studio Code language support extension
Solidity Visual Developer Visual Security audit, Security centric syntax and semantic highlighting, detailed class outline, UML diagram generator, and many more features
Solidity Contract Flattener Flatten Solidity Contracts using truffle-flattener
Solidity + Hardhat Adds general support for Solidity contracts development with features user expect to find in an IDE (code formatting, linting, prettifier, snippets, go to references, and so on). Go to choice for those relying on VSCode and Hardhat in their projects
Truffle for VS Code Truffle for VS Code simplifies how you create, build, debug and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum and all EVM-compatible blockchains and layer 2 scaling solutions

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