
The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems


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Lessons from Giant-Scale Services - Eric Brewer, UC Berkeley & Google
Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems - Jeff Dean, Google
How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters - Joshua Bloch, CMU & Google
On Efficiency, Reliability, Scaling - James Hamilton, VP at AWS
Principles of Chaos Engineering
Finding the Order in Chaos
The Twelve-Factor App
Clean Architecture
High Cohesion and Low Coupling
Monoliths and Microservices
CAP Theorem and Trade-offs
CP Databases and AP Databases
Stateless vs Stateful Scalability
Scale Up vs Scale Out: Hidden Costs
Blocking/Non-Blocking and Sync/Async
Performance and Scalability of Databases
Database Isolation Levels and Effects on Performance and Scalability
The Probability of Data Loss in Large Clusters
Data Access for Highly-Scalable Solutions: Using SQL, NoSQL, and Polyglot Persistence
SQL vs NoSQL - Lesson Learned at Salesforce
NoSQL Databases: Survey and Decision Guidance
How Sharding Works
Consistent Hashing
Consistent Hashing: Algorithmic Tradeoffs
Don’t be tricked by the Hashing Trick
Uniform Consistent Hashing at Netflix
Eventually Consistent - Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon
Cache is King
Understand Latency
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
The Calculus of Service Availability
Architecture Issues When Scaling Web Applications: Bottlenecks, Database, CPU, IO
Common Bottlenecks
Life Beyond Distributed Transactions
Relying on Software to Redirect Traffic Reliably at Various Layers
Breaking Things on Purpose
Avoid Over Engineering
Scalability Worst Practices
Use Solid Technologies - Don’t Re-invent the Wheel - Keep It Simple!
Simplicity by Distributing Complexity
Why Over-Reusing is Bad
Performance is a Feature
Make Performance Part of Your Workflow
The Benefits of Server Side Rendering over Client Side Rendering
Automate and Abstract: Lessons at Facebook
AWS Do's and Don'ts
(UI) Design Doesn’t Scale - Stanley Wood, Design Director at Spotify
Linux Performance
Building Fast and Resilient Web Applications - Ilya Grigorik
Accept Partial Failures, Minimize Service Loss
Design for Resiliency
Design for Self-healing
Design for Scaling Out
Design for Evolution
Learn from Mistakes


Microservices and Orchestration

Scalability / Microservices and Orchestration

Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture at Uber
Service Architecture (3 parts: Domain Gateways, Value-Added Services, BFF) at SoundCloud
Container (8 parts) at Riot Games
Containerization at Pinterest
Evolution of Container Usage at Netflix
Dockerizing MySQL at Uber
Testing of Microservices at Spotify
Docker in Production at Treehouse
Microservice at SoundCloud
Operate Kubernetes Reliably at Stripe
Cross-Cluster Traffic Mirroring with Istio at Trivago
Agrarian-Scale Kubernetes (3 parts) at New York Times
Nanoservices at BBC
PowerfulSeal: Testing Tool for Kubernetes Clusters at Bloomberg
Conductor: Microservices Orchestrator at Netflix
Docker Containers that Power Over 100.000 Online Shops at Shopify
Microservice Architecture at Medium
From bare-metal to Kubernetes at Betabrand
Kubernetes at Tinder
Kubernetes at Quora
Kubernetes Platform at Pinterest
Microservices at Nubank
Payment Transaction Management in Microservices at Mercari
Service Mesh at Snap
GRIT: Protocol for Distributed Transactions across Microservices at eBay
Rubix: Kubernetes at Palantir
CRISP: Critical Path Analysis for Microservice Architectures at Uber


Distributed Caching

Scalability / Distributed Caching

EVCache: Distributed In-memory Caching at Netflix
EVCache Cache Warmer Infrastructure at Netflix
Memsniff: Robust Memcache Traffic Analyzer at Box
Caching with Consistent Hashing and Cache Smearing at Etsy
Analysis of Photo Caching at Facebook
Cache Efficiency Exercise at Facebook
tCache: Scalable Data-aware Java Caching at Trivago
Pycache: In-process Caching at Quora
Reduce Memcached Memory Usage by 50% at Trivago
Caching Internal Service Calls at Yelp
Estimating the Cache Efficiency using Big Data at Allegro
Distributed Cache at Zalando
Application Data Caching from RAM to SSD at NetFlix
Tradeoffs of Replicated Cache at Skyscanner
Avoiding Cache Stampede at DoorDash
Location Caching with Quadtrees at Yext
Video Metadata Caching at Vimeo
Scaling Redis at Twitter
Scaling Job Queue with Redis at Slack
Moving persistent data out of Redis at Github
Storing Hundreds of Millions of Simple Key-Value Pairs in Redis at Instagram
Redis at Trivago
Optimizing Redis Storage at Deliveroo
Memory Optimization in Redis at Wattpad
Redis Fleet at Heroku
Solving Remote Build Cache Misses (2 parts) at SoundCloud
Ratings & Reviews (2 parts) at Flipkart
Prefetch Caching of Items at eBay
Cross-Region Caching Library at Wix
Improving Distributed Caching Performance and Efficiency at Pinterest
Standardize and Improve Microservices Caching at DoorDash
HTTP Caching and CDN

Scalability / Distributed Caching / HTTP Caching and CDN

Zynga Geo Proxy: Reducing Mobile Game Latency at Zynga
Google AMP at Condé Nast
A/B Tests on Hosting Infrastructure (CDNs) at Deliveroo
HAProxy with Kubernetes for User-facing Traffic at SoundCloud
Bandaid: Service Proxy at Dropbox
Service Workers at Slack
CDN Services at Spotify


Distributed Locking

Scalability / Distributed Locking

Chubby: Lock Service for Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems at Google
Distributed Locking at Uber
Distributed Locks using Redis at GoSquared
ZooKeeper at Twitter
Eliminating Duplicate Queries using Distributed Locking at Chartio


Distributed Tracking, Tracing, and Measuring

Scalability / Distributed Tracking, Tracing, and Measuring

Zipkin: Distributed Systems Tracing at Twitter
Improve Zipkin Traces using Kubernetes Pod Metadata at SoundCloud
Canopy: Scalable Distributed Tracing & Analysis at Facebook
Pintrace: Distributed Tracing at Pinterest
XCMetrics: All-in-One Tool for Tracking Xcode Build Metrics at Spotify
Real-time Distributed Tracing at LinkedIn
Tracking Service Infrastructure at Scale at Shopify
Distributed Tracing at HelloFresh
Analyzing Distributed Trace Data at Pinterest
Distributed Tracing at Uber
JVM Profiler: Tracing Distributed JVM Applications at Uber
Data Checking at Dropbox
Tracing Distributed Systems at Showmax
osquery Across the Enterprise at Palantir
StatsD at Etsy
StatsD at DoorDash


Distributed Scheduling

Scalability / Distributed Scheduling

Distributed Task Scheduling (3 parts) at PagerDuty
Building Cron at Google
Distributed Cron Architecture at Quora
Chronos: A Replacement for Cron at Airbnb
Scheduler at Nextdoor
Peloton: Unified Resource Scheduler for Diverse Cluster Workloads at Uber
Fenzo: OSS Scheduler for Apache Mesos Frameworks at Netflix
Airflow - Workflow Orchestration

Scalability / Distributed Scheduling / Airflow - Workflow Orchestration

Airflow at Airbnb
Airflow at Adyen
Airflow at Pandora
Airflow at Robinhood
Airflow at Lyft
Airflow at Drivy
Airflow at Grab
Airflow at Adobe
Auditing Airflow Job Runs at Walmart
MaaT: DAG-based Distributed Task Scheduler at Alibaba
boundary-layer: Declarative Airflow Workflows at Etsy


Distributed Monitoring and Alerting

Scalability / Distributed Monitoring and Alerting

Unicorn: Remediation System at eBay
M3: Metrics and Monitoring Platform at Uber
Athena: Automated Build Health Management System at Dropbox
Vortex: Monitoring Server Applications at Dropbox
Nuage: Cloud Management Service at LinkedIn
Telltale: Application Monitoring at Netflix
ThirdEye: Monitoring Platform at LinkedIn
Periskop: Exception Monitoring Service at SoundCloud
Securitybot: Distributed Alerting Bot at Dropbox
Monitoring System at Alibaba
Real User Monitoring at Dailymotion
Alerting Ecosystem at Uber
Alerting Framework at Airbnb
Alerting on Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) at SoundCloud
Job-based Forecasting Workflow for Observability Anomaly Detection at Uber
Monitoring and Alert System using Graphite and Cabot at HackerEarth
Observability (2 parts) at Twitter
Distributed Security Alerting at Slack
Real-Time News Alerting at Bloomberg
Data Pipeline Monitoring System at LinkedIn
Monitoring and Observability at Picnic


Distributed Security

Scalability / Distributed Security

Approach to Security at Scale at Dropbox
Aardvark and Repokid: AWS Least Privilege for Distributed, High-Velocity Development at Netflix
LISA: Distributed Firewall at LinkedIn
Secure Infrastructure To Store Bitcoin In The Cloud at Coinbase
BinaryAlert: Real-time Serverless Malware Detection at Airbnb
Scalable IAM Architecture to Secure Access to 100 AWS Accounts at Segment
OAuth Audit Toolbox at Indeed
Active Directory Password Blacklisting at Yelp
Syscall Auditing at Scale at Slack
Athenz: Fine-Grained, Role-Based Access Control at Yahoo
WebAuthn Support for Secure Sign In at Dropbox
Security Development Lifecycle at Slack
Unprivileged Container Builds at Kinvolk
Diffy: Differencing Engine for Digital Forensics in the Cloud at Netflix
Detecting Credential Compromise in AWS at Netflix
Scalable User Privacy at Spotify
AVA: Audit Web Applications at Indeed
TTL as a Service: Automatic Revocation of Stale Privileges at Yelp
Enterprise Key Management at Slack
Scalability and Authentication at Twitch
Edge Authentication and Token-Agnostic Identity Propagation at Netflix
Hardening Kubernetes Infrastructure with Cilium at Palantir
Improving Web Vulnerability Management through Automation at Lyft
Clock Skew when Syncing Password Payloads at Drobbox


Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming

Cape: Event Stream Processing Framework at Dropbox
Brooklin: Distributed Service for Near Real-Time Data Streaming at LinkedIn
Samza: Stream Processing System for Latency Insighs at LinkedIn
Bullet: Forward-Looking Query Engine for Streaming Data at Yahoo
EventHorizon: Tool for Watching Events Streaming at Etsy
Qmessage: Distributed, Asynchronous Task Queue at Quora
Cherami: Message Queue System for Transporting Async Tasks at Uber
Dynein: Distributed Delayed Job Queueing System at Airbnb
Timestone: Queueing System for Non-Parallelizable Workloads at Netflix
Messaging Service at Riot Games
Debugging Production with Event Logging at Zillow
Cross-platform In-app Messaging Orchestration Service at Netflix
Video Gatekeeper at Netflix
Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices at Netflix
Delaying Asynchronous Message Processing with RabbitMQ at Indeed
Benchmarking Streaming Computation Engines at Yahoo
Improving Stream Data Quality With Protobuf Schema Validation at Deliveroo
Scaling Email Infrastructure at Medium
Real-time Messaging at Slack
Event Stream Database at Nike
Event Tracking System at Udemy
Event-Driven Messaging

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming / Event-Driven Messaging

Domain-Driven Design at Alibaba
Domain-Driven Design at Weebly
Domain-Driven Design at Moonpig
Scaling Event Sourcing for Netflix Downloads
Scaling Event-Sourcing at
Event Sourcing (2 parts) at eBay
Event Sourcing at FREE NOW
Scalable content feed using Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns at Brainly

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming

Pub-Sub Messaging

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming / Pub-Sub Messaging

Pulsar: Pub-Sub Messaging at Scale at Yahoo
Wormhole: Pub-Sub System at Facebook
MemQ: Cloud Native Pub-Sub System at Pinterest
Pub-Sub in Microservices at Netflix

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming

Kafka - Message Broker

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming / Kafka - Message Broker

Kafka at LinkedIn
Kafka at Pinterest
Kafka at Trello
Kafka at Salesforce
Kafka at The New York Times
Kafka at Yelp
Kafka at Criteo
Kafka on Kubernetes at Shopify
Kafka on PaaSTA: Running Kafka on Kubernetes at Yelp (2 parts)
Migrating Kafka's Zookeeper with No Downtime at Yelp
Reprocessing and Dead Letter Queues with Kafka at Uber
Chaperone: Audit Kafka End-to-End at Uber
Finding Kafka throughput limit in infrastructure at Dropbox
Cost Orchestration at Walmart
InfluxDB and Kafka to Scale to Over 1 Million Metrics a Second at Hulu
Scaling Kafka to Support Data Growth at PayPal

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming

Stream Data Deduplication

Scalability / Distributed Messaging, Queuing, and Event Streaming / Stream Data Deduplication

Exactly-once Semantics with Kafka
Real-time Deduping at Tapjoy
Deduplication at Segment
Deduplication at Mail.Ru
Petabyte Scale Data Deduplication at Mixpanel


Distributed Logging

Scalability / Distributed Logging

Logging at LinkedIn
Scalable and Reliable Log Ingestion at Pinterest
High-performance Replicated Log Service at Twitter
Logging Service with Spark at CERN Accelerator
Logging and Aggregation at Quora
Collection and Analysis of Daemon Logs at Badoo
Log Parsing with Static Code Analysis at Palantir
Centralized Application Logging at eBay
Enrich VPC Flow Logs at Hyper Scale to provide Network Insight at Netflix
BookKeeper: Distributed Log Storage at Yahoo
LogDevice: Distributed Data Store for Logs at Facebook
LogFeeder: Log Collection System at Yelp
DBLog: Generic Change-Data-Capture Framework at Netflix


Distributed Searching

Scalability / Distributed Searching

Search Architecture at Instagram
Search Architecture at eBay
Search Architecture at Box
Search Discovery Indexing Platform at Coupang
Universal Search System at Pinterest
Improving Search Engine Efficiency by over 25% at eBay
Indexing and Querying Telemetry Logs with Lucene at Palantir
Query Understanding at TripAdvisor
Search Federation Architecture at LinkedIn (2018)
Search at Slack
Search and Recommendations at DoorDash
Stability and Scalability for Search at Twitter
Search Service at Twitter (2014)
Autocomplete Search (2 parts) at Traveloka
Data-Driven Autocorrection System at Canva
Adapting Search to Indian Phonetics at Flipkart
Nautilus: Search Engine at Dropbox
Galene: Search Architecture of LinkedIn
Manas: High Performing Customized Search System at Pinterest
Sherlock: Near Real Time Search Indexing at Flipkart
Nebula: Storage Platform to Build Search Backends at Airbnb
ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Stack

Scalability / Distributed Searching / ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Stack

Predictions in Real Time with ELK at Uber
Building a scalable ELK stack at Envato
ELK at Robinhood
Scaling Elasticsearch Clusters at Uber
Elasticsearch Performance Tuning Practice at eBay
Improve Performance using Elasticsearch Plugins (2 parts) at Tinder
Elasticsearch at Kickstarter
Log Parsing with Logstash and Google Protocol Buffers at Trivago
Fast Order Search using Data Pipeline and Elasticsearch at Yelp
Moving Core Business Search to Elasticsearch at Yelp
Sharding out Elasticsearch at Vinted
Self-Ranking Search with Elasticsearch at Wattpad
Vulcanizer: a library for operating Elasticsearch at Github


Distributed Storage

Scalability / Distributed Storage

In-memory Storage

Scalability / Distributed Storage / In-memory Storage

MemSQL Architecture - The Fast (MVCC, InMem, LockFree, CodeGen) And Familiar (SQL)
Optimizing Memcached Efficiency at Quora
Real-Time Data Warehouse with MemSQL on Cisco UCS
Moving to MemSQL at Tapjoy
MemSQL and Kinesis for Real-time Insights at Disney
MemSQL to Query Hundreds of Billions of Rows in a Dashboard at Pandora

Scalability / Distributed Storage

Object Storage

Scalability / Distributed Storage / Object Storage

Scaling HDFS at Uber
Reasons for Choosing S3 over HDFS at Databricks
File System on Amazon S3 at Quantcast
Image Recovery at Scale Using S3 Versioning at Trivago
Cloud Object Store at Yahoo
Ambry: Distributed Immutable Object Store at LinkedIn
Dynamometer: Scale Testing HDFS on Minimal Hardware with Maximum Fidelity at LinkedIn
Hammerspace: Persistent, Concurrent, Off-heap Storage at Airbnb
MezzFS: Mounting Object Storage in Media Processing Platform at Netflix
Magic Pocket: In-house Multi-exabyte Storage System at Dropbox


Relational Databases

Scalability / Relational Databases

Building and Deploying MySQL Raft at Meta
MySQL for Schema-less Data at FriendFeed
MySQL at Pinterest
PostgreSQL at Twitch
Scaling MySQL-based Financial Reporting System at Airbnb
Scaling MySQL at Wix
MaxScale (MySQL) Database Proxy at Airbnb
Switching from Postgres to MySQL at Uber
Handling Growth with Postgres at Instagram
Scaling the Analytics Database (Postgres) at TransferWise
Updating a 50 Terabyte PostgreSQL Database at Adyen
Scaling Database Access for 100s of Billions of Queries per Day at PayPal
Minimizing Read-Write MySQL Downtime at Yelp
Migrating MySQL from 5.6 to 8.0 at Facebook
Migration from HBase to MyRocks at Quora

Scalability / Relational Databases / Replication

MySQL Parallel Replication (4 parts) at
Mitigating MySQL Replication Lag and Reducing Read Load at Github
Read Consistency with Database Replicas at Shopify
Black-Box Auditing: Verifying End-to-End Replication Integrity between MySQL and Redshift at Yelp
Partitioning Main MySQL Database at Airbnb
Herb: Multi-DC Replication Engine for Schemaless Datastore at Uber

Scalability / Relational Databases


Scalability / Relational Databases / Sharding

Sharding MySQL at Pinterest
Sharding MySQL at Twilio
Sharding MySQL at Square
Sharding MySQL at Quora
Sharding Layer of Schemaless Datastore at Uber
Sharding & IDs at Instagram
Sharding Postgres at Notion
Solr: Improving Performance for Batch Indexing at Box
Geosharded Recommendations (3 parts) at Tinder
Scaling Services with Shard Manager at Facebook

Scalability / Relational Databases

Presto the Distributed SQL Query Engine

Scalability / Relational Databases / Presto the Distributed SQL Query Engine

Presto at Pinterest
Presto Infrastructure at Lyft
Presto at Grab
Engineering Data Analytics with Presto and Apache Parquet at Uber
Data Wrangling at Slack
Presto in Big Data Platform on AWS at Netflix
Presto Auto Scaling at Eventbrite
Speed Up Presto with Alluxio Local Cache at Uber


NoSQL Databases

Scalability / NoSQL Databases

Key-Value Databases

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Key-Value Databases

DynamoDB at Nike
DynamoDB at Segment
DynamoDB at Mapbox
Manhattan: Distributed Key-Value Database at Twitter
Sherpa: Distributed NoSQL Key-Value Store at Yahoo
HaloDB: Embedded Key-Value Storage Engine at Yahoo
MPH: Fast and Compact Immutable Key-Value Stores at Indeed
Venice: Distributed Key-Value Database at Linkedin

Scalability / NoSQL Databases

Columnar Databases

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases


Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases / Cassandra

Cassandra at Instagram
Storing Images in Cassandra at Walmart
Storing Messages with Cassandra at Discord
Scaling Cassandra Cluster at Walmart
Scaling Ad Analytics with Cassandra at Yelp
Scaling to 100+ Million Reads/Writes using Spark and Cassandra at Dream11
Moving Food Feed from Redis to Cassandra at Zomato
Benchmarking Cassandra Scalability on AWS at Netflix
Service Decomposition at Scale with Cassandra at Intuit QuickBooks
Cassandra for Keeping Counts In Sync at SoundCloud
Cassandra Driver Configuration for Improved Performance and Load Balancing at Glassdoor
cstar: Cassandra Orchestration Tool at Spotify

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases


Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases / HBase

HBase at Salesforce
HBase in Facebook Messages
HBase in Imgur Notification
Improving HBase Backup Efficiency at Pinterest
HBase at Xiaomi

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases


Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Columnar Databases / Redshift

Redshift at GIPHY
Redshift at Hudl
Redshift at Drivy

Scalability / NoSQL Databases

Document Databases

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Document Databases

eBay: Building Mission-Critical Multi-Data Center Applications with MongoDB
MongoDB at Baidu: Multi-Tenant Cluster Storing 200+ Billion Documents across 160 Shards
Migrating Mongo Data at Addepar
The AWS and MongoDB Infrastructure of Parse (acquired by Facebook)
Migrating Mountains of Mongo Data at Addepar
Couchbase Ecosystem at LinkedIn
SimpleDB at Zendesk
Espresso: Distributed Document Store at LinkedIn

Scalability / NoSQL Databases

Graph Databases

Scalability / NoSQL Databases / Graph Databases

FlockDB: Distributed Graph Database at Twitter
TAO: Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph at Facebook
Akutan: Distributed Knowledge Graph Store at eBay


Time Series Databases

Scalability / Time Series Databases

Beringei: High-performance Time Series Storage Engine at Facebook
MetricsDB: TimeSeries Database for storing metrics at Twitter
Atlas: In-memory Dimensional Time Series Database at Netflix
Heroic: Time Series Database at Spotify
Roshi: Distributed Storage System for Time-Series Event at SoundCloud
Goku: Time Series Database at Pinterest
Scaling Time Series Data Storage (2 parts) at Netflix
Druid - Real-time Analytics Database

Scalability / Time Series Databases / Druid - Real-time Analytics Database

Druid at Airbnb
Druid at Walmart
Druid at eBay
Druid at Netflix


Distributed Repositories, Dependencies, and Configurations Management

Scalability / Distributed Repositories, Dependencies, and Configurations Management

DGit: Distributed Git at Github
Stemma: Distributed Git Server at Palantir
Configuration Management for Distributed Systems at Flickr
Git Repository at Microsoft
Solve Git Problem with Large Repositories at Microsoft
Single Repository at Google
Scaling Infrastructure and (Git) Workflow at Adyen
Dotfiles Distribution at
Secret Detector: Preventing Secrets in Source Code at Yelp
Managing Software Dependency at Scale at LinkedIn
Merging Code in High-velocity Repositories at LinkedIn
Dynamic Configuration at Twitter
Dynamic Configuration at Mixpanel
Dynamic Configuration at GoDaddy


Scaling Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Scalability / Scaling Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Continuous Integration Stack at Facebook
Continuous Integration with Distributed Repositories and Dependencies at Netflix
Continuous Integration and Deployment with Bazel at Dropbox
Continuous Deployments at BuzzFeed
Screwdriver: Continuous Delivery Build System for Dynamic Infrastructure at Yahoo
CI/CD at Betterment
CI/CD at Brainly
Scaling iOS CI with Anka at Shopify
Scaling Jira Server at Yelp
Auto-scaling CI/CD cluster at Flexport


Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure

Availability / Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure

Resilience Engineering with Project Waterbear at LinkedIn
Resiliency against Traffic Oversaturation at iHeartRadio
Resiliency in Distributed Systems at GO-JEK
Practical NoSQL Resilience Design Pattern for the Enterprise at eBay
Ensuring Resilience to Disaster at Quora
Site Resiliency at Expedia
Resiliency and Disaster Recovery with Kafka at eBay
Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Kafka at Uber



Availability / Failover

The Evolution of Global Traffic Routing and Failover
Testing for Disaster Recovery Failover Testing
Designing a Microservices Architecture for Failure
ELB for Automatic Failover at GoSquared
Eliminate the Database for Higher Availability at American Express
Failover with Redis Sentinel at Vinted
High-availability SaaS Infrastructure at FreeAgent
MySQL High Availability at GitHub
MySQL High Availability at Eventbrite
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery at Walmart


Load Balancing

Availability / Load Balancing

Introduction to Modern Network Load Balancing and Proxying
Top Five (Load Balancing) Scalability Patterns
Load Balancing infrastructure to support more than 1.3 billion users at Facebook
DHCPLB: DHCP Load Balancer at Facebook
Katran: Scalable Network Load Balancer at Facebook
Deterministic Aperture: A Distributed, Load Balancing Algorithm at Twitter
Load Balancing with Eureka at Netflix
Edge Load Balancing at Netflix
Zuul 2: Cloud Gateway at Netflix
Load Balancing at Yelp
Load Balancing at Github
Consistent Hashing to Improve Load Balancing at Vimeo
UDP Load Balancing at 500 pixel
QALM: QoS Load Management Framework at Uber
Traffic Steering using Rum DNS at LinkedIn
Traffic Infrastructure (Edge Network) at Dropbox
Intelligent DNS based load balancing at Dropbox
Monitor DNS systems at Stripe
Multi-DNS Architecture (3 parts) at Monday
Dynamic Anycast DNS Infrastructure at Hulu


Rate Limiting

Availability / Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting for Scaling to Millions of Domains at Cloudflare
Cloud Bouncer: Distributed Rate Limiting at Yahoo
Scaling API with Rate Limiters at Stripe
Distributed Rate Limiting at Allegro
Ratequeue: Core Queueing-And-Rate-Limiting System at Twilio
Quotas Service at Grab
Rate Limiting at Figma



Availability / Autoscaling

Autoscaling Pinterest
Autoscaling Based on Request Queuing at Square
Autoscaling Jenkins at Trivago
Autoscaling Pub-Sub Consumers at Spotify
Autoscaling Bigtable Clusters based on CPU Load at Spotify
Autoscaling AWS Step Functions Activities at Yelp
Scryer: Predictive Auto Scaling Engine at Netflix
Bouncer: Simple AWS Auto Scaling Rollovers at Palantir
Clusterman: Autoscaling Mesos Clusters at Yelp


Availability in Globally Distributed Storage Systems at Google
NodeJS High Availability at Yahoo
Operations (11 parts) at LinkedIn
Monitoring Powers High Availability for LinkedIn Feed
Supporting Global Events at Facebook
High Availability at BlaBlaCar
High Availability at Netflix
High Availability Cloud Infrastructure at Twilio
Automating Datacenter Operations at Dropbox
Globalizing Player Accounts at Riot Games


Circuit Breaker

Stability / Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaking in Distributed Systems
Circuit Breaker for Scaling Containers
Lessons in Resilience at SoundCloud
Protector: Circuit Breaker for Time Series Databases at Trivago
Improved Production Stability with Circuit Breakers at Heroku
Circuit Breaker at Zendesk
Circuit Breaker at Traveloka
Circuit Breaker at Shopify



Stability / Timeouts

Fault Tolerance (Timeouts and Retries, Thread Separation, Semaphores, Circuit Breakers) at Netflix
Enforce Timeout: A Reliability Methodology at DoorDash
Troubleshooting a Connection Timeout Issue with tcp_tw_recycle Enabled at eBay


Crash-safe Replication for MySQL at
Bulkheads: Partition and Tolerate Failure in One Part
Steady State: Always Put Logs on Separate Disk
Throttling: Maintain a Steady Pace
Multi-Clustering: Improving Resiliency and Stability of a Large-scale Monolithic API Service at LinkedIn
Determinism (4 parts) in League of Legends Server


Performance Optimization on OS, Storage, Database, Network

Performance / Performance Optimization on OS, Storage, Database, Network

Improving Performance with Background Data Prefetching at Instagram
Fixing Linux filesystem performance regressions at LinkedIn
Compression Techniques to Solve Network I/O Bottlenecks at eBay
Optimizing Web Servers for High Throughput and Low Latency at Dropbox
Linux Performance Analysis in 60.000 Milliseconds at Netflix
Live Downsizing Google Cloud Persistent Disks (PD-SSD) at Mixpanel
Decreasing RAM Usage by 40% Using jemalloc with Python & Celery at Zapier
Reducing Memory Footprint at Slack
Continuous Load Testing at Slack
Performance Improvements at Pinterest
Server Side Rendering at Wix
30x Performance Improvements on MySQLStreamer at Yelp
Optimizing APIs at Netflix
Performance Monitoring with Riemann and Clojure at Walmart
Performance Tracking Dashboard for Live Games at Zynga
Optimizing CAL Report Hadoop MapReduce Jobs at eBay
Performance Tuning on Quartz Scheduler at eBay
Profiling C++ (Part 1: Optimization, Part 2: Measurement and Analysis) at Riot Games
Profiling React Server-Side Rendering at HomeAway
Hardware-Assisted Video Transcoding at Dailymotion
Cross Shard Transactions at 10 Million RPS at Dropbox
API Profiling at Pinterest
Pagelets Parallelize Server-side Processing at Yelp
Improving key expiration in Redis at Twitter
Ad Delivery Network Performance Optimization with Flame Graphs at MindGeek
Predictive CPU isolation of containers at Netflix
Improving HDFS I/O Utilization for Efficiency at Uber
Cloud Jewels: Estimating kWh in the Cloud at Etsy
Unthrottled: Fixing CPU Limits in the Cloud (2 parts) at Indeed


Performance Optimization by Tuning Garbage Collection

Performance / Performance Optimization by Tuning Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection in Java Applications at LinkedIn
Garbage Collection in High-Throughput, Low-Latency Machine Learning Services at Adobe
Garbage Collection in Redux Applications at SoundCloud
Garbage Collection in Go Application at Twitch
Analyzing V8 Garbage Collection Logs at Alibaba
Python Garbage Collection for Dropping 50% Memory Growth Per Request at Instagram
Performance Impact of Removing Out of Band Garbage Collector (OOBGC) at Github
Debugging Java Memory Leaks at Allegro
Optimizing JVM at Alibaba
Tuning JVM Memory for Large-scale Services at Uber
Solr Performance Tuning at Walmart
Memory Tuning a High Throughput Microservice at Flipkart


Performance Optimization on Image, Video, Page Load

Performance / Performance Optimization on Image, Video, Page Load

Optimizing 360 Photos at Scale at Facebook
Reducing Image File Size in the Photos Infrastructure at Etsy
Improving GIF Performance at Pinterest
Optimizing Video Playback Performance at Pinterest
Optimizing Video Stream for Low Bandwidth with Dynamic Optimizer at Netflix
Adaptive Video Streaming at YouTube
Reducing Video Loading Time at Dailymotion
Improving Homepage Performance at Zillow
The Process of Optimizing for Client Performance at Expedia
Web Performance at BBC


Performance Optimization by Brotli Compression

Performance / Performance Optimization by Brotli Compression

Boosting Site Speed Using Brotli Compression at LinkedIn
Brotli at
Brotli at Treebo
Deploying Brotli for Static Content at Dropbox
Progressive Enhancement with Brotli at Yelp
Speeding Up Redis with Compression at DoorDash


Performance Optimization on Languages and Frameworks

Performance / Performance Optimization on Languages and Frameworks

Python at Netflix
Python at scale (3 parts) at Instagram
OCaml best practices (2 parts) at Issuu
PHP at Slack
Go at Trivago
TypeScript at Etsy
Kotlin for taming state at Etsy
Kotlin at DoorDash
BPF and Go at Bumble
Ruby on Rails at GitLab
Rust in production at Figma
Choosing a Language Stack at WeWork
Switching from Go to Rust at Discord
ASP.NET Core Performance Optimization at Agoda
Data Race Patterns in Go at Uber
Java 21 Virtual Threads at Netflix


Big Data

Intelligence / Big Data

Data Platform at Uber
Data Platform at BMW
Data Platform at Netflix
Data Platform at Flipkart
Data Platform at Coupang
Data Platform at DoorDash
Data Platform at Khan Academy
Data Infrastructure at Airbnb
Data Infrastructure at LinkedIn
Data Infrastructure at GO-JEK
Data Ingestion Infrastructure at Pinterest
Data Analytics Architecture at Pinterest
Data Orchestration Service at Spotify
Big Data Processing (2 parts) at Spotify
Big Data Processing at Uber
Analytics Pipeline at Lyft
Analytics Pipeline at Grammarly
Analytics Pipeline at Teads
ML Data Pipelines for Real-Time Fraud Prevention at PayPal
Big Data Analytics and ML Techniques at LinkedIn
Self-Serve Reporting Platform on Hadoop at LinkedIn
Privacy-Preserving Analytics and Reporting at LinkedIn
Analytics Platform for Tracking Item Availability at Walmart
Real-Time Analytics for Mobile App Crashes using Apache Pinot at Uber
HALO: Hardware Analytics and Lifecycle Optimization at Facebook
RBEA: Real-time Analytics Platform at King
AresDB: GPU-Powered Real-time Analytics Engine at Uber
AthenaX: Streaming Analytics Platform at Uber
Jupiter: Config Driven Adtech Batch Ingestion Platform at Uber
Delta: Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform at Netflix
Keystone: Real-time Stream Processing Platform at Netflix
Databook: Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber
Amundsen: Data Discovery & Metadata Engine at Lyft
Maze: Funnel Visualization Platform at Uber
Metacat: Making Big Data Discoverable and Meaningful at Netflix
SpinalTap: Change Data Capture System at Airbnb
Accelerator: Fast Data Processing Framework at eBay
Omid: Transaction Processing Platform at Yahoo
TensorFlowOnSpark: Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data Clusters at Yahoo
CaffeOnSpark: Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data Clusters at Yahoo
Spark on Scala: Analytics Reference Architecture at Adobe
Experimentation Platform (2 parts) at Spotify
Experimentation Platform at Airbnb
Smart Product Platform at Zalando
Log Analysis Platform at LINE
Data Visualisation Platform at Myntra
Building and Scaling Data Lineage at Netflix
Building a scalable data management system for computer vision tasks at Pinterest
Structured Data at Etsy
Scaling a Mature Data Pipeline - Managing Overhead at Airbnb
Spark Partitioning Strategies at Airbnb
Scaling the Hadoop Distributed File System at LinkedIn
Scaling Hadoop YARN cluster beyond 10,000 nodes at LinkedIn
Scaling Big Data Access Controls at Pinterest


Distributed Machine Learning

Intelligence / Distributed Machine Learning

Machine Learning Platform at Yelp
Machine Learning Platform at Etsy
Machine Learning Platform at Zalando
Scaling AI/ML Infrastructure at Uber
Recommendation System at Lyft
Reinforcement Learning Platform at Lyft
Platform for Serving Recommendations at Etsy
Infrastructure to Run User Forecasts at Spotify
Aroma: Using ML for Code Recommendation at Facebook
Flyte: Cloud Native Machine Learning and Data Processing Platform at Lyft
LyftLearn: ML Model Training Infrastructure built on Kubernetes at Lyft
Horovod: Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Framework for TensorFlow at Uber
COTA: Improving Customer Care with NLP & Machine Learning at Uber
Manifold: Model-Agnostic Visual Debugging Tool for Machine Learning at Uber
Repo-Topix: Topic Extraction Framework at Github
Concourse: Generating Personalized Content Notifications in Near-Real-Time at LinkedIn
Altus Care: Applying a Chatbot to Platform Engineering at eBay
PyKrylov: Accelerating Machine Learning Research at eBay
Box Graph: Spontaneous Social Network at Box
PricingNet: Pricing Modelling with Neural Networks at Skyscanner
PinText: Multitask Text Embedding System at Pinterest
SearchSage: Learning Search Query Representations at Pinterest
Cannes: ML saves $1.7M a year on document previews at Dropbox
Scaling Gradient Boosted Trees for Click-Through-Rate Prediction at Yelp
Learning with Privacy at Scale at Apple
Deep Learning for Image Classification Experiment at Mercari
Deep Learning for Frame Detection in Product Images at Allegro
Content-based Video Relevance Prediction at Hulu
Moderating Inappropriate Video Content at Yelp
Improving Photo Selection With Deep Learning at TripAdvisor
Personalized Recommendations for Experiences Using Deep Learning at TripAdvisor
Personalised Recommender Systems at BBC
Machine Learning (2 parts) at Condé Nast
Natural Language Processing and Content Analysis (2 parts) at Condé Nast
Mapping the World of Music Using Machine Learning (2 parts) at iHeartRadio
Machine Learning to Improve Streaming Quality at Netflix
Machine Learning to Match Drivers & Riders at GO-JEK
Improving Video Thumbnails with Deep Neural Nets at YouTube
Quantile Regression for Delivering On Time at Instacart
Cross-Lingual End-to-End Product Search with Deep Learning at Zalando
Machine Learning at Jane Street
Machine Learning for Ranking Answers End-to-End at Quora
Clustering Similar Stories Using LDA at Flipboard
Similarity Search at Flickr
Large-Scale Machine Learning Pipeline for Job Recommendations at Indeed
Deep Learning from Prototype to Production at Taboola
Atom Smashing using Machine Learning at CERN
Mapping Tags at Medium
Clustering with the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model in Scala at Monsanto
Map Pins with DBSCAN & Random Forests at Foursquare
Forecasting at Uber
Financial Forecasting at Uber
Productionizing ML with Workflows at Twitter
GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning at eBay
Scaling Machine Learning to Recommend Driving Routes at Pivotal
Real-Time Predictions at DoorDash
Machine Intelligence at Dropbox
Machine Learning for Indexing Text from Billions of Images at Dropbox
Modeling User Journeys via Semantic Embeddings at Etsy
Automated Fake Account Detection at LinkedIn
Building Knowledge Graph at Airbnb
Core Modeling at Instagram
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for Prohibited Item Detection at Mercari
Computer Vision at Airbnb
3D Home Backend Algorithms at Zillow
Long-term Forecasts at Lyft
Discovering Popular Dishes with Deep Learning at Yelp
SplitNet Architecture for Ad Candidate Ranking at Twitter
Jobs Filter at Indeed
Architecting Restaurant Wait Time Predictions at Yelp
Music Personalization at Spotify
Deep Learning for Domain Name Valuation at GoDaddy
Similarity Clustering to Catch Fraud Rings at Stripe
Personalized Search at Etsy
ML Feature Serving Infrastructure at Lyft
Context-Specific Bidding System at Etsy
Moderating Promotional Spam and Inappropriate Content in Photos at Scale at Yelp
Optimizing Payments with Machine Learning at Dropbox
Scaling Media Machine Learning at Netflix
Similarity Engine at eBay
Machine Learning in Content Moderation at Etsy


Tech Stack at Medium
Tech Stack at Shopify
Building Services (4 parts) at Airbnb
Architecture of Evernote
Architecture of Chat Service (3 parts) at Riot Games
Architecture of League of Legends Client Update
Architecture of Ad Platform at Twitter
Architecture of API Gateway at Uber
Architecture of API Gateway at Tinder
Basic Architecture of Slack
Lightweight Distributed Architecture to Handle Thousands of Library Releases at eBay
Back-end at LinkedIn
Back-end at Flickr
Infrastructure (3 parts) at Zendesk
Cloud Infrastructure at Grubhub
Real-time Presence Platform at LinkedIn
Settings Platform at LinkedIn
Nearline System for Scale and Performance (2 parts) at Glassdoor
Real-time User Action Counting System for Ads at Pinterest
API Platform at Riot Games
Games Platform at The New York Times
Kabootar: Communication Platform at Swiggy
Simone: Distributed Simulation Service at Netflix
Seagull: Distributed System that Helps Running > 20 Million Tests Per Day at Yelp
PriceAggregator: Intelligent System for Hotel Price Fetching (3 parts) at Agoda
Phoenix: Testing Platform (3 parts) at Tinder
Hexagonal Architecture at Netflix
Architecture of Sticker Services at LINE
Stack Overflow Enterprise at Palantir
Architecture of Following Feed, Interest Feed, and Picked For You at Pinterest
API Specification Workflow at WeWork
Media Database at Netflix
Member Transaction History Architecture at Walmart
Sync Engine (2 parts) at Dropbox
Ads Pacing Service at Twitter
Rapid Event Notification System at Netflix
Architectures of Finance, Banking, and Payment Systems

Architecture / Architectures of Finance, Banking, and Payment Systems

Bank Backend at Monzo
Trading Platform for Scale at Wealthsimple
Core Banking System at Margo Bank
Architecture of Nubank
Tech Stack at TransferWise
Tech Stack at Addepar
Avoiding Double Payments in a Distributed Payments System at Airbnb
Scaling Payments (3 parts) at Etsy
Handles Millions of Digital Transactions Safely Everyday at Paytm
Billing and Payment Platform at Grammarly


Designing Large-Scale Systems

Interview / Designing Large-Scale Systems

My Scaling Hero - Jeff Atwood (a dose of Endorphins before your interview, JK)
Software Engineering Advice from Building Large-Scale Distributed Systems - Jeff Dean
Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale
Anatomy of a System Design Interview
8 Things You Need to Know Before a System Design Interview
Top 10 System Design Interview Questions
Top 10 Common Large-Scale Software Architectural Patterns in a Nutshell
Cloud Big Data Design Patterns - Lynn Langit
How NOT to design Netflix in your 45-minute System Design Interview?
API Best Practices: Webhooks, Deprecation, and Design


Explaining Low-Level Systems (OS, Network/Protocol, Database, Storage)

Interview / Explaining Low-Level Systems (OS, Network/Protocol, Database, Storage)

The Precise Meaning of I/O Wait Time in Linux
Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective
How to do Distributed Locking
SQL Transaction Isolation Levels Explained


"What Happens When... and How" Questions

Interview / "What Happens When... and How" Questions

Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play?
Monzo: How Peer-To-Peer Payments Work
Transit and Peering: How Your Requests Reach GitHub
How Spotify Streams Music


Engineering Levels at SoundCloud
Engineering Roles at Palantir
Engineering Career Framework at Dropbox
Scaling Engineering Teams at Twitter
Scaling Decision-Making Across Teams at LinkedIn
Scaling Data Science Team at GOJEK
Scaling Agile at Zalando
Scaling Agile at
Lessons Learned from Scaling a Product Team at Intercom
Hiring, Managing, and Scaling Engineering Teams at Typeform
Scaling the Datagram Team at Instagram
Scaling the Design Team at Flexport
Team Model for Scaling a Design System at Salesforce
Building Analytics Team (4 parts) at Wish
From 2 Founders to 1000 Employees at Transferwise
Lessons Learned Growing a UX Team from 10 to 170 at Adobe
Five Lessons from Scaling at Pinterest
Approach Engineering at Vinted
Using Metrics to Improve the Development Process (and Coach People) at Indeed
Mistakes to Avoid while Creating an Internal Product at Skyscanner
RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) at Etsy
Four Pillars of Leading People (Empathy, Inspiration, Trust, Honesty) at Zalando
Pair Programming at Shopify
Distributed Responsibility at Asana
Rotating Engineers at Zalando
Experiment Idea Review at Pinterest
Tech Migrations at Spotify
Improving Code Ownership at Yelp
Agile Code Base at eBay
Agile Data Engineering at Miro
Automated Incident Management through Slack at Airbnb
Refactor Organization at BBC
Code Review

Organization / Code Review

Code Review at Palantir
Code Review at LINE
Code Reviews at Medium
Code Review at LinkedIn
Code Review at Disney
Code Review at Netlify


Distributed Systems in One Lesson - Tim Berglund, Senior Director of Developer Experience at Confluent
Building Real Time Infrastructure at Facebook - Jeff Barber and Shie Erlich, Software Engineer at Facebook
Building Reliable Social Infrastructure for Google - Marc Alvidrez, Senior Manager at Google
Building a Distributed Build System at Google Scale - Aysylu Greenberg, SDE at Google
Site Reliability Engineering at Dropbox - Tammy Butow, Site Reliability Engineering Manager at Dropbox
How Google Does Planet-Scale for Planet-Scale Infra - Melissa Binde, SRE Director for Google Cloud Platform
Netflix Guide to Microservices - Josh Evans, Director of Operations Engineering at Netflix
Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services - Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow
Architecture to Handle 80K RPS Celebrity Sales at Shopify - Simon Eskildsen, Engineering Lead at Shopify
Lessons of Scale at Facebook - Bobby Johnson, Director of Engineering at Facebook
Performance Optimization for the Greater China Region at Salesforce - Jeff Cheng, Enterprise Architect at Salesforce
How GIPHY Delivers a GIF to 300 Millions Users - Alex Hoang and Nima Khoshini, Services Engineers at GIPHY
High Performance Packet Processing Platform at Alibaba - Haiyong Wang, Senior Director at Alibaba
Solving Large-scale Data Center and Cloud Interconnection Problems - Ihab Tarazi, CTO at Equinix
Scaling Dropbox - Kevin Modzelewski, Back-end Engineer at Dropbox
Scaling Reliability at Dropbox - Sat Kriya Khalsa, SRE at Dropbox
Scaling with Performance at Facebook - Bill Jia, VP of Infrastructure at Facebook
Scaling Live Videos to a Billion Users at Facebook - Sachin Kulkarni, Director of Engineering at Facebook
Scaling Infrastructure at Instagram - Lisa Guo, Instagram Engineering
Scaling Infrastructure at Twitter - Yao Yue, Staff Software Engineer at Twitter
Scaling Infrastructure at Etsy - Bethany Macri, Engineering Manager at Etsy
Scaling Real-time Infrastructure at Alibaba for Global Shopping Holiday - Xiaowei Jiang, Senior Director at Alibaba
Scaling Data Infrastructure at Spotify - Matti (Lepistö) Pehrs, Spotify
Scaling Pinterest - Marty Weiner, Pinterest’s founding engineer
Scaling Slack - Bing Wei, Software Engineer (Infrastructure) at Slack
Scaling Backend at Youtube - Sugu Sougoumarane, SDE at Youtube
Scaling Backend at Uber - Matt Ranney, Chief Systems Architect at Uber
Scaling Global CDN at Netflix - Dave Temkin, Director of Global Networks at Netflix
Scaling Load Balancing Infra to Support 1.3 Billion Users at Facebook - Patrick Shuff, Production Engineer at Facebook
Scaling (a NSFW site) to 200 Million Views A Day And Beyond - Eric Pickup, Lead Platform Developer at MindGeek
Scaling Counting Infrastructure at Quora - Chun-Ho Hung and Nikhil Gar, SEs at Quora
Scaling Git at Microsoft - Saeed Noursalehi, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft
Scaling Multitenant Architecture Across Multiple Data Centres at Shopify - Weingarten, Engineering Lead at Shopify

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