Allen Institute for Brain
Science | | | |
COMBINE - Computational modeling in biology network | | | |
Comparison of Neural Network
Simulators | | | |
Computational Neuroscience journals | | | |
"Computational Neuroscience on the Web" (Jim Perlewitz) - Probably the most
comprehensive curated list of computational neuroscience modeling tools on
the internet. HIGHLY recommended. | | | |
"Computational Neuroscience Resources" (Dan Goodman) | | | |
"Computational Neuroscience Resources" (Fleur Zeldenrust) | | | |
NCBI databases - National Center for Biotechnology Information database
list, VERY comprehensive! | | | |
neuroshare - Brief list of neuroscience data tools and vendors | | | |
NIF - Neuroscience Infomation Framework - Search for EVERY kind of
neuroscience data, atlas, software, everything! | | | |
NSG - Neuroscience Gateway - An online resource that allows public usage of
high performance computing resources for neural
simulation! | | | |
see this Open Science Resources
page | 113 | over 2 years ago | Open Hardware - |
Planet Neuroscience: An aggregation of neuroscience journal RSS feeds | | | |
SORTED - a list of interesting science ideas and links (cognitive/neuro & data science) | 15 | 9 months ago | |
Wikipedia List of Neuroscience Databases | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Markup Languages for Model Specification |
CellML - A model specification language for general biological mathematical
modeling | | | |
NESTML - Domain-specific language for neuron models and code generation
toolchain | | | |
NeuroML - A model description language for computational
neuroscience | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Markup Languages for Model Specification / NeuroML - A model description language for computational
neuroscience |
https://docs.neuroml.org/Userdocs/Software/SupportingTools.html | | | Converts to and can be run automatically by different kinds of simulators: |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Markup Languages for Model Specification |
NineML - A model specification language for
neuroscience | | | |
SpineML - A declarative XML-based model description language for large scale neural network models | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
Elephant - Software for common electrophysiological data analysis
operations | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code / Elephant - Software for common electrophysiological data analysis
operations |
Neurotools | | | Elephant is the direct successor to |
Neo | | | Elephant can consume electrophysiology data loaded by |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
Neo - Python library for enabling interoperability of electrophysiological
data, including conversion from proprietary file
formats | | | |
(deprecated) OpenElectrophy - Analysis software for electrophysiological data, built on
Neo | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code / (deprecated) OpenElectrophy - Analysis software for electrophysiological data, built on
Neo |
OpenElectrophy's README | 31 | over 6 years ago | indicates that it is old, effectively abandoned, and you should use something else |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
Pynapple - "PYthon Neural Analysis Package" for neurophysiological data analysis | 284 | 4 months ago | |
Spike Sorting Software - VERY good comparison of different spike sorting
software capabilities | | | |
SpikeInterface - Spike sorting analysis specifically made for compatibility
between different sorting algorithms, part of the Open Ephys project | | | |
SpykeViewer - Analysis software for spikes of electrophysiological data | | | SpykeViewer can consume electrophysiology data loaded by |
CaImAn - Calcium Imaging Analysis | 644 | 4 months ago | |
CATMAID - The Collaborative Annotation Toolkit for Massive Amounts of Image
Data | | | |
Chronux - MATLAB toolbox for EEG analysis, including some tools for MEG, fMRI, and image data | | | |
EEGLAB - MATLAB toolbox for EEG, MEG, and ECOG data analysis and
visualization | | | |
FieldTrip - MATLAB toolbox for EEG, MEG, and ECoG analysis | | | |
FreeSurfer - Popular open-source MRI processing and analysis
software | | | |
MNE - MEG + EEG analysis and visualization tool in
Python | | | |
NiBabel - Python library for enabling interoperability of neuroimaging data,
including conversion from and between many file
formats | | | |
NiMARE - NiMARE is a Python package for neuroimaging meta-analyses | | | |
supereeg - Sparse ECoG analysis | | | |
TrakEM2 - Morphological image (histological staining) data mining and analysis
plugin | | | for use as a including as part of the |
TREES - MATLAB toolbox for analyzing neuron
microscopy | | | |
V-NeuroStack - 3D time stacks for finding patterns in spontaneous activity of
neurons in mouse brain slices | | | |
bctnet - Brain Connectivity Toolbox for complex-network analysis | 19 | over 4 years ago | |
Geppetto - Web-based, open-source visualization platform for computational
biology | | | |
NeuronUnit - Data-driven model validation for
neuroscience | 38 | over 3 years ago | |
SpectraVis - Network visualization tool for functional brain connectivity
in-browser | 38 | over 2 years ago | |
Vaa3D - 3D Visualization-Assisted
Analysis | | | |
NeuroDebian | | | |
Comp-Neuro Fedora | | | |
Arbor - High-performance library for computational neuroscience simulations | | | |
BindsNET - Simulation of spiking neural networks (SNNs) using PyTorch | 1,517 | 4 months ago | |
Brain Dynamics Toolbox - Open software for simulating dynamical systems in
neuroscience using MATLAB | | | |
Brian2 - Powerful, modern neural simulator written in Pythonthat offers
built-in compilation | | | |
CoreNeuron - Optimized, simplified NEURON implementation used by the Blue
Brain Project | 136 | about 2 years ago | |
DiPDE - Platform for population-level neural
simulation | | | |
DynaSim - Open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for neural simulation.
Offers built-in parallelization, compilation, and batch/cluster simulation
management. | | | |
GENESIS / PGENESIS - Longstanding platform for neural
simulation | | | |
NeuroSpaces - A modular implementation of GENESIS
components | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
LFPy - Local Field Potential simulator meant for use with NEURON
models | | | |
HNN - Human Neocortical Neurosolver - Simulation of MEG/EEG source waveforms using NEURON | | | |
HNN (GUI version) | | | |
HNN-core (command line version) | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
MOOSE - Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulate
Environment | | | (Not to be confused with this ) |
NEF - Neural Engineering Framework | | | |
Nengo - Large-scale neural simulator | | | |
NEST - A popular, actively developed neural simulator that can simulate
large neural systems | | | |
neurolib - A Python simulation framework for easy whole-brain neural mass modeling | | | |
NEURON - The most popular computational neuroscience model
simulator, focusing on biophysical modelling | | | |
NeuroRD - "A computationally efficient, stochastic reaction-diffusion
simulator". | | | |
PyRhO - Virtual laboratory for optogenetic simulation. Integrates with
NEURON and Brian2 models. | 34 | over 1 year ago | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code / PyRhO - Virtual laboratory for optogenetic simulation. Integrates with
NEURON and Brian2 models. |
Prometheus - Related docker image for use with PyRhO via "Modelling as a
Service" | 0 | almost 2 years ago | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Code |
PSICS - Parallel Stochastic Ion Channel Simulator | | | |
PCSIM - Parallel neural Circuit SIMulator | | | (The successor to ) |
PyNN - Language for building neuronal network models meant for export to
other simulators | | | |
PyPNS - Python Peripheral Nerve Simulator | 3 | about 2 years ago | |
Spike - "A high speed Spiking Neural Network Simulator designed for
GPGPUs". | | | |
SpineCreator - A cross platform graphical editor for SpineML models with support for running model simulations | | | |
STEPS - Parallel stochastic reaction-diffusion and voltage simulator on realistic 3D geometries | | | |
sPyNNaker - A software package for running PyNN simulations on the SpiNNaker million core neuromorphic machine | 105 | 4 months ago | |
BluePyOpt - Blue Brain Python Optimisation Library, for optimizing
parameters in neural models | 204 | 5 months ago | |
BRAHMS - A modular execution framework for executing integrated systems built from component software processes | 3 | almost 6 years ago | |
GIMBL-Vis - Multi-dimensional visualization toolbox; integrates with
DynaSim | 4 | over 4 years ago | |
Lancet - Software for managing large volumes of neural
simulations | | | |
neuroConstruct - Software for developing biologically realistic 3D neural
networks geometries, for simulation by NEURON, PyNN,
etc. | | | |
Neurofitter - Parameter tuning software for electrophysiological neural
models like NEURON | | | |
neuroHDF - HDF5 data format for
neuroscience | | | |
NeuroTools - Collection of tools for "simulation setup, parameterization,
data management, analysis, and visualization" for many neural simulators
above. | | | |
NSDF - Neuroscience Simulation Data Format, built on
HDF5 | 7 | 5 months ago | |
ODE-toolbox - Automatic selection and generation of integration schemes
for systems of ordinary differential equations | | | |
pypet - Python parameter exploration toolkit for managing parameter sweeps
of simulations in neural simulators like Brian. Has Sumatra
integration. | | | |
Sumatra - An "automated electronic lab notebook" for managing simulation and
analysis projects | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Courses and Educational Resources |
Course: Computational Neuroscience at
Coursera | | | |
Course: Introduction To Modern Brain-Computer Interface Design | | | |
Course: Computational Neuroscience: Neuronal Dynamics of Cognition at edX | | | |
Course/Curriculum: Mathematical Tools for Neuroscientists | | | |
Courses: Neuromatch Academy hands-on courses in either Computational Neuroscience or Deep Learning | | | |
Course: Neuronal Dynamics at
edX | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Courses and Educational Resources / Course: Neuronal Dynamics at
edX |
Textbook: The open book for this course is available here | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Courses and Educational Resources |
Courses: Neuroscience course material from OpenCourseWare (OCW) at MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences - HUGE list! | | | |
Course: Simulation Neuroscience at edX | | | |
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience at
Scholarpedia | | | |
Notebook: Python notebooks from courseware on theoretical/computational neuroscience (for beginners) | | | |
Textbook: Computational Cognitive
Neuroscience (maybe 404'd as of 2022-11-21?) | | | |
Textbook (online): Neural Data Science in Python | | | |
Webpage: Biological Neural Networks: Part 1, Spiking Neurons - VERY cool webpage with interactive spiking neural models! | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Data |
re3data | | | This only lists neuroscience-specific open data repositories. For general
science data repositories that may contain neuroscience data like
, |
3D Brain Atlas Reconstructor | | | |
Allen Brain Atlas Data Portal | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Data / Allen Brain Atlas Data Portal |
More detail
here | | | |
AllenSDK - How to programmatically download and use Allen data | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Data |
BODB - Brain Operation Database System | | | |
BossDB.org — hundreds of terabytes of microscopy | | | |
Brain Slices- Repository of brain tissue images | | | |
C-BIG - Biological Imaging and Genetic
repository | | | |
Channelpedia - Wiki of neuron ion channels, hosted by the Blue Brain
Project | | | |
Codex: FlyWire - Proofread static snapshots of the FlyWire full-brain connectome | | | |
CRCNS - Collaborative Research in Computational
Neuroscience | | | |
GIN - Modern Research Data Management for Neuroscience | | | |
IDA LONI - Image and Data Archive for neuroscience by Laboratory of Neuro
Imaging | | | |
INDI - International Neuroimaging Data-Sharing
Initiative | | | |
iEEG.org - National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke EEG data
repository for epilepsy research | | | |
NCBI databases - National Center for Biotechnology Information database
list, VERY comprehensive! | | | |
NDA - National Institute of Mental Health Data
Archive | | | |
NeuroVault - Public repository of MRI and PET statistical maps,
parcellations, and atlases | | | |
NIF - Neuroscience Information Framework, massive search engine for
neuroscience data, tools, etc. | | | |
NITRC - NeuroImaging Tools and Resources
Collaboratory | | | |
NMC - Neocortical Microcircuit Collaboration, part of Blue
Brain | | | |
NWB - Neurodata Without Borders - A standardized format for
electrophysiological, and in the future other, neuroscience data. Some data
sets available on the site in this format. | | | |
OpenNeuro - Free and open platform for neuroimaging data (succeeds
OpenfMRI) | | | |
Whole Brain Catalog - Virtual catalog of a mouse
brain | | | |
WormBase - Database of nematode information | | | |
ZFIN - Zebrafish Model Organism Database | | | |
Neo - Python library for enabling interoperability of electrophysiological
data, including conversion from proprietary file
formats | | | |
Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) data standard for
neurophysiology, including intracellular, extracellular, optical physiology,
tracking, and stimulus data | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Data / Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) data standard for
neurophysiology, including intracellular, extracellular, optical physiology,
tracking, and stimulus data |
ndx-simulation-output Large-scale simulation data scheme extenstion to
NWB:N | 4 | over 4 years ago | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Open Data |
NSDF - Neuroscience Simulation Data Format, built on top of HDF5 | 7 | 5 months ago | |
SONATA format for large-scale, efficient model specification and output data
schema of neural simulations, co-developed by Allen Institute for Brain
Sciences and Blue Brain Project | 55 | 9 months ago | |
3DModelDB - A collection of 3D printable versions of published neuron
morphologies, both traced and
artificial. | | | |
CellPropDB - Cellular Properties Database provides a simple repository
for data regarding membrane channels, receptor and neurotransmitters that
are expressed in specific types of
cells. | | | |
MicrocircuitDB - Provides an accessible location for storing and
efficiently retrieving realistic computational models of brain
microcircuits and
networks. | | | |
NeuronDB - Provides a dynamically searchable database of three types of
neuronal properties: voltage gated conductances, neurotransmitter
receptors, and neurotransmitter
substances. | | | |
OdorDB - Odor Molecules DataBase | | | |
OdorMapDB - Olfactory Bulb Odor Map
DataBase | | | |
ORDB - Olfactory Receptor DataBase | | | |
ORModelDB - A resource that is a repository of the results of the
efforts of the community is computationally elucidating the structure of
the olfactory receptor with a view to establishing a mechanistic basis
for OR-odorant binding. | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Organizations and Communities |
CodeNeuro - Bringing neuroscience and data science together | | | |
OCNS - Organization for Computational Neuroscience | | | |
G-NODE - German Informatics Node | | | |
INCF - International Neuroinformatics Coordinating
Facility | | | |
NeuralEnsemble, focused on software development in
neuroscience | | | |
NeuroFedora, Fedora community special interest group | | | |
Neuroinformatics Research Group at Harvard | | | |
Neurostars - Neuroscience Q and A website | | | |
NIMH - National Institute of Mental
Health | | | |
An Open Computational Neuroscience list I've made on
Twitter | | | |
Organization for Human Brain Mapping | | | |
Reddit /r/Neuroscience
resources | | | |
SFN - Society for Neuroscience | | | |
Funding research software development | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Reproducibility and Provenance |
Tutorial on reproducible computational neuroscience research, from CNS 2012
by author of Sumatra | | | |
Alpaca - Provenance for data analysis in Python | | | |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Reproducibility and Provenance / Alpaca - Provenance for data analysis in Python |
Neo | | | Provides examples for use with and |
Open Computational Neuroscience Resources / Reproducibility and Provenance |
Snakemake - Scalable, reproducible workflows using a Python-like language | | | |