
A curated list of awesome Starknet Security Resources. Tools, audits, CTFs and more.


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Awesome Starknet Security / Tools

Aegis Cairo Formal verification tool
amarna 148 8 months ago Static-analyzer and linter for the Cairo programming language
Cairo Fuzzer 116 7 months ago Cairo Fuzzing tool
cairo-profiler 28 24 days ago Profiler for Cairo and Starknet Compile and debug Sierra code
Caracal 129 8 months ago Static analyzer tool over Sierra
entro 23 about 1 month ago Decoding and indexing Starknet data
Semgrep Static analyzer for Cairo
sierra-analyzer 7 17 days ago Security toolkit in Rust for analyzing Sierra files
Starknet Foundry 304 9 days ago Starknet contracts development toolkit
StarkRekt Check and reset their token spending permissions on Starknet
StarkRevoke Token revocation tool for Starknet
Thoth 239 17 days ago Decompiler and security toolkit

Awesome Starknet Security / CTFs and Wargames / CTFs

Curta puzzle #13: Ping Pong Starknet messaging challenge
Paradigm CTF 2022 387 about 2 years ago Paradigm CTF with Solidity and Cairo challenges
StarknetCC-CTF Lisbon 2022 5 almost 2 years ago Lisbon 2022 Cairo CTF

Awesome Starknet Security / CTFs and Wargames / CTF writeups

StarknetCC-CTF 21 almost 2 years ago StarknetCC 2022 CTF writeup by pscott
StarknetCC-CTF StarknetCC 2022 CTF writeup by Ledger

Awesome Starknet Security / CTFs and Wargames / Wargames

cairo-damn-vulnerable-defi 21 about 1 year ago Cairo and Starknet challenges inspired by Capture the Ether
Node Guardians Online wargame and challenge with quests and standalone challenges
Starknet-Security-Challenges Cairo and Starknet challenges inspired by Capture the Ether
Underhanded Cairo Cairo challenges in

Awesome Starknet Security / Blogposts and Tutorials

Adventures with Account Abstraction – Risks and Mitigations in __validate__ Considerations for function of Starknet smart accounts
Auditing Cairo 1.0 Contracts Cairo auditing tips and pitfalls
Cairo 0.x Security Cairo 0.x pitfalls and considerations
Cairo Contracts and pitfalls overview Cairo traps and vulnerabilities
Cairo: the Starknet way to writing safe code Comparing Cairo and Solidity for smart contracts
Introduction to Cairo 1 smart-contracts security Introduction to Cairo 1 security, tips and considerations
Under the hood of Cairo 1 Understanding Sierra code
Zero-Click Argent-X Wallet Contract Vulnerability, Explained Vulnerability in implementing Starknet smart account

Awesome Starknet Security / Blogposts and Tutorials / Video tutorials

Cairo Security (Peteris Erins) Spearbit seminar on Cairo security
Code4rena x Starknet Basecamp Starknet basecamp for first Cairo contest

Awesome Starknet Security / General / Repositories and Examples

not-so-smart-cairo 2,207 about 1 month ago Examples of common Cairo smart contract vulnerabilities by Trail of Bits

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