
Regex toolkit

A curated collection of Regex libraries, tools, frameworks and software for developers.

A curated collection of awesome Regex libraries, tools, frameworks and software


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last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 5 awesome lists


Awesome Regex / Documentation

Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference MSDN documentation about Regex
Regular Expressions MDN chapter about JavaScript regular expressions
Perl Regular Expression Syntax Boost documentation
Perl 6 Regexes in Perl 6
PCRE Concatenated PCRE man pages
ECMAScript 6 New Regexes in ECMAScript 6
regex header in C++ in C++
class Pattern in Java Java 7 docs
class Regex in Scala Scala Regex
Python re module Regular Expressions Python module tutorial
Regular Expressions in Perl Introduction and Reference Links

Awesome Regex / Prototyping and Testing

Debuggex Online visual Regex tester
ExtendsClass Online visual Regex tester
Nodexr Online node-based Regex editor
Regexr Website for interactive Regex prototyping with syntax highlighting (by @gskinner)
Regex101 Online Regex tester, debugger with highlighting
Rubular Ruby-based regular expression editor and tester
Rex V AJAX Regular EXpression eValuator
RegViz Tool for debugging JavaScript regular expressions in a visual way
Regulex JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer
PyRegex Online Regex tester to check validity of Regex in the Python language Regex subset
pythex Quick way to test your Python regular expressions
Regexper Regex visualizer for JavaScript using railroad diagrams
HiFi Regex Tester Live JavaScript Regular Expression Tester
Regex Hero .NET online Regex tester
Regex Storm .NET Regex tester with highlighting and detailed results output
RegEx to Strings JavaScript library and online tool to generate strings that a regular expression would match
RegexPal JavaScript + PCRE online tester
RegexTester Regular Expression Tester with highlighting for Javascript and PCRE
Free Formatter Free online Regex tester
Regex Tester - Golang A secure regular expression tester. built using Go
PHP Live Regex PHP specific regular expression tester with live evaluation and code generation for all PHP's regex functions

Awesome Regex / Generators

Txt2Re Generate Regular expressions based on a string
Regex Generator++ Automatic Generation of Text Extraction Patterns from Examples
regexgen 3,344 about 1 year ago Generates regular expressions that match a set of strings
RegexGenerator 947 over 4 years ago A tool for generating regular expressions for text extraction (by @MaLeLabTs)
Gamon's numberic range generator Regex Numeric Range Generator, when you need to match an integer range
rgxg Command line tool to generate Regex
Strings to RegEx JavaScript library and online tool to generate a regular expression that matches strings
Regex Guide Plain Text to Regex Generator
grex 7,334 3 months ago A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
AutoRegex English <-> Regex from an AI

Awesome Regex / Security

SafeRegex 52 10 months ago A command-line tool for testing regular expressions for vulnerabilities

Awesome Regex / Learning

Wikipedia Entry on regular expressions
Learn Regex The Hard Way In-progress book that quickly teaches you regular expressions
Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast Basic concept of how Regex parsing works
A Tao Of Regular Expressions [PDF] - What are Regular Expressions Informative website for learning regular expressions
RexEgg A regular expressions tutorial that goes deep into advanced features
Try Regex Try Regex is an interactive regular expressions tutorial
Udemy A Basic Introduction To Using Regular Expressions In Programming
Codecademy How to use of regular expression
Regex golf Regex golf with Peter Norvig
Python Regular Expressions A good introduction to Python Regular Expressions from Google
/Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions Fluent 2012 talk reviewing and visualizing basic and intermediate Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions - Everything you should know PDF Series
The Java Tutorials
Regex Syntax Summary
How Regexes work
Learn Regular Expressions for Beginners
Java Regex Tutorial - Regular expressions Regular expressions section in The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Useful Regexes
Teach Yourself Regular Expressions
Interactive Regex Tutorial Learn Regex step by step, from zero to advanced

Awesome Regex / Libraries

Tre Free and portable approximate Regex matching library
Go-Restructure 591 3 months ago Match regular expressions into struct fields in Go (by @alexflint)
js-regex 67 almost 10 years ago Chainable API for constructing Regexes
VerbalExpressions VerbalExpressions is a cross-language library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions
Super Expressive 4,630 8 months ago Super Expressive is a JavaScript library that allows you to build regular expressions in natural language
XRegExp JavaScript Regex library
RE2 9,023 3 months ago RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library
Hyperscan 4,857 10 months ago High-performance multiple Regex matching library

Awesome Regex / Collections

RegexLib Regular Expression Library (5000+ indexed expressions)
Regexhub Useful Regex Patterns
RGXP.RU Regular Expression Patterns (+testing)

Awesome Regex / Explanation

RegexTranslator A web app to decode Regex into plain English. You can edit it and translate back Explain Regular Expressions

Awesome Regex / Exercises

HackerRank Regex Challenges Regex challenges with varying levels of difficulty
Redoku Little Regex Sudoku/Crossword thing (by @padolsey)
Regex Tuesday - Challenges 89 almost 11 years ago Challenge list about Regex
Regex Crossword A crossword puzzle game using regular expressions
RegexOne Learn regular expressions with simple, interactive examples
Regex Exercises Regexp exercises
Regular Expression Crossword Puzzle A crossword puzzle with a neat web interface

Awesome Regex / Articles

5 Techniques to Improve Regex Performance Craft your own powerful, yet efficient regex
The Bad, the Better, and the Best How a few characters can make a difference in performance
The Greatest Regex Trick Ever So you're doubtful at the mention of a "best Regex trick"?
Treat regular expressions as code, not magic If you don’t write them carefully, you can end up with an unmaintainable monstrosity
Demystifying The Regular Expression That Checks If A Number Is Prime How a regular expression can check if a number is prime
Regex Tree: a regular expressions processor
The thirty minute regex tutorial Regular Expressions in 30 Minutes
Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast
Regular Expressions in a post ES6 World
Regular expression (regex) performance: The fundamental guide
The New ‘Absent Operator’ in Ruby’s Regular Expressions
Optimizing regexes in Java
Use Regex to Test Password Strength in JavaScript
Java 101 Regular Expressions in Java
Most Crazy Regexes Stack Overflow
Regex Humor Regex jokes and cartoons
The true power of regular expressions
On code, early neural networks, and once discredited AI pioneers A short history of regexes

Awesome Regex / Books

Patterns, Automata, and Regular Expressions Al Aho and Jeff Ullman (1992) ( )
Beginning Regular Expressions Andrew Watt (2005)
Mastering Regular Expressions Jeffrey E.F. Friedl (2006)
Regular Expression Pocket Reference Tony Stubblebine (2007)
Introducing Regular Expressions Michael Fitzgerald (2012)
Regular Expressions Cookbook Jan Goyvaerts & Steven Levithan (2012)
Mastering Python Regular Expressions Felix Lopez & Victor Romero (2014)
JavaScript Regular Expressions Loiane Groner & Gabriel Manricks (2015)
Regex - the complete tutorial
Python re(gex)? 1,767 over 1 year ago Sundeep Agarwal (2020)

Awesome Regex / Benchmarks

Benchmark of Regex Libraries
Java regular expression library benchmarks – 2015
Languages Regex Benchmark 315 11 months ago It's just a simple Regex benchmark of different programming languages
Performance comparison of regular expression engines
Regex Performance 103 over 2 years ago Performance comparison of regular expression engines

Awesome Regex / Cheat Sheets

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet
Regex Cheat Sheet
MIT Cheat Sheet
Java Cheat Sheet
JavaScript Cheat Sheet
RegexLearn Cheat Sheet

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