
Spring framework resource

A curated resource list for learning and improving skills with the Spring framework ecosystem

A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.


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🍃Awesome Spring / Books

Cloud Native Java (Josh Long), 2017 - Learn how to build scalable & resilient cloud native applications with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry
Cloud Native Spring in Action (Thomas Vitale), 2022 - A hands-on guide to cloud native application development using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes
Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3: Reactive Edition (Greg L. Turnquist), 2020 - Learn the latest Spring features to build modern, reactive web applications with Spring Boot
Java Persistence with Spring Data and Hibernate , 2023 - Master Java persistence using the industry-leading tools Spring Data and Hibernate
Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot (Wim Deblauwe), 2018 - Learn how to build an API backend using Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Spring Security
Reactive Spring v1.5 (Josh Long), 2022 - An introduction to reactive programming and its implementation in the Spring ecosystem
Spring in Action 6th edition (Craig Walls ), 2022 - A guide through Spring’s core features, reactive programming, microservices, service discovery, RESTful APIs, deployment, and best practices
Spring Boot: Up & Running (Mark Heckler), 2021 - A guide through Spring Boot’s architecture and approach, along with topics such as debugging, testing, and deployment
Spring Boot in Practice (Somnath Musib), 2022 - This practical guide presents dozens of relevant scenarios in a convenient problem-solution-discussion format
Spring Microservices in Action 2nd edition (John Carnell, Illary Huaylupo Sánchez), 2021 - A book about build microservice-based applications using Java and Spring
Spring Security in Action 2nd edition (Laurențiu Spilcă), 2023 - Learn how to secure web applications from the most common threats using Spring Security
Spring Start Here (Laurențiu Spilcă), 2021 - It introduces you to Java development with Spring by concentrating on core concepts like the Spring context, AOP, bean configuration, Spring MVC, and data persistence
Stratospheric (Björn Wilmsmann, Philip Riecks, Tom Hombergs), 2022 - All you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS
Taming Thymeleaf (Wim Deblauwe), 2021 - Practical guide about building web applications with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf

🍃Awesome Spring / Courses

Cloud Native Java with Kubernetes 2nd edition (Josh Long) - It covers how high-performance organizations are addressing the requirements of distribution with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Kubernetes to be more resilient, reliable, robust, and scalable
From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS A hands-on online course to learn all you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS
Reactive Spring Boot 3rd edition (Josh Long) - It introduces key concepts of reactive programming and examines different aspects of the Spring ecosystem that lend themselves to the functional and reactive style of programming
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Learn about testing Spring Boot applications and make the most of the testing libraries like JUnit 5, Mockito, Selenium, WireMock, Testcontainers, LocalStack, Awaitility while using real-world application examples
The Confident Spring Professional Built to give you a comprehensive understanding of the Spring ecosystem, including Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Data, and Spring Boot

🍃Awesome Spring / Podcasts

Bootiful Podcast A "celebration of the real heroes that drive ecosystems", hosted by the Spring developer advocate Josh Long

🍃Awesome Spring / Events

Spring I/O The leading european conference focused on the Spring Framework ecosystem
Spring One A two-day conference gathering developers, cloud engineers, and leaders to share knowledge about the Spring Framework ecosystem

🍃Awesome Spring / Educational GitHub Projects

Cloud Native Workshop 703 over 7 years ago , Josh Long - Workshop materials about Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Cloud Foundry
Getting started with Spring Cloud 33 about 4 years ago , Tim Ysewyn - Workshop materials about Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Kubernetes
Sample Credit Card Application with Spring Cloud ecosystem 97 over 2 years ago , Olga Maciaszek-Sharma - Demo project showcasing the new Spring Cloud stack, after the Netflix stack deprecation
Spring Boot Blog REST API 781 8 months ago , osopromadze - Building Restful CRUD APIs for a blog using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Mysql, JPA and Hibernate
Springy Store Microservices 574 about 1 year ago , Mohamed Taman - A conceptual simple microservices-based project using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, demonstrate how the Store services are created to be a cloud-native and 12-factor app agnostic
VueJS and Spring Boot 2,092 4 months ago , Jonas Hecht - Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App providing a GUI with Vue.js

🍃Awesome Spring / Other Resources / Blogs

Baeldung In-depth articles and tutorials in the Java ecosystem and web development, with a strong focus on Spring, Spring Security and RESTful APIs
Marco Behler Guides and tutorials about programming Java and Spring applications
Reflectoring Guides and tutorials about Spring Boot, Java, and software development principles
Philip Riecks Guides and tutorials about Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Test
Piotr's TechBlog Guides and tutorials about Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Kubernetes, and microservices
Spring Official Blog Official blog of the Spring community
Spring Official Guides Tutorials, guides, and in-depth analysis about the Spring projects
VMware Tanzu Developer Guides, videos, and Code Samples about Spring framework

🍃Awesome Spring / Other Resources / YouTube Channels and Playlists

Amigoscode Collection of full courses on topics like Java, Spring, and Kubernetes
Dan Vega Collections of videos about Spring Boot and Java
Greg L. Turnquist Collection of videos discussing Spring Boot by Greg Turnquist
Java Brains Collection of videos discussing Java and Spring Boot in detail by Koushik Kothagal
Laurențiu Spilcă Video tutorials about Spring Fundamentals and Spring Security
SivaLabs Video tutorials about Java, Spring and Kubernetes
Spring Academy Video tutorials about Spring, with focus on Spring Cloud AWS and Spring Data
Spring Boot Quick Start Video tutorials to create full end-to-end Spring applications using Spring Boot
Spring Developer The official YouTube channel for the Spring project
Spring I/O Conference Videos of keynotes and talks from all the past editions of the Spring I/O Conference
Spring Tips Video playlist with tips and tutorials about Spring by Josh Long

🍃Awesome Spring / Other Resources / Project Scaffolding

Bootify Generate Spring Boot apps with custom database and REST API
JHipster Quickly generate, develop, and deploy Spring Boot web applications and microservice architectures
Spring Initializr Get the basic structure of your Spring Boot project with your config and dependencies

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