
Dreaming toolkit

A curated collection of resources and tools for lucid dreaming

A curated list of everything awesome related to lucid dreaming.


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Awesome Lucid Dreams / Open-Source Projects

Dreamento 82 12 months ago DReam ENgenieering TOolbox is Python-based program for dream engineering while monitoring/analyzing real-time EEG data
INSPEC 14 4 months ago A night-vision smart camera that detects eye movements during REM sleep and triggers audio and visual alerts to promote lucidity
Fitbit Lucid Trainer 1 7 months ago A Fitbit SDK 5.0 App to capture sleep related data and send to an external REST service
Dream Journal App 11 5 months ago A Dream Journal that uses Google Drive
lucidsourcekit 12 3 months ago An all-you-need toolkit for lucid dreaming including a binaural beats player and much more
Lightened Dream 16 almost 3 years ago A dream journal designed for lucid dreamers
Dormio Dormio influences the semi-lucid state of mind known as hypnagogia, which occurs just before falling asleep, by playing audio cues

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Forums

r/LucidDreaming Learn and share how to induction methods & techniques, post questions, challenges, articles, resources, and scientific news
DreamViews All about lucid dreaming, controlling dreams, lucid aids, sleep stages and dream signs
Attrape-Songes French forum with interesting experiments worth translating
Klartraumforum German forum with interesting experiments worth translating

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Discord Servers

OmniLucid A knowledgeable space with active events that consistently provide new videos, guides, and stories pertaining to lucid dreaming
Lucid-Dash A welcoming community of lucid dreamers of all skill levels, active chat with experienced lucid dreamers, tons of resources, videos and tutorials to help you lucid dream
Dream Café A place to share your dream stories, get help and hang out with experienced lucid dreamers from around the world
Tech for Dreaming A community focused on the application of technology to make lucid dreaming more accessible
Klarträumen The German server for lucid dreaming, with a scientific background, dream reports and discussions, livestreams, and gaming

Awesome Lucid Dreams / YouTube Channels

Lucid Dream Portal Easy to follow tutorials and expert advice from one of the world's leading lucid dreaming teachers
TIGER123 Dives into techniques for inducing lucid dreams, exploring dream symbolism, and enhancing dream control, with a mix of tutorials, personal experiences, and insights from the latest dream research
Tipharot All about lucid dreaming and similar subjects
Skyfall Blind Dreamer Interacts with creators in the field of lucid dreaming and provides quality information to get people on the right path to a solid and sustainable lucidity practice

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Podcasts

Lucid Dreaming Podcast by The Lucid Guide Talks about lucid dreaming techniques, tutorials, and mind hacking
The Lucid Dreaming Podcast by Lucid Sage Covering theory, philosophy, practice and gadgets for lucid dreaming

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Meetups

Tech for Dreaming A community focused on the application of technology to make lucid dreaming more accessible

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Magazines

Lucid Dreaming Experience A free, reader supported, quarterly magazine which is totally devoted to lucid dreaming and the lucid dreamer's experience

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Games

DARQ An adventure game that tells the story of Lloyd, a boy who becomes aware of the fact that he is dreaming

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Apps / Android

Lucid Scribe Lucid dream induction tools: targeted lucidity reactivation (TLR), targeted dream incubation (TDI), prospective memory trainer for MILD, mnemonic inductions, reality checks, auto-off alarm, guided mindfulness exercises, electronic FILD with NREM1 (sleep onset) detection, REM detection with the INSPEC device
Awoken Dream journal, reality checking, dream cues, dream patterns and achievements
Sleep as Android Smart alarm clock with sleep cycle tracking
Lucidity App with innovative features to help you lucid dream, keep a dream journal, and analyze your dreams

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Apps / iOS

Lucid-Dash Dream journal, AI image generation, lucid dreaming courses, reality checks
DreamWell Dream journal, notifications, and lucid dreaming and mindfulness courses
Mind Awake The guided course in this app offers a dynamic, mindful approach to lucid dreaming
Shape Learn to lucid dream in 30 days with the ultimate lucid dreaming coach
Lucidity Learn to Lucid Dream + Journal

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Books

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge Goes far beyond the confines of pop dream psychology, establishing a scientifically researched framework for using lucid dreaming. The techniques you'll learn in this exciting workbook will make your nightly dream journeys more enjoyable, increase your understanding of yourself, and make you realize that the possibilities of expanding consciousness are far greater than you might think
Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life by Stephen LaBerge Distilled from his more than 20 years of pioneering research at Stanford University and the Lucidity Institute, including many new and updated techniques and discoveries
Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner Proposes 5 stages of lucid dreaming and guides readers through them, offering advice for those who have never experienced the lucid dream state and suggestions for how experienced lucid dreamers can advance to a new level
Are You Dreaming?: Exploring Lucid Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide by Daniel Love In this comprehensive and modern guide to lucid dreaming, you will be guided on a unique journey through the fascinating exploration of your mind. Just about everything you could possibly need to know about lucid dreaming
A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics by Dylan Tuccillo This lively dream guide shows step-by-step how to become lucid, and then what to do once awake in the dream world
Learn to Lucid Dream: Powerful Techniques for Awakening Creativity and Consciousness by Kristen LaMarca This methodical introduction teaches you both the science and spirituality of dreaming. You will practice developing dream awareness and apply the discoveries you make while sleeping towards improving your waking hours
Far Journeys by Robert A. Monroe Parapsychological odyssey that reflects a decade of research into the psychic realm beyond the known dimensions of physical reality
The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche The ultimate goal of Tibetan dream yoga is the recognition of the nature of mind or enlightenment itself. The practice of dream yoga is a powerful tool of awakening, used for hundreds of years by the great masters of the Tibetan traditions
Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Instructions for developing clarity within the sleep and dream states. Goes beyond the practices of lucid dreaming by presenting methods for guiding dream states that are part of a broader system for enhancing self-awareness

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Movies

The Matrix When a beautiful stranger leads computer hacker Neo to a forbidding underworld, he discovers the shocking truth--the life he knows is the elaborate deception of an evil cyber-intelligence
Waking Life A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe
Your Name Two strangers find themselves linked in a bizarre way
Paprika Reality and the dream world are on a collision course after a device that can record dreams and allows therapists to enter their patients' dreams is stolen from a psychiatric research facility
Inception A thief who steals corporate secrets through the use of dream-sharing technology is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a C.E.O., but his tragic past may doom the project and his team to disaster

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Mindfulness Exercises

UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Guided exercises on mental noting, awareness of breath, and body scan
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center Guided exercises on breath, sound, and body awareness
The Free Mindfulness Project Guided exercises on breath, sound, body awareness and self guided exercises
AudioDharma Guided exercises on giving attention and appreciating awareness of the moment

Awesome Lucid Dreams / Audio Programs

Lucid Dreaming Series This four-exercise series is designed to teach you how to program and consciously participate in your own personal dreamscape
Discover Your Worlds Of Dreams Meditative sessions specifically designed to help you to have lucid dreams which are helpful and relevant to your life situations