
Sass toolkit

A curated collection of useful tools and resources for working with Sass

A curated list of awesome Sass.


753 stars
74 watching
66 forks
last commit: about 4 years ago
Linked from 6 awesome lists

Awesome Sass / Books

Jump Start Sass : a beginner’s guide to get started with Sass

Awesome Sass / Projects

Sass Reference : SitePoint Sass Reference
SassDoc 1,415 about 2 years ago : release the docs!
Sass Guidelines : an opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass
Sass-Compatibility 129 about 4 years ago : Sass Compatibility tables
Sass-Boilerplate 3,359 8 months ago : a Sass boilerplate sticking to Sass Guidelines
Sass-semver 13 about 4 years ago : a SemVer parser in Sass
SassyTester 42 about 4 years ago : a minimalister function tester in Sass
SassyBitwise 18 about 4 years ago : bitwise operators implemented in Sass
SassyCast 72 about 4 years ago : a small lib for type conversion across data types
SassyJSON 169 about 4 years ago : a JSON encoder/decoder in Sass
SassyLists 278 over 3 years ago : a collection of functions to manipulate lists
SassyMatrix 28 about 4 years ago : a collection of functions to manipulate matrices
SassySort 60 about 4 years ago : a Sass sorting function using various algorithms
SassyStrings 41 almost 11 years ago : a collection of functions to manipulate strings
SassyLogger 13 about 4 years ago : a message logger in Sass
SassyGradients 24 about 4 years ago : a collection of tools to help manipulate gradients in a dynamic way
SassyIteratorsGenerators 14 about 4 years ago : iterators and generators implementation in Sass

Awesome Sass / On my blog

Styling React Components in Sass by David Khourshid (18-06-2015)
Translating Sass Guidelines (03-02-2015)
Introducing Sass Guidelines (07-01-2015)
Calculating specificity in Sass by David Khourshid (25-11-2014)
Rethinking Atwood's law (27-10-2014)
Translation system in Sass (22-10-2014)
SassDoc and semantic versioning (01-09-2014)
Automating CSS animations with Sass (16-07-2014)
Building a customization API in Sass by Ezekiel Gabrielse (01-07-2014)
A new Sass mixin for offsets (19-05-2014)
Modernizr Sass mixin by Daniel Guillan (12-05-2014)
Bringing configuration objects to Sass (05-05-2014)
Casting a map into a list in Sass (28-04-2014)
Building a walk function in Sass (14-04-2014)
What to do with a Sass list (07-04-2014)
Pushing Sass placeholders further (01-04-2014)
Getting the most out of Sass placeholders (31-03-2014)
SassyMatrix: because one dimension wasn't enough (25-03-2014)
SassySort: sorting algorithms in Sass (18-03-2014)
Another Sass button library (03-03-2014)
Star rating widget with Sass (24-02-2014)
SassyCast: Type conversion in Sass (27-01-2014)
SassyJSON: Talk to the browser! (20-01-2014)
Casting a string to number in Sass (15-01-2014)
String replacement function in Sass (13-01-2014)
Sass brainfuck (28-11-2013)
How I made a Sass debug function (21-10-2013)
Random function with Sass 3.3 (17-10-2013)
Advanced Sass list functions again (09-10-2013)
Use lengths not strings (03-09-2013)
A couple of Sass functions (12-08-2013)
Advanced Sass list functions (08-08-2013)
Sass mixin for offsets (05-08-2013)
Understanding Sass lists (15-07-2013)
Digging into my slides about Sass (08-07-2013)
Items on circle with Sass (02-04-2013)
8 Compass extensions you may not know (25-03-2013)
The ultimate PX/Rem mixin (18-03-2013)
Can I afford a preprocessor? (14-03-2013)
Sassy Media queries (27-02-2013)
Sassify a CSS shape (18-02-2013)
A closer look at my Sass structure (11-02-2013)
Why I switched from LESS to Sass (13-11-2012)

Awesome Sass / At other places

Tilted Angles in Sass at SitePoint (21-09-2016)
A Tale of CSS and Sass Precision at SitePoint (12-05-2016)
Introducing our Newest Book: Jump Start Sass at SitePoint (04-04-2016)
Cleaning Up A CSS Codebase at SitePoint (09-03-2016)
Using @error responsibly in Sass at SitePoint (11-08-2015)
An easy way to document your Sass code at CreativeBloq (27-07-2015)
Centering With Sass at SitePoint (16-07-2015)
Getting Started with SCSS-lint at SitePoint (25-06-2015)
Structuring CSS Class Selectors with Sass at SitePoint (09-07-2015)
Introducing SitePoint Sass Reference at SitePoint (24-06-2015)
Testing A Sass Library at SitePoint (23-06-2015)
Testing A Sass Function in 5 Minutes at SitePoint (16-06-2015)
Simple Gulp'y Workflow For Sass at SitePoint (11-06-2015)
Sass Mixin And Media Merging at SitePoint (02-06-2015)
Sass Theming: The Neverending Story at SitePoint (26-05-2015)
Understanding Sass Units at SitePoint (26-02-2015)
Breakpoints and tweakpoints in Sass at SitePoint (17-02-2015)
Why I Don't Use Compass Anymore at SitePoint (10-02-2015)
SassDoc 2 Shiny Streamy Octopus is Out at SitePoint (05-02-2015)
The Ultimate Long-Shadow Mixin at SitePoint (22-01-2015)
Extra Map Functions in Sass at SitePoint (15-01-2015)
Introducing Sass-Compatibility at SitePoint (23-12-2014)
Functional wrappers in Sass at SitePoint (18-12-2014)
Why you should avoid Sass @extend at SitePoint (11-12-2014)
Building a linear gradient mixin at SitePoint (02-12-2014)
Quand Sass ne rend plus service [FR] for 24 Jours du Web (01-12-2014)
Sass Multiple Arguments, Lists or Arglists at SitePoint (20-11-2014)
Dealing with constants in Sass at SitePoint (28-10-2014)
Cubic Bezier representation in Sass with Tim Severien at The Sass Way (26-10-2014)
Debugging Sass Maps at SitePoint (21-10-2014)
Building a step wizard with BEM and Sass at SitePoint (02-10-2014)
Beware of selector nesting in Sass at SitePoint (25-09-2014)
A bulletproof function to validate lengths in Sass at SitePoint (10-09-2014)
Building a logger mixin in Sass at Tuts+ (02-09-2014)
Sass 3.4 is out! at SitePoint (22-08-2014)
What's up with SassDoc 1.2? at Tuts+ (12-08-2014)
Keep Sass Simple at SitePoint (30-07-2014)
Using Sass to build color palettes at SitePoint (17-07-2014)
How to check for dependencies in Sass libraries at Tuts+ (02-07-2014)
Tips to help you level up your Sass at SitePoint (26-06-2014)
All you ever need to know about Sass interpolation at Tuts+ (24-06-2014)
A better solution for managing z-index in Sass at SitePoint (20-06-2014)
Useful Compass extensions that are worth a try at SitePoint (09-06-2014)
Using Sass maps at SitePoint (06-06-2014)
Compass or Bourbon at SitePoint (29-05-2014)
Managing responsive breakpoints in Sass at SitePoint (20-05-2014)
A Sass mixin for CSS triangles at SitePoint (15-05-2014)
When and how to support multiple versions of Sass at Tuts+ (12-05-2014)
Sass mixins to kickstart your project at SitePoint (08-05-2014)
Sass or SCSS at SitePoint (29-04-2014)
My favourite Sass tools at SitePoint (22-04-2014)
Caching values from Sass mixins at SitePoint (15-04-2014)
Cross @media queries @extend directive in Sass at SitePoint (10-04-2014)
A creative grid system with Sass and calc() at SitePoint (27-03-2014)
Creating a Rainbow Border with Sass at SitePoint (18-03-2014)
Implementing the Bubble Sort algorithm in Sass at TheSassWay (17-03-2014)
My current CSS and Sass styleguide at SitePoint (13-03-2014)
An introduction to error handling in Sass at Tuts+ (12-03-2014)
Dealing with color schemes in Sass at SitePoint (06-03-2014)
Architecture for a Sass project at SitePoint (27-02-2014)
Is Compass to Sass what jQuery is to JavaScript at SitePoint (17-02-2014)
A Sass component in 10 minutes at SitePoint (12-01-2014)
What nobody told you about Sass @extend at SitePoint (05-02-2014)
Sass: Mixin or placeholder? at SitePoint (31-01-2014)
How to programmatically go from one color to another at TheSassWay (30-01-2014)
Math sequences with Sass at TheSassWay (14-10-2013)
MetaFizzy effect with Sass at CSS-Tricks (12-08-2013)
Looking into the future of Sass at David Walsh' (17-07-2013)
Create Striped Backgrounds With Gradients (and a Sass Mixin) at CSS-Tricks (09-07-2013)

Awesome Sass / Screencasts

SassBites #42
Podcast at CDNify

Awesome Sass / CodePen / SassMeister

Assert system
Simple nth-of-type for IE
trim() function
Multiple properties sharing same value
Functional programming
Fixing Sass / Grid layout bug
Advanced type checking
Dealing with context and events in a friendly way
A new clamp function
Proxifying functions and mixins
Writing modes handler
Cast to list / change list separator
Map extra functions
Map API polyfill for Sass 3.2
Initialize a comma-separated empty list
Dependency checker
Some() and every() functions
Find max depth of a map
jQuery-style extend Sass function
Fifty Shades of Grey in Sass
Advanced map-remove()
Float comparison
Opposite direction without Compass
Simple breakpoints manager
z-index handling in Sass projects
Map-fetch function
Caching values from mixins
Dot accessor for lists and maps
Managing vendor prefixes' aliases
Prefixer mixin
:matches() polyfill in Sass
Sass to CSV converter
An alert component in Sass
Sass + calc: a creative grid system
Programmatically finding one color from another one
Levenshtein distance between two strings in Sass
Google Font Sass mixin
Float: down with Sass
CSS counters + Sass
Sass mixin for scrollbar styling
Issues with Sass lists
Hyphens and underscores in Sass names
Leap-year in Sass
Prime number in Sass
@for loop in keyframes
Step wizard component
Nested Sass lists as property/value pairs
Differences between () and null
Gradient from loop

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