
API security toolkit

A curated list of security frameworks and tools for protecting GraphQL APIs

A curated list of awesome GraphQL Security frameworks, libraries, software and resources


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Awesome GraphQL Security / Defensive Security / Authentication & Authorization

GraphQL Shield 3,562 5 months ago GraphQL Shield helps you create a permission layer for your application
GraphQL Authz 184 8 months ago GraphQL authorization layer

Awesome GraphQL Security / Defensive Security / Continous Security Testing

Escape - GraphQL Security Continuous GraphQL Security Testing for Developers. Find and fix GraphQL security flaws in the CI/CD
GraphQL Cop 401 7 months ago Utility to run common security tests against GraphQL APIs that can be run inside CI/CD

Awesome GraphQL Security / Defensive Security / Middlewares

GraphQL Armor 503 4 months ago Highly customizable security middleware for Apollo GraphQL and Envelop servers

Awesome GraphQL Security / Defensive Security / Security Solutions

WAF for GraphQL Web Application Firewall for GraphQL APIs

Awesome GraphQL Security / Neutral Security / Clients and IDEs

Postman Postman is an API platform for developers to design, build, test and iterate their APIs
Insomnia Design and test GraphQL APIs with ease
Altair GraphQL Client helps you debug GraphQL queries and implementations. Also distributed as a Browser Extension
Hoppscotch 66,110 3 months ago Online REST and GraphQL client

Awesome GraphQL Security / Neutral Security / Self-Discovery

GraphMan 242 7 months ago Generate a complete Postman collection from a GraphQL endpoint. Allows instant and easy discovery and exploration of the API

Awesome GraphQL Security / Neutral Security / Visualizers

GraphQL Visualizer Visualize GraphQL schema
Voyager 7,815 5 months ago Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
GraphQL Inspector 1,665 4 months ago – Validate schema, get schema change notifications, validate operations, find breaking changes, look for similar types, schema coverage
GraphQL Rover 263 over 1 year ago GraphQL schema viewer for endpoints with introspection
CraftQL 109 almost 2 years ago CLI GraphQL schema viewer, view schema diagram on the terminal or generate graphviz .dot format file

Awesome GraphQL Security / Offensive Security / Discovery

Graphinder 204 almost 2 years ago Blazing fast GraphQL endpoints finder using subdomain enumeration, scripts analysis and bruteforce
Graphw00f 587 4 months ago GraphQL Server Engine Fingerprinting utility
Clairvoyance 1,080 6 months ago Patrial introspection fetcher when introspection is disabled
GraphQL Path Enum – Tool that lists the different ways of reaching a given type in a GraphQL schema
ShapeShifter 119 about 3 years ago Schema extraction to JSON file with introspection
Goctopus 102 over 1 year ago a GraphQL endpoint discovery and fingerprinting tool

Awesome GraphQL Security / Offensive Security / Exploitation

GraphCrawler 305 about 1 year ago A GraphQL automated security toolkit. Grab introspection, search for sensitive queries, and then test authorization
CrackQL 318 8 months ago GraphQL password brute-force and fuzzing utility
GraphQLMap 1,408 about 1 year ago A scripting engine to interact with a GraphQL endpoint for pentesting purposes
GraphQL.Security One-click quick security scan of your GraphQL endpoints. Free, no login required
GraphQL Threat Matrix 297 over 1 year ago GraphQL threat framework to research security gaps in GraphQL implementations
InQL 1,554 9 months ago A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing
BatchQL 371 over 2 years ago GraphQL security auditing script with a focus on performing batch GraphQL queries and mutations
GraphQL wordlist 336 over 1 year ago the only GraphQL wordlist for pentesting you'll ever need. Operations, field names, type names. It was collected on more than 60k distinct GraphQL schemas

Awesome GraphQL Security / Offensive Security / Vulnerable Applications

Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application 1,518 about 1 year ago Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is an intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology, to learn and practice GraphQL Security

Awesome GraphQL Security / Resources / Academy

API Security Academy Hands-on learning about GraphQL. Each lesson is built around a WebContainer containing a live GraphQL application, so you'll not only understand why a vulnerability is risky, but also how to exploit it and, most importantly, how to fix it

Awesome GraphQL Security / Resources / Blogs

Access Control Best Practices for GraphQL with Authentication and Authorization Confusion between authentication and authorization causes data leaks. Learn the difference and how to implement the right access control pattern in your GraphQL API
Apollo Blog Take your GraphQL skills to the next level with our free interactive GraphQL tutorials, videos, quizzes and code challenges
The GraphQL Security Blog Learn about GraphQL security, performance, testing and building production-ready APIs with the latest tools and best practices of the GraphQL ecosystem
GraphQL for Pentesters Introduction to Basic Concepts, Security Considerations & Reconnaissance, Vulnerabilities and Attacks, Offensive Tools
GraphQL security for decentralized applications (DApps): challenges and best practices Learn about GraphQL security, performance, testing and building production-ready APIs with the latest tools and best practices of the GraphQL ecosystem

Awesome GraphQL Security / Resources / Vulnerabilities

Aliasing Attacks Addressing the Security concerns of GraphQL Aliases
File Inclusion and Directory Traversal File Inclusion and Directory Traversal in GraphQL
GraphQL CSRF Understanding and Dealing with Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks (CSRF) in GraphQL
GraphQL Cyclic Queries and Depth Limiting The relational aspect of GraphQL can be a vulnerability exploited by running deep and cyclic queries causing your API to crawl under the load and crash
HTTPS and GraphQL How HTTPS can prevent Data Leaks
SQL Injection SQL Injections in GraphQL
Verbose Errors Suggestions When GraphQL Error Messages become a Security Issue
What are Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) in GraphQL, and how to fix them When GraphQL Error Messages become a Security Issue

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