
A curated list of blockchain security Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions


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last commit: over 3 years ago
Linked from 1 awesome list

Awesome Blocksec CTFs / Online and self-hosted CTFs

Damn Vulnerable DeFi
Capture the Ether
Security Innovation Blockchain CTF
HACON2020 CTF by RazzorSec
Damn Vulnerable Crypto Wallet
NCCGroup GOAT Casino 113 almost 6 years ago

Awesome Blocksec CTFs / Online and self-hosted CTFs / Authio Solidity CTF:

Part 1 - Function Types
Part 2 - Safe Execution
Part 3 - HoneyPot
Part 4 - Read the Fine Print
Part 5 - Mirror Madness

Awesome Blocksec CTFs / Online and self-hosted CTFs

Cryptohunt by p4d 114 over 2 years ago
Impossible by u/eththrowaway4

Awesome Blocksec CTFs / CTF Announcements and Writeups

Damn Vulnerable DeFi Solutions by cmichel
Write-ups and lessons learned from Damn Vulnerable #DeFi by Damian Rusinek
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Setup and Challenge #1 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #2 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #3 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #4 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #5 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #6 Walkthrough by iphelix
Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #7 Walkthrough by iphelix
Ethernaut Solutions by cmichel Challenges 0-21
Ethernaut Writeups by Macmod 15 over 6 years ago Challenges 0-9
Ethernaut Solutions by tsauvajon 9 over 6 years ago Challenges 1-11
Ethernaut Solutions by tinchoabbate
The Ethernaut CTF Writeup by Arseny Reutov Challenges 0-6
Ethernaut Lvl 1 Walkthrough: how to abuse the Fallback function by Nicole Zhu
Capture the Ether Solutions by cmichel
0xPOLAND — Adventure Awaits by iphelix
DeFi Detectives: Chef Nomi Investigation Notes by iphelix
DeFi Detectives: Discovering the Secrets of the DeFi Ecosystem
Congratulations Bitcoin Bounty Hunters! The World’s First Blockchain Investigation Contest.
CTF 2020: Capture the Fortress
Ledger Donjon CTF: Rationale and Winners!
Chain Heist and blockchain security at DEF CON 2019
Chain Heist CTF Writeup by iphelix
“Capture the Coin” at Defcon and you could win big
How the Coinbase Security team deployed CTFd to Power our First Capture the Flag contest at Defcon 27
Congratulations Capture the Coin participants!
Capture the Coin — Trivia Solutions
Capture the Coin — Blockchain Category Solutions
Capture the Coin — Cryptography Category Solutions
Consensys CTF Writeup by samczsun
EtherHack Contest Writeup
Solidity CTF - Part 1: "Function Types
Solidity CTF — Part 2: “Safe Execution” by Alexander Wade
Solidity CTF — Part 3: “HoneyPot” by Alexander Wade
Solidity CTF — Part 4: Read the Fine Print by Alex Towle
Solidity CTF - Part 5: Mirror Madness by Paul Vienhage

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